The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 19: Zhou Jie's ambitions

   After Zhang Yue woke up, it was night, and the twinkling stars in the sky reminded Zhang Yue that you were standing from day to night. I checked the time, it was half past eight, and I stood in the shield pose for four hours.

   Zhang Yue didn't want to go down the mountain, so he directly used the city service to call a helicopter and let them come to the top of Jufeng to pick him up. In less than 5 minutes, the helicopter arrived on the apron parked on the top of the mountain, and then took Zhang Yue to his home.

   This flight cost Zhang Yue 4000 energy points. After Zhang Yue opened the door, he found that the whole family was waiting for him to eat.

   Zhang Yue said embarrassedly: "I went hiking in the afternoon and I was accidentally delayed."

   "It's okay, come over for dinner." Zhang Shaohui was very happy seeing his son come back, got up and went to the restaurant, and began to greet the family for dinner.

Zhang Shaohui looked at his son, whose body and temperament became more and more sturdy, and said with satisfaction: "You have suffered a lot in the wild. I want to stay in the wild for more than 3 months when my mother and I were the most. He killed a group of people. Alien, made a lot of money."

   "Then your dad lost the gambling." Li Lengzhen said next to her. She never forgot about her husband's gambling. Although she had quit, she was still worried and reminded.

   Zhang Yue glanced at his dad, but didn't answer the conversation. He buried his head and started eating, wanting to skip the topic.

   But things just don't follow people's wishes, Zhang Luoluo interjected at this time.

"Obviously, how could such a perfect dad gamble? In order to make money to marry his mother. With all due respect, even if my dad won the bet at the beginning, he was still far from grandma's request. At that time, smart dad was not Maybe you don't know." In Zhang Luoluo's mind, both his father and Zhang Yue are the most perfect representatives, especially the love of her parents, which is simply a plot that can only be found in romance novels.

  In an instant, Zhang Luoluo's words seemed to wake up Li Lengzhen. Gambling was the only black spot for her husband so far. But according to the situation at the time, when both of them were trying to make money for the future, it was unreasonable for her husband to gamble.

   Li Lengzhen suddenly looked at Zhao Shaohui and found that there was a dodge in his eyes, she knew it was not that simple.

"Come mom, eat some vegetables. Have you eaten all the meat of the big horned beef I brought back some time ago? This time I brought blood-toothed wild boar meat. This is the meat of a second-order alien animal. It is particularly nourishing. Eat every day, make sure you are young and beautiful." Zhang Yue hurried out to round the field, secretly scolding Zhang Luoluo for being a windy little padded jacket.

"Really, is this second-order wild boar effect so good, but the meat of the second-order mountain spirit sheep I ate was really delicious, but now I can't forget it. But the mountain spirit sheep is not easy to kill. "

   Sure enough, Li Lengzhen was distracted by his son's words, but the suspicion in his eyes did not change.

   "Mom, don't you tell me earlier, next time I go to the world of heavens, I will kill a few for you." Zhang Yue quickly responded, thinking that next time I go to the world of heavens to get more than 1,000 catties of mountain spirit mutton.

  At the dinner table, only Zhang Yue and his mother were chatting. Zhang Shaohui was absent, thinking about how to deal with his wife after returning to the house. Zhang Luoluo seemed to know that he had made a mistake, and kept his head down.

   After dinner, they all went back to their house. Zhang Yue went to his small garden and began to see the night sky. I thought to myself, is the real world and the world of the heavens a night sky?

   The faint starlight in the sky condensed into a single strand, and followed Zhang Yue's thinking slowly into Zhang Yue's body, cleaning up impurities in the body and tempering the will. It may be that Zhang Yue's mind has just been washed away, and now he feels the power of the starry sky very clearly.

   Zhang Yue stretched out his hand to condense the starlight, and slowly condensed a cluster of starlight in his hand, just like a small Milky Way. Zhang Yue thought of the skills that the master showed him today. The starlight in his hand slowly turned into a small shield, slowly expanding, until it was the size of a black gold shield, but there was not much starlight, scattered among the shields condensed by starlight, looming.

   Zhang Yue looked at the shield condensed in his hand with excitement, and tried it by himself, but he didn't expect it to be. I don't know how powerful it is, whether it can have the strength of a black gold shield. So Zhang Yue changed the starlight in his hand into various shapes, war swords, giant swords, spears, and war spears, just like a child who just got a toy.

   Zhang Yue played until late at night before returning to the house. Without sleeping, he directly practiced the basic cosmic energy extraction technique.

   Early in the morning, after Zhang Yue finished his breakfast, he invited his good friend Zhou Jie who had not seen him for a long time to go hiking with him. During the call, Zhang Yue felt Zhou Jie's voice was a little low.

   Zhang Yue and Zhou Jie gathered at the foot of the mountain. They haven't seen each other for a long time, and they are still a little strange to each other.

   "Zhang Yue, should you start hunting exotic animals in the world of heavens now?" Zhou Jie asked curiously.

   Zhang Yue took out one hundred catties of Tier 2 bloodtooth wild boar meat from the storage space and handed it to Zhou Jie.

   "This is to say, as a gift for you. Don't eat too much at one time, it is easy to get a nosebleed."

   Zhou Jie put away the meat and said thank you.

   "What happened recently? Look at you so low. Xiaoqian abandoned you?" Zhang Yue joked. Zhou Jie and Chen Xiaoqian fell in love and killed each other in high school, and they have always been enemies of Huanxi.

"She's okay, mainly me. She chose the combat profession, the priest, that is, the nurse. But I don't want to be a combat profession, but if this is the case, I can't accompany her." Zhou Jie is naturally timid, but meticulous, It is suitable for discovering business opportunities. He once made a few small fortunes with Zhang Yue. He has a few stocks in his hands. He wins more and loses less. He is extremely sensitive to data.

   "What do I think, does your Xiaoqian love you."

   "That must be! My charm is invincible!"

   "Have you ever found a water blue star in the test."

   "No, it's just that I was admitted to our Shuilanxing's Wutong Academy, not bad nor bad."

"That's not enough. Since your Xiaoqian hasn't made a blue star, what are you afraid of. She is a combat professional and you can serve as a logistics service. The priest is also more powerful in Kryptonium. Xiaoqian is not rich in his family, this is you At that time, your Xiaoqian will be great, and you will be the man behind her." Zhang Yue said, patted Zhou Jie on the shoulder.

   "Is this all right? I'm afraid I won't get together in the end." Zhou Jie worried.

"Men can only say yes. Didn't you always want to open a chamber of commerce. At the beginning, you didn't jokingly said that you wanted to build a chamber of commerce with the greatest weight in the heavens and the world. Then I will be the most brave fighter in your chamber of commerce." Yue smiled and said to Zhou Jie.

   "Aren't I kidding me, besides, I don't have much to open a business association now. The registrar will not ask for a cash certificate of 20 million energy points, and my hard-earned money is less than 2 million energy points." Zhou Jie said embarrassedly.

   "I will give you 20 million energy points. When the time comes, the shares will be half and the chamber of commerce will be yours." Zhang Yue said generously. Then he used his personal communicator to call Zhou Jie 20 million.

   After receiving the 2000 payment, Zhou Jie said in disbelief: "When have you been so rich, you sold yourself."

   "Haha, verbal sales. It's okay to spend the money at ease, to establish your own chamber of commerce, to realize your dream of the world's first chamber of commerce in the heavens." Zhang Yue has already climbed halfway up the mountain with Zhou Jie.

Zhou Jie looked at the numbers in his account, raised his head and looked at Zhang Yue's eyes firmly and said: "Brother Yue, don't worry, I will turn these 20 million into 200 million, 2 billion, 20 billion, and I will We become the richest people in the world."

   At this moment, Zhou Jie's face was filled with a confident expression, which reminded Zhang Yue of the mental energy that Zhou Jie used to make money. On the rest of the road, Zhou Jie looked particularly excited and began to conceive of his own chamber of commerce, how the chamber’s first business would be profitable, and the chamber’s personnel structure.

   "You slowly thought about it when you were in college, but now you are not in a hurry." Zhang Yue really didn't want to hear where Zhou Jie was.

"Go to college? What kind of college? I'm good at what they teach. Going to school is just a diploma, and it's easier to find a job in the future. I have this 20 million, and I run the chamber of commerce directly. School is a waste of time." Zhou Jie Said excitedly.

   "Well, as you please."

Accompanied by Zhou Jie’s talk, Zhang Yue and Zhou Jie climbed to the top of the mountain, and after having a special, Zhang Yue and Zhou Jie stood on the observation deck on the top of the mountain, overlooking The entire Boulder City.

   Jay Chou was proud and said: "Set a small goal to become the richest man in Jushi City within ten years."

   "I know the richest man in Jushi City, Shen Manjin, and spent more than 20 years becoming the richest man in Jushi City, I have the opportunity to introduce you to you." Zhang Yue teased beside him.

   "Those who want to get up will get among them, and those who want to get up will get inferior. You don't understand." Zhou Jie was very concerned about Zhang Yue, who disturbed his ambition.

   "Well, the gathering is also together, and see you. Now let's go home separately."

   Zhang Yue gave Zhou Jie a set of wing suit flight equipment, put on one by himself, walked to the wing suit flight point, turned back and waved to Zhou Jie, and then jumped down.

   "Damn, you know I'm timid, give me this back." Zhou Jie shouted.

   At this time, Zhang Yuefei was in the sky, using the magnetic power of the wing suit to fly higher and higher. Looking at the clouds below and the shrinking boulder city, Zhang Yue felt extremely relaxed. Zhang Yue wanted to play this a long time ago, but at that time he had no money in his hands and couldn't afford winged flight equipment. Now he finally fulfilled his wish when he went to school.

   At night, the family had dinner together. Li Lengzhen specially made braised pork ribs of blood-tooth wild boar, and the whole family was full of oil. During the meal, Zhang Yue asked his father if the matter of yesterday had been resolved, Zhang Shaohui returned a full-fledged look, and Zhang Yue started eating with confidence.

   After dinner, Zhang Yue practiced the shield-holding pose in his small courtyard, so that he could absorb the energy of the starry sky faster. The power of the sky and the earth were transmitted to Zhang Yue's body at the same time, and Zhang Yue's body was tempered from various aspects. At the same time, Zhang Yue tried to make the power of the starlight form an armor outside the body, but the effect of too little starlight power was not obvious.


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