The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 162: Sword of Killing God

Zhang Yue's elemental earth body resisted the attack from Zhanshan just like resisting ordinary attacks.

At this time, Zhanshan's bear paw patted Zhang Yue's giant iron shield with a solemn expression, not knowing what he was thinking.

"I said, our game time will be very long, let's play slowly." Zhang Yue said with a smile, you do the first year of the first year, I do the fifteenth, let's see who can make it last.

Zhang Yue and Zhanshan collided, and the two separated.

"It's a bit interesting, you can be called my opponent now." Zhan Shan said excitedly, originally a little disappointed with Zhang Yue, I didn't expect to have a surprise at the last moment.

The energy of battle energy in Zhanshan's body instantly rose to more than 10 meters.

"This is my first official use of magic skills after I was promoted to the **** level. You must feel honored."

All of a sudden, the energy of battle energy in Zhanshan's body turned golden, almost blinding Zhang Yue's eyes.

‘Beast God’s Body’

A giant bear made up of golden-yellow fighting spirit appeared in front of Zhang Yue, and an unparalleled aura radiated from the giant bear.

"Accept my trial." A voice like a **** came out.

"Do you think you are really a god?" Zhang Yue said disdainfully, I was made of earth elements, and your fighting spirit was made up of the same nature, so noble and noble.

The golden giant bear rushed towards Zhang Yue. The moment he approached Zhang Yue, his expression changed, and he found that his connection with the earth had been severed.

'boom! Zhang Yue was caught by the Hand of the Earth again, and his energy was consumed a lot, but he recovered to fullness in an instant, but the connection between him and the earth was severed at that instant, which made him a little frightened. , If you run out of energy in that situation, you won’t be over.

"I can't completely cut off your connection with the earth when I just entered the promotion to the **** level, otherwise you won't jump in front of my eyes." Zhan Shan said while looking at Zhang Yue. ,

"Haha, if I hadn't been promoted to the **** level and couldn't control you, or you would have entered my guillotine early." Zhang Yue countered, would you say something.

At this time, a giant hand of the earth summoned by Zhang Yue patted the body of the beast **** in Zhanshan. Since Zhang Yue has now entered elementalization and is connected to the earth, his energy output upper limit is not worth money. It was several times longer, and even the hand of the earth that was replaced with the stand was much stronger than before.

'boom! The Hand of the Earth was not smashed by Zhanshan, but smashed to one side.

"Fake stone human race, you are making rapid progress, fight hard, and try not to be killed by me so quickly." Zhanshan looked at Zhang Yue and said. Now Zhang Yue can only be said to be a good man and an excellent target for practice. .

"Stop talking nonsense, let's get started."

"Anti-Gravity: Floating Star"

A spherical high-quality meteorite in the sky is slowly condensing, and its mass and volume are increasing rapidly.

‘Oh! ! 'With a roar of the bear, Zhanshan rushed towards Zhang Yue, adopted the most primitive fighting method of giant bear predation, and began to fight with Zhang Yue. It should be that the gap between him and the earth could be cut off. Contact, completely wiped out Zhang Yue.

Countless shield walls and hands of the earth began to attack Zhanshan again, trying to keep his distance from Zhanshan.

At this time, the quality of Zhang Yue's shield wall and Hand of Earth both had a huge improvement, which also hindered Zhanshan to a certain extent and slowed the pace of attacking Zhang Yue.

At this time, a giant war spear slammed into Zhanshan that was fighting the Hand of the Earth, forcing the God of War to retreat slightly.

Seeing the small half-step on the station being forced to retreat, Zhang Yue was overjoyed and ordered the earth elemental giant to continue not to stop.

Now Zhang Yue can only delay time. This kind of powerhouse can't be killed without special means. He just asks the group of little rabbits to quickly solve the group of little bears, and work together to deal with this big trouble.

"Tear the sky and a claw"

A cold light flashed and directly hit Zhang Yue’s divine iron giant shield. There were a few more claw marks on the shield. Zhanshan began to fight Zhang Yue again, but Zhang Yue was no longer afraid of Zhanshan’s energy isolation. , Without energy, only used to resist the attack of Zhanshan, energy can be used for a long time.

As long as Zhang Yue catches the opportunity to contact the earth, the energy will only be restored in an instant.

"You······································································································· There is a group of rabbits to deal with behind the value of, they must have something threatening to them in their hands, they have to guard against.

"I said that our game will go on for a long time, and don't try to attack the bunny people, otherwise you will bury all of your people." Zhang Yue threatened.

At this time, Zhanshan stopped attacking and said to Zhang: "I know, my people can't beat these rabbits. I know everything they think."

"It's nothing more than holding a secret weapon against me, but it also depends on who they use it."

As Zhan Tian said, his hand suddenly penetrated into the void, pinched a rabbit race's neck and pulled back from the void, he snatched the black short sword in the rabbit race's hand.

"Interesting, the sword of killing the gods, is this still your method? It's really a **** tool. The artifact is a good thing, but it also depends on who is using it and who is the enemy."

Zhan Shan directly squeezed Thorn Ye's neck and threw it aside like garbage.

Zhang Yue's expression remained unchanged, and he directly attacked Zhanshan with the giant war spear and the hand of the earth, and took the opportunity to drag the dying thorny night into the earth, and secretly operated it, feeding him a bottle of life. The water held him in his mouth.

"They are all What's the use of saving?" Zhan Shan said, and increased his strength to smash several giant earth hands.

At this moment, Zhanshan had completely lost the heart to attack Zhang Yue. He couldn't kill him or get rid of him. The most important thing was that he could not kill the Bunny Clan under their noses.

Zhang Yue looked at the helpless expression on the stand. He thought of the little bear who attacked his convoy a year ago. At that time he went out of the city and practiced with him for a while. In the end, he ignored him. .

At this time, the battlefield outside of Zhang Yue and Zhanshan was divided, and the Rabbit Clan had lost 3 teammates and wiped out all the Torn Sky Bear Clan except Zhanshan.

"Zhanshan, your teammates are all dead, it's up to you below." Zhang Yue looked at Zhanshan with only one person left and said, Fayan, Jianhun and others had already come to Zhang Yue.

"If you die, you will die. That is the glory of the soldiers. If they can die on the battlefield, their Xiongsheng can also draw a complete end." Zhanshan's voice was very flat, as if it were a rare and common thing. .

"As for whether I am going to die, you look at yourself too highly, and the difference in strength is too big. It cannot be solved by quantity."

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