The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 156: Battle against the Blue Wind

The next day, the invisible Shenying cruised at 70 times the speed of sound in the sky. Zhang Yue and Lin Dong were in the main control room to detect the situation on the ground below.

"Xiaodong, how about it, can we build this kind of spaceship?" Zhang Yue said while looking at Lin Dong who was studying the spaceship.

"It's almost something, two-dimensional storage technology and energy engine technology are still close. The natural gap between technology is about 2,000 years. This is still a smooth breakthrough in the technical bottleneck." Lin Dong raised his head and said, all the technologies used in the spacecraft are in his eyes. They are all the most advanced.

"In 2000 years, is there such a big gap? In the original world, our spacecraft can already reach the speed of light." Zhang Yue asked strangely.

"It's different in the world of the heavens. Even if a spacecraft with a speed of hundreds of times the speed of light was developed in the original universe, the same principle can't break the speed of light, and the rules are different."

"How can you break the speed of light in the world of heaven?"

"According to my master, the speed of light is a barrier. Only gods or spaceships with divine nature can break through the speed of light. It seems that they have to be more powerful true gods." Lin Dong thought for a while and said, this is his master. Investigate the reasons for the failure of the subluminal spacecraft.

"So, in this place, science does not occupy the first sequence." Zhang Yue said, occupying the first place in the laws of the world.

Four hours later.

"Strange, did you run out of luck yesterday? I can't meet any of them now." Zhang Yue said strangely. He had already flown almost 300,000 kilometers in the outer area, and he had not encountered a foreign race.

"The battlefield of ten thousand races is too big. I don't know how many tens of thousands of kilometers. It's normal to find people." Lin Dong next to him received it. However, the radius of the spacecraft's exploration is more than 1,000 kilometers. Now there is no alien race. The probability is a bit .

"We can't go back empty, so why don't we get something to go back, otherwise, we won't even be able to earn the points exchanged for the energy heart of the spacecraft."

"Or let's take a look at the remaining bases that were not found yesterday." Lin Dong thought for a while and said that he has to make money back in any way.

"Good idea!" Zhang Yue clapped his hands and said, the headquarters did not dare to be strong.

"The Condor, continue to follow the mark on the map yesterday and start sailing."

"Yes" the electronic voice replied.

In the first one, Zhang Yue looked at the shivering foreign race and sighed. It was pitiful enough, only 500 points.

In the second house, Zhang Yue and others invaded the base, and they received fierce resistance. Zhang Yue felt that he had caught a big fish in an instant. As a result, he was beaten by Lu Heng alone.

"800 points, you don't get it if you just hand it in. We said it at the beginning, and leave after the points are handed in. It won't hurt the appointment." Lu Heng said, pointing to the alien who he stunned.

The third is an abandoned base, but the living system is still operating normally.

The fourth one directly activated the bomb and exploded the base.

"Xiaodong, didn't you control the management of this base? How could it be exploded like this."

"They use their own storage space to hold bombs, and I can't help it."

Until the evening, a total of 2,600 points were obtained, which is a combination of the points of 6 different races.

Terran base.

"I feel like I have become a ruthless robber, who specializes in bullying the weak and snatching their only points." Lu Heng said, feeling that this is a bit contrary to the beliefs of his fighters.

"Then you don't have to go tomorrow." Zhang Yue said after hearing Lu Heng raised his eyebrows.

"I'll go tomorrow! I'll go tomorrow! Brother Yue, I'm wrong." Lu Heng said hurriedly. Conscience is important.

"Pretentious." Zhang Yue said as he looked at Lu Heng disdainfully.

On the third day, in the morning, the Condor was in.

"Brother Yue, I feel a little bit coming, and I will definitely meet Big Fish today." Lin Dong said confidently.


"Brother Yue, wait, good things always appear at the end." Lin Dong said.

At night, in the Terran base.

"Brother Yue, is it that my feeling is wrong." Lin Dong looked at Zhang Yue with a frown, and said cautiously.

"Don't blame you, it may be that our line is wrong." Zhang Yue said depressed.

At this time, Chu Yunxuan came over and said, "I have found you a good opponent, the third-rate high-level race, the Blue Wind tribe. Except for the skin color, it is a replica of our human race. They are good at occupations: Assassin, Royal Wind Warrior, Royal Wind Master, Royal Wind Archer."

"Specializing in the wind element, it's interesting, there is no battle plan." Zhang Yue said, he still likes the duel in the race arena, at least the points are stable.

"Every day you are the protagonist. There is only one archer on the opposite side of the legendary powerhouse. Of course, at most two are emerging, and they can handle it." Chu Yunxuan said, this blue wind clan is actively looking for himself , Said he wanted to play a game for Terran.

"Well, every day I make the archer on the opposite side doubt life." Zhang Yue said, he is very good at blocking arrows.

"Xiaoyue, I'll still take a shot tomorrow, don't be too aggressive."

"Understand, my acting skills mean that my debut is the pinnacle." Zhang Yue laughed and boasted. Zhang Yue was a little excited and could act again.

"Take a rest early, I have notified the other players."


Zhang Yue returned to his room after completing his daily training.

In the morning, game city, race arena.

The Blue Wind clan started the final equipment inspection in the battle preparation area.

"Chief, this time playing against the human race, will Lan Hu and Lan Li really deal with the legendary powerhouse? Is it a bit dangerous?" said a blue wind clan fighter.

"Ten minutes, I need to kill the opposing defender first. The most threatening on the entire battlefield is this defender, followed by the legendary powerhouse." The leader of the Blue Wind tribe said, spending points to watch the entire battle, if not Killing this defender, his legendary-level Yufeng Archer's combat power simply cannot be used.

In that battle, although the focus was on the competition between the Tianluo tribe and the legendary human race, the most threatening was the defender. With his terrifying ability to control the field, the entire human race had zero casualties at the end of the battle. Very scary, so the first person to be killed is the human defender.

The human race preparation area opposite the Blue Wind race.

"The legendary-level powerhouse opposite this time is an archer. Please ask him for the truth." Xu Pokong said expectantly. He had no hope of being promoted to a legendary archer. He didn't expect to meet him here. .

"Brother Chu, please order, this time you should do it lightly. If you can pick up a good destiny, you still have a chance to ask." Zhang Yue said next to him. He was also curious about the combat power of this Chuangqi-level archer.

"The feeling is good."

Betting, the odds are 1 to 6, Chu Yunxuan's 15,000 points are overwhelming.

Ten minutes later, the battle began.

The leader of the Blue Wind tribe directly took out ten crystal arrows and fired a volley at the ten arrows, and then the ten arrow feathers disappeared into the sky.

"Yufeng is invisible"

Then the leader of the Blue Wind clan stared at the opposite human clan, hoping to achieve the goal in one go.

"Everyone is hiding behind us!" Great God Zhang Yue said, he felt an invisible threat in the sky approaching.

Zhang Yue directly turned the huge shield to its maximum, like a city wall, holding everyone firmly behind him.

'boom! ! With a loud noise, Zhang Yue retreated more than ten steps. With the help of his teammates, he was able to stabilize. In a short time, Zhang Yue's face was pale, and the corners of his mouth were bleeding. The huge shield like a city wall was also directly crushed by the huge force.

Watching Zhang Yue's performance, Chu Yunxuan on the stage clapped his hands and applauded. With this acting, a actor can't escape.

At this moment, Zhang Yue sighed in his heart for the legendary bow and arrow. The arrow shot had great advantages, but it was still within the tolerance range.

The leader of the Blue Wind tribe looked at the weak Zhang Yue with some doubts, but then didn't think much about it, and commanded the warriors in the tribe to rush towards the human tribe.

Zhang Yue watched the opposite Blue Wind Clan launch a charge. Zhang Yue pretended to drink a bottle of healing potion, which was actually water. He held a shield and said to the comrades behind him: "Brothers, the awl formation, only take the opposite Yufeng bow and arrow. Hand, charge with me!"

Zhang Yue took the lead and rushed towards the opposite Lanfeng Clan with his shield, followed by a human melee professional.

Xu Lingxuan from the rear said to the five arcanists, preparing to combine arcane and tsunami, I will take the lead.

"it is good!"

The arcane magic circle was completed in an instant, and a sea breeze hung across the arena.

"Union: Tsunami Surgery"

I saw Zhang Yue charging in front of Zhang Yue, followed by a tsunami, all the arrows shot by the opposite Yufeng archer were swept into the tsunami.

‘Wind wall’

‘Great Tornado’

\'Wind Cannon\'

The wind wall blocked the tsunami, and Tornado points turned away from the tsunami with an unrivaled advantage, and attacked Zhang Yue.

"Wood Elf: Towering Giant Tree"

At this time, a small tree sapling quickly broke out of the earth, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into a towering tree, blocking the tornado.

‘Gaze Blade Art’

After the tornado was over, another giant wind blade struck Zhang Yue.

Zhang Yue increased his power to transform the giant shield, and said to the people behind: "Lu Heng, Chu Feng!"


The two appeared on both sides directly from behind Zhang Yue.

Attacked the huge wind blade that hit.

"Thunder: Lightning flashes"

"God and Ghost One Slash"

The giant wind blade was dissipated under the resistance of Zhang Yue’s huge shield and Lv Heng and Chu Armor Piercing’

‘Heavy Arrows Link’

Eight shadow war arrows with the potential of breaking gold shot at the blue wind fighters who came back, Xu Pokong left one hand, not shooting at a deadly position, just letting them put away the fighting power.

"You can't just bully our big brother." Xu Pokong said.

Just as the 8 Shadow War Arrows were about to shoot at the Blue Wind Warrior, they were accidentally intercepted by the Blue Wind Royal Wind Archer.

"It's amazing, it can be intercepted. It seems that this time is going to be a sly." Xu Pokong said helplessly. In the archer career, if his arrow is intercepted, it proves that the opponent's archery skills are higher than his own.

"Don't be discouraged, at least you can still contain the archer on the opposite side." Xu Wenyou said silently beside him.

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