The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 110: Dragon and Rock Armor

Four hours later, Zhang Yue put away his shield, looked at the languid people, smiled bitterly, and said with a smile one by one.

"Are you okay, you said don't hold on, you still stood for four hours abruptly, I haven't integrated the ice force into the shield force." Zhang Yue said, seemingly unable to get out tomorrow. Just stay at home.

"It seems that I can only cultivate for one day tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow I will meet with the tauren." Chu Yunxuan said weakly. He didn't expect Zhang Yue's shield to be so powerful, it was OK at the beginning, and then slowly as his mind was consumed. , The back is getting more and more difficult to resist, and in the end he almost lost his mind.

"Yeah, but I think this exercise is very useful, at least it can increase mental resilience." Chu Ying said, touching her a little confused head, feeling that the moment she survived, she seemed to be welcoming a new life.

"In the future, you will have to come frequently for this kind of exercise. Brother Yue will have to work hard in the future." Lu Heng said, just now under the shield, thinking about the problems of cultivation, I felt that the things I didn't understand before were suddenly more under pressure. Many ideas.

"It's good if you are happy." Zhang Yue said helplessly. If the gravity that he said is not turned on, you guys will not work.

Everyone returned to the base to rest.

In the morning, the sound of the sword soul sounded again.

"The Rabbit Race brought a friend, the Dragon Race, to visit, and I invite the Tianjiao Zhang Yue of the Human Race to give us advice."

"Xiaoyue, you go, we are training." Chu Yunxuan's voice came from Zhang Yue's communicator, still feeling a little sluggish.

Zhang Yue appeared on the ground alone, and saw a three-meter-high dragon race beside Jianhun, holding a big sword in each hand.

After coming up, Zhang Yue saw Jianhun quietly blinking at him, making him blindfold.

"Zhang Yue, yesterday I told my friends of the Dragon Clan about my experience. I said you can stop his attack. He doesn't believe it. In addition to the top races on the battlefield, who else can withstand his sharp knife? I hope I can learn it."

Sword Soul still wanted Zhang Yue to make a gesture, beckoning him to agree quickly, it would be good.

"Why do I want you to learn from each other?" Zhang Yue said. He had planned for today to go to the rocky area to understand the situation of the rock armor. Zhang Yue was disturbed early in the morning.

"You promise, I'll finish the order, if you don't agree, I will kill your whole clan." A slightly low voice sounded, and the Dragon Race by the sword soul spoke.

A word instantly angered Zhang Yue, Zhang Yue stared at the Dragon Clan coldly and said, "What if I win."

"All my points belong to you, and I will apologize to you, but if you die, your whole clan will be annihilated." The dragon race also coldly said, the third-rate race still wants to stab, and a legendary level Is this genius amazing?

"Okay." Zhang Yue led the sword soul and dragon man to the open space not far from the base.

"Let's start!" Sword Soul began to be a referee.

The three-meter-high dragon race twitched two blood-red war knives, and the two war knives were floating with a strange breath, as if they could **** people's minds in.

"War knife, blood shadow, 1300 points exchange, have the potential of advanced semi-artifact."

Zhang Yue also showed the Titan Great Shield.

"Titan Great Shield, 150 points can be exchanged, I don't know whether it can be advanced semi-artifact."

"Good boy, don't know for a while, can your boy be arrogant."

Behind the dragon people appeared a phantom of the dragon people holding a double knife, this was the true **** of their clan.



It turned into a blood shadow and rushed towards Zhang Yue.

"Shield Power"


For this kind of enemy, Zhang Yue has given up his plan to control them with a shield wall because it is meaningless.

"Defender, go and die." The dragon race's eyes glowed with blood red, staring at Zhang Yue.

"I can't break my defense, what are you talking about." Zhang Yue held the shield to block, he didn't care, where to go directly to the defense, his body and the ground under his feet were completely connected.

The phantom of the huge shield behind Zhang Yue became more apparent.

As soon as the two sides touched, an extremely powerful wave of air erupted, and a blood-red figure quickly surrounded Zhang Yue in all directions and attacked incomparably violently.

The sound of countless gold hits echoed between the heaven and the earth.

"Damn, this dragon man is so powerful. Fortunately, he didn't have hard steel with him at the time, but Zhang Yue's defense was also hard enough." Jianhun said with a sigh as he looked at the two people in the center of the storm.

"Defender, you are very interesting and won my respect."

"Dragonman, you are also good."

A violent offense, a perfect defense all over, no one can do anything for a while.

"Defender, take these three moves below me."



‘De Ling’

The huge shield behind Zhang Yue has an extra layer of starlight all over his body, symbolizing the eternal soul.

"Damn, this Yue is against the sky, and the Starlight Guardian is directly loaded on the will. If this becomes a god, wouldn't everyone in the other tribe have starlight shelter? Why doesn't this kind of genius appear in my rabbit tribe." The soul looked at the giant shield behind Zhang Yue and said.

When Zhang Yue resisted the last move of the Dragon Clan to destroy the spirit, he was directly shot and flew out, hitting a huge boulder not far away, and directly knocked out a human-shaped figure.

Looking at the huge boulder that was crushed by his own, Zhang Yue suddenly understood the meaning of rock armor.

"Dragonman, thank you."

Zhang Yue directly activated the rock armor, and a three-meter-high rock giant appeared in front of the dragon man.

At this time, Zhang Yue felt that the extended rock armor was like his own flesh and blood repeatedly, and even the movement traces of muscle bursts were truly imitated.

"The rock armor is a bit interesting." The dragon race was a little short of breath at this time. Just now the last move consumed the energy of his large class, and his physical strength was not much consumed. The most important thing was that every time he hacked Zhang Yue's shield After going up, the same reaction force returned directly to his body, which was very uncomfortable. Now there was internal injury in his body.

"Come on, let's continue." Zhang Yue said. At this time, he was full of fighting spirit, and he finally met an opponent who could practice against him. He had to fight well.

"Defender, I'm here." At this time, the Dragon Race had put away the arrogance just now, and began to attach importance to the defender in front of him.

The gust of wind returned and Zhang Yue fell into the center of the storm again, but Zhang Yue felt very relaxed this time, as if his body became bigger and his strength also increased.

"Defender, last resort, you can even if I lose next."

"Come on!" Zhang Yue also said excitedly.

The dragon people directly used the most common force to smash Huashan.

"Into the Soul"

A figure directly broke into Zhang Yue's consciousness space.

In the consciousness space, Zhang Yue's energetic body looked at the dragon people who broke in and said: "You are not afraid of being destroyed by me. Your behavior is very dangerous."

"Defender, this is the will to war. You are destroyed. At most my soul is damaged. If I kill you here, you will really die." The Dragon Race said with a smile.

"Would you like to surrender, think about it, be a vassal of my dragon people, I can apply for my **** to open the highest-level reincarnation pool for you, then you will be the most expensive existence of my dragon people." The dragon people tempted Zhang Yue. At this point, a third-rate race may really be attached to the will of the universe and become the top genius.

At that time, their endings were often either pulled into the Taoist rebirth pool by the top races, or they were directly destroyed. Few can lead the race to rise.

"Haha, thanks, even if I die, it is a ghost of the human race. My shield is one to protect the human race, and the other is to protect the family. I betray the race. Forgive me for not being able to do it." Zhang Yue said slowly, and the dragon race finished this. When speaking, Zhang Yue's mood did not fluctuate at all.

"Okay, then I'll start attacking." The Dragon Clan smiled cruelly, holding a knife to Zhang Yue's spiritual body.

Zhang Yue looked at the spiritual body in front of him, and began to visualize the heavenly giant he encountered while holding a shield. A figure carrying an endless galaxy appeared in Zhang Yue's consciousness space and trampled to death the spirit of the dragon race He also lowered his head and glanced at Zhang Yue, and conveyed a message, which means, yes, there is progress.

Zhang Yue was a little frightened when he received this message. Is he conscious?

On the battlefield of the Ten Thousand Races, the five orifices of the Dragon Race were bleeding and their spirits withered, looking at Zhang Yue in horror.

"What is that and why such a terrifying existence appears in your consciousness space."

"I don't know either." Zhang Yue responded.

The dragon race remained silent, picked up a bottle of potion and drank it.

It took a long time before he slowly said: "I lost, my real name is Jie Hai Jiadi, you are qualified to be my best friend."

"My name is Zhang Yue, and I want to apologize to my human race and take back the disrespect of my race, we can become the best brothers." Zhang Yue said.

"I apologize for the disrespect in my language just now." The dragon people bowed deeply to Zhang Yue, expressing his apologies. Respecting the strong is the tradition of their dragon people.

"I accept your apology." Zhang Yue said with a smile, and then he withdrew from the rock armor and changed back to a normal human figure.

"Brother, give me the mall, and I will transfer the points to you, and our dragon people speak for themselves." The dragon people also met a future strong man who came to the Wanzu The biggest gain in the battlefield, returning to the clan, just by relying on the video of the battle, you can win the approval of the elders.

Looking at the 4000 points received in my account, I was shocked. I rely on it too much.

"Brother Zhang Yue, this point is wrong. This is my clan who hunted a necromancer and got the points. Please accept it with peace of mind." After Jiehai Gatti said, he took out a dragon-shaped crystal and handed it to Zhang. Yue.

"This is a token of my clan, it symbolizes the friendship of my clan, and the top genius of the dragon people can only send one."

"In the future, whether in the battlefield of ten thousand races or in the world of the heavens, as long as you encounter the dragon people by showing the token, you can receive the preferential treatment of our race." Jiehai Gati said sincerely.

"I don't have any tokens for you, I can only give it to this." Zhang Yue directly condensed the stars in his body into a small shield, which looked like a jade stone, and Zhang Yue handed it to Jiehai Gatti.

"This is enough." Jiehai Gatti grandly took out a jade box, put the small starlight shield in it and put it away.

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