The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 179: Great favor

After the meeting, everyone except Zhang Yue planned to return to the world of heavens in advance.

"Xiaoyue, have you really decided?" Chu Yunxuan said. Before the meeting, he had chatted with Zhang Yue. At that time, he said he wanted to visit the core area of ​​the Ten Thousand Race Battlefield.

"It's decided, you are gone, I can safely go to the core area, besides, I haven't gone to the Divine Calling Clan." Zhang Yue said, one thing Zhang Yue didn't say, he felt that the Zerg cleaned up, he was not afraid. With the power of earth protection, he is not afraid of a strong person above the intermediate level of the gods.

"Brother Yue, how am I with you." Lin Dong's eyes lit up next to him, and there was not much to do after going back, so I might as well follow Zhang Yue to see it.

"Xiaodong, don't make trouble, you will only drag him down following Xiaoyue." Chu Yunxuan said to Lin Dong.

Zhang Yue thought for a while for Lin understands the suggestion, and said, "Brother Chu, let Xiaodong follow me. Now as long as I don’t provoke the top powerhouses on the battlefield of ten thousand races, I can’t die. There is no problem with Dong, and it is also very good to hit me."

"Even if the Ten Thousand Races battlefield is really locked in advance, I can safely take Xiaodong and stick to the deadline."

"Are you sure." Chu Yunxuan's eyes lit up. If this were the case, wouldn't it be possible to save a lot of handling fees.

"God-level powerhouses can be consumed by me, let alone the rest, believe in my strength."

Zhang Yue told Chu Yunxuan about the battle with Zhanshan.

"Okay, I agree that you take Xiaodong, but you'd better return before the Zerg cleanup."

"it is good."

After Zhang Yue agreed, he turned his head to look at Lin Dong and asked seriously: "Xiao Dong, you can think about it, and then, you will still be at risk at all times."

"I know, Brother Yue, if you really encounter a danger that you can't resist, you just abandon me, I have a means of escape." Lin Dong said confidently, what he learned most from his master is the means of life-saving .

Zhang Yue thought of the scene when Lin Dong suddenly appeared next to him when the Shenying spacecraft was shot to pieces.

"That's fine, you can chat with someone by your side," Zhang Yue said.

"By the way, this semi-sacred weapon bow is returned to you. Xu Pokong is no longer there. The semi-sacred weapon you gave him should also be taken back." Chu Yunxuan took out a long box from the storage space and handed it to Zhang Yue.

Zhang Yue silently put away the box and said, "I will find another good owner for it."

After talking with Chu Yunxuan, Zhang Yue and Chu Yunxuan came to Lu Heng's medical room. They just woke up yesterday, and they are still unable to leave the medical cabin.

In the medical room, Lu Heng's whole body was soaked in the blue liquid, leaving only one head outside.

"Brother Yue, you said I was a waste. If I could withstand Zhanshan a little bit, you would have time to send them all to a safe place."

"Ah, I don't even have the qualifications to stop him." Lu Heng said frustratedly, his teammate died at once, and he has an unshirkable responsibility.

"If you do, how do you say it, I was the cause of the mistake. If I hadn't agreed to the request of Soul Sword, I wouldn't have reached this point." Zhang Yue said, this is what he feels guilty about.

Just as Lu Heng wanted to explain, he was interrupted by Zhang Yue.

"The matter has already happened, so don't think too much about it. Look forward. There is no right or wrong thing. You are now going back to the world of heavens to heal your injuries."


That day, Zhang Yue talked with all his teammates, including Chu Feng, Lu Heng, Xu Wenyou, Chu Ying, Ning Xiu, Suoren Mina and others.

That night, Zhang Yue couldn't sleep. He just condensed a deck chair outside the base and lay on it, staring at the starry sky blankly, without knowing what it was.

On the second day, the Terrans and the Austrians gathered in the base hall, sitting for the final preparations.

"The mall will tell you how much it costs to bring the exchange back to the world of heaven."

"The most basic return points have been sent to you, and you need to pay for the remaining handling fee. If it is not enough, you can only throw it away."

After Chu Yunxuan finished all his instructions, he walked towards Zhang Yue and Lin Dong.

"Xiaoyue, if you really want to wait until nature returns, remember to protect yourself. I don't need to say more about how important you are. You understand, remember, you must come back."

"Don't worry, I still cherish my life. I have parents waiting for me to go back, girlfriends waiting for me to coax, and a lot of energy points waiting for me to spend."

After hearing Zhang Yue's words, Chu Yunxuan laughed, feeling overwhelmed.

At this time everyone began to return, and a small teleportation formation appeared under everyone's feet. As long as they stood still in place for an hour, they could return to the world of heavens.

"Goodbye, Brother Yue, goodbye to our world." Lu Heng was wearing a medical mech at this time, a little weak.

"Brother Yue, I will give you another opportunity to portray the star gathering array in the future." Xu Lingxuan said. Because of the protection of Zhang Yue's small shield, now Xu Lingxuan is treated, but his soul is weak.

"Sir, I am waiting for your return in the world of heaven."

"Brother Yue, you must pay attention to safety."

With a farewell, an hour later, all teammates returned to the world of heavens.

Terran, the world of the heavens, the city of the sky.

At this time, the teleportation array below the race altar suddenly lit up, and Chu Yunxuan and others returned to the world of heavens.

As soon as their front feet came back, the teleportation arrays in the rear human race areas lit up.

The only important thing for the human race now is to bring back the team that entered the world of heavens.

Lv Kun, Wei Duntian, Yang Tianyi and other human demigods all sent Lv Kun saw that everyone was a little sluggish, and asked anxiously: "You are injured, have you sacrificed? Why did you come back before the time was up."

At this time, Wei Duntian searched quickly and found that Zhang Yue was not found. He immediately asked a little anxiously: "Zhang Yue, why didn’t Zhang Yue come back? The last time Xu Wenyou came back was not saying that I was a disciple. Legendary level, strength greatly increased."

Chu Yunxuan first said to Wei Duntian: "Don't worry, your disciple and grandson are safe. His situation is a bit special. I'll tell you later."

After hearing Chu Yunxuan’s words, Wei Dun genius was relieved. Since knowing that Zhang Yue was promoted to the legendary level, he was always worried about Zhang Yue’s safety, afraid that Zhang Yue’s talent would die on the battlefield of ten thousand races. There is a feeling of suffering.

At this time, Lu Heng greeted Lu Kun’s worried gaze and said, "Grandpa, I’m fine. I’ll be fine after a period of training, but there is bad news. I owe Brother Yue an adult in the battlefield of ten thousand races. We can’t change it after selling our Lu’s family."

"Haha, it's okay. We want to take out all the money and give it to Zhang Yue. We don't know how to pay it back. We will pay it back for generations.

After Lu Kun was sure that his grandson was okay, he said to Chu Yunxuan: "Go to heal first, take care of it, the task is not urgent."

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