The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 137: Yue Xiaomeng

Zhang Yue looked at the two semi-artifacts in the storage space, and thought about giving up the idea of ​​using them to exchange points for Afu Braun. The staff can be given to the younger sister, and the giant sword can be given to the father. Zhixin gave Ji Xiayun, otherwise Zhao Yunshu could be given, and he could only choose another gift for him.

Suddenly it occurred to the Shenhuan clan that there are other people. Zhang Yue silently opened the map, marked the place where he encountered the Shenhuan clan yesterday, and waited for the base to stabilize before coming over.

At this time, the transaction had all been completed, and after Afu Braun said goodbye to everyone, he drove the flying alien beast to the core area.

"Brother Yue, do you think we will make a lot of money if we rob him?" Lu Heng looked at the figure of the flying alien and said, he wanted everything on the list of items.

"People hide in the cracks in the space, and you have nothing to do. Then you just wait for their parents to come and ask you. Youshang people are very short-handed. The parents can't, the patriarch, the patriarch can't, the true **** of the clan, in short, This family is definitely not the same." Zhang Yue said.

That book recorded an incident of the Wandering Merchants. At first, a first-class race killed the elders of the Wandering Merchants for a magical weapon. Later, the top races of the entire world of the heavens received a reward from the Wandering Merchants. A semi-artifact that kills a demigod. Killing the true **** got the artifact, and killing the master **** got the artifact. It didn't take long for this clan to hide in an innocent race, and was finally annihilated by the former enemy.

"Well, it's shorter than your master." Lu Heng said, this style seems to mean Master Zhang Yue.

As the team continued on the road, Zhang Yue suddenly had an idea and began to practice his control of the earth's energy.

Outside the motorcade, the giant earth element condensed by two rows of shield walls ran beside the motorcade following Zhang Yue's motorcade.

In the evening, the convoy rested and Lin Dong began to check the vehicles.

"Xiaodong, why don't you keep going at night?" Zhang Yue said to Lin Dong who had checked the vehicle.

"At night, the target is too big, mainly the wave detector, which needs maintenance at night. It is said that data cleaning and maintenance are carried out. It is cheap and not good." Lin Dong said with a headache. He also wanted to reach the destination quickly, but there was no detection instrument. too dangerous.

"Isn't there a soul detector?"

"That can only be installed on the base. Our car can't fit."


After dinner.

Xu Lingxuan took the initiative to portray a cluster of stars.


A small starlight shield turned into a beautiful line and fell into Xu Lingxuan's little hand.

Zhang Yue began to contact with the shield and began to absorb the energy of the condensed starlight.

In the desert at night, a starlight beam connects the sky and the earth. Thousands of kilometers away in the sky, a top-level flying car seems to have found its way and rushed towards Zhang Yue's direction.

At this time Zhang Yue was practicing shielding, and everyone else was doing their homework.

An Elf Speeding car slowly landed next to Zhang Yue, and everyone in the room put down everything in their hands.

"The people in the car are not malicious, everyone can rest assured." Zhang Yue said, as early as the Elf Speeding car entered Zhang Yue's perception range, he had already noticed it, and the kindness that came directly from the speeding car made Zhang Yue not attack.

Elf Speed, the car door opened, and down came a very cute little girl with a petite figure and starry eyes.

"Hello everyone, I'm Yue Xiaomeng from the Moon Elf clan. Come over today to make friends with this big brother."

Yue Xiaomeng said, ran to Zhang Yue's side, first turned around Zhang Yue's outfit, then looked up at the starlight above Zhang Yue's head.

"Big brother, although you don't look good, the purity of this starlight is at the top of our moonlight elves."

Yue Xiaomeng stared at this starlight pillar with bright eyes.

"If this elder brother is strong in the future, he might be able to condense the starlight core and dominate the starry sky in a region."

Zhang Yue stopped absorbing the starlight energy and did not practice holding a shield. He stood up and said to Yue Xiaomeng seriously: "Little sister, you just said that I don't look good, are you serious?"

"Big brother, you won't be able to marry a wife in our elves." Yue Xiaomeng said formally.

"Okay, Yue Xiaomeng, why are you here to make friends with me?" Zhang Yue said, a little confused, why suddenly a foreign race made friends with him.

"This is the task given to me by Lord Mother Goddess, to make a foreign friend, and the elder brother is the friend of my choice, elder brother, what is your name, I don't know your name yet." Yue Xiaomeng said.

"Human, shield bearer, Zhang Yue." Zhang Yue looked at Yue Xiaomeng, and suddenly remembered his sister Zhang Luoluo, who was also such a strange spirit.

"Big Brother Zhang Yue, this is for you. It symbolizes the friendship of my moon elves."

Yue Xiaomeng handed Zhang Yue a moon stone.

Zhang Yue thought to himself whether this was the third or the fourth. How could each race be so easy to send this thing, so it cost points for identification.

This time Zhang Yue directly condensed one month's starlight energy, turned it into a starlight shield, and handed it to Yue Xiaomeng.

"This symbolizes my Zhang Yue's friendship." Zhang Yue said embarrassedly, feeling out of grade. The tokens they gave were all representing the friendship of a family.

"Wow, Brother Zhang Yue, can the starlight be condensed to this point at this time? I didn't expect that there will be surprises this time." Yue Xiaomeng took the Starlight Small Shield and regarded it as a treasure. Inside the box.

Zhang Yue looked at the jade box and thought to himself that he has to be compared again this time.

At this time, after seeing the cause and effect, everyone returned to their car. Only Chu Yunxuanuo looked at Yue Xiaomeng thoughtfully, thinking that he had not yet entered the battlefield of ten thousand ~ Just received the messenger of the moon elves, as if to persuade the human race to be their guardian race, and promised to help the human race advance to the second-rate top race.

The conditions are very good, and there are no mandatory treaties, but in the end it was rejected by the high level of the human race, just because it would be completely suppressed by the Moon Elf race and lost the opportunity to advance to the first-class race.

The messenger of the moon elves finally asked the human race seniors why they refused such generous terms. These were opportunities that other alien races couldn't ask for.

The high-level Human Race's answer was only one sentence. Once our Human Race knelt down, we might never stand up.

The messenger of the moon elves sighed and returned to his clan directly as a mainland teleportation array.

At this time, 1,000 kilometers away from the convoy, three small dark snake-human spacecraft were moving fast in the direction of the convoy.

"Human, in order to find you, I have spent more than a thousand points, then I will let you enjoy the special hospitality of my dark snake people." said a dark snake head.

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