The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 24: Let's publish

   Zhang Yue arrived at his father's training hall and saw that his father was teaching the students basic swordsmanship. Without disturbing him, he sat in the rest area and watched his father teach the students.

   When Zhang Yue was a child, his father started training him as a giant sword warrior. Strictly speaking, he learned very well. If you choose a giant sword warrior, he can also be rated as an excellent level. But Zhang Yuezhi was not here. When he was in junior high school, he liked to watch the live broadcast of the battlefield broadcast by the government. Although the giant sword fighters on the battlefield were very brave, the casualties were also high.

   When Zhang Yue happened to see a small-scale war, he firmly established his career as a shield bearer. It was a sideline local war with the werewolves. Both sides had similar forces, but the werewolf individuals were much stronger than the humans. Even the broadcasters had no hope for this war and claimed that they would not insist on rescue. The group of soldiers expressed their silence.

   But the result was unexpected. The Terran warrior actually won, and the battle loss ratio was lower than before.

There were five shield-bearers on the battlefield, and more than 1,000 warriors led a charge. The shield-bearers brought a huge shield that was larger than the city gate and forcibly broke through the battle formation of the werewolves, dragging the werewolves. The main combat power is to take the lead in beheading the side werewolves with the elite parts, and then together to kill the main werewolves to confirm the victory of the war.

   In that war, five shield bearers sacrificed three, and one was wounded and lost his strength and turned into a waste. The figure of the shield-bearer in that war was deeply imprinted in Zhang Yuede's mind, and took root. Afterwards, Zhang Yue focused on watching the live broadcast of the war with shield bearers, because he found that in battles where shield bearers generally joined, the human side had the least damage from the battle and the greatest casualties against the enemy.

   Thinking of this, Zhang Yue looked at his father. He was fortunate to have this enlightened father. He respected his choice since childhood and never forced himself.

   Zhang Shaohui looked at these students with a little surprise, but he didn't expect that there are really a few geniuses among these students.

"Since you choose to enter the world of heavens and start trespassing just after graduating from high school, you must be cruel to yourself. You must know what you will face in the future. The alien beast will not pity any of you. Honestly, don’t look at your current situation. The power is similar to the first-order low-level alien beast, but once you really face the alien beast, it can kill the three of you. Don't be convinced, this is a fact." Zhang Shaohui stood in front of 50 students.

Every year after graduating from high school, their training hall will accept a group of new students. They are unwilling to go to university, and go directly to the heavens and world to hunt exotic animals. They are not unable to go to university, but can’t wait to start their own lives. Heavenly life.

   At this time, their kind of training hall was born, which is equivalent to a university crash course, with 2 hours a day in the world of common sense classes, and the rest is to teach vocational skills and training. Generally half a year or one year. This way, you don't have to study in the university for two years before you can come out for trials.

"There are no flamboyant skills in front of the giant sword warrior. At the first level, there is a word'cut'. If you practice this word well at the first level, you can prove that you are a qualified giant sword warrior." Zhang Shaohui said, taking it. He picked up a huge sword and walked up to a person holding a two-meter-high wooden stake, holding the sword in both hands with an oblique cut, cutting off a small piece of wood, the cut was as smooth as a mirror, without any wrinkles.

   picked up the small piece of wood that had been cut off, and handed it to the students so that they could pass it on to each other.

   "When will you be able to achieve this level, even if it is a first-order pass. The cut surface is as smooth as a mirror, and you use your giant sword to cut into a line, the hand must be steady, and the force must be ruthless, but you cannot use your full strength."

   "Coach Zhang, this is qualified, but what is excellent?" one of the tall young people raised his hand and asked.

   "Xiao Yue, come here." Zhang Shaohui saw his son as early as when he entered the door, he was teaching, so he just gave him a gesture, and now he is used.

   Zhang Yue heard his father call himself again, got up and walked towards his father. The students saw a young man wearing a heavy armour and a dark red shield with a firm face and a sturdy temperament approaching them. The students felt like they were facing a giant steel beast.

"My son, he has just graduated this year. The career choice is a shield bearer, but it does not prevent him from being an excellent giant sword warrior. Come on, Xiaoyue, give your junior brother a show." Zhang Shaohui first introduced himself proudly His son then motioned to Zhang Yue to let him perform well.

   Zhang Yue understood what his father meant, took the giant sword handed over by his father, and walked to the stake. As soon as Zhang Yue took the giant sword, a familiar feeling came, thinking that he hadn't held the giant sword for a long time, and the familiar feeling came back as soon as he took it before his father taught him. Sword skills are back.

Zhang Yue held the sword against the wooden stake in two consecutive horizontal cuts. The first cut was to cut his father diagonally into a plane, and the second cut was to cut a paper-thin wooden stake against the plane. Zhang Yue held it. Pass the paper-thin plane to his father.

"You are second-tier." Zhang Shaohui fire-eyed fine gold, at a glance, he saw that the moment his son had just cut off, there was an overflow of energy in his body. That was a sign that he had just advanced to the second-tier, and he couldn't control his power perfectly. , Those students did not hear.

   "Just a few days after being promoted." Zhang Yue scratched his head and said, forgot to tell his father about this.

   Zhang Shaohui gave Zhang Yue a thumbs up, and then took a paper-thin wooden stake and handed it to the students.

   "If you can achieve this level, it can be regarded as excellent."

   A group of students passed the cross-sections in their hands to each other, and they were all in shock. Can Level One really do that? This was cut by a shield bearer.

   "It's a coach's child, even if it's not a great sword warrior."

   "Great, do you still accept the younger brother?"

   "Did you not notice, brother seems to have just returned from outside the city, he is in heavy armor and has not yet come to clean, full of battle marks."

   "Have you just gone through a big battle? Can you reach this level just after graduation."

   The students said in a rush.

"Well, your students have good potential. As long as you work hard, you can definitely reach this level." Zhang Shaohui said next to him, focusing on the few students he was most satisfied with, and calculating how many students would be produced in this issue. Students with excellent evaluations will turn their silver medal coaches into gold medal coaches.

   Let the trainees practice "cutting" by themselves, and have explained the posture, force technique, and precautions by themselves. The rest is for them to practice by themselves.

   The two walked to the rest area together and sat there chatting.

   "Why did this piece come back this time."

   "The team has a good harvest, and someone was injured and needs to be treated for a few days."

   "Oh, a good harvest, you have found something good." Zhang Shaohui asked curiously. When the team was lucky, it would find energy mines, precious medicinal material production areas, and specialty areas, just like picking up millions for nothing.

   Zhang Yue took out the energy jade, and when he dug the energy jade, he divided a few catties.

   "Energy jade, a good thing, you can give your sister to practice her hands. How many catties did you dig."

"More than 80 kilograms, dad, you can drink your treasured wine with Uncle Zhao, because we hunted a few woody deer. I have 50 kilograms of woody venison in my hand. By that time, our family and Master One and half of the family."

"Musian deer! You came across those darlings. Yes, you really took out the good wine you collected to match the meat of mousse deer." Zhang Shaohui said, his mouth began to drain, and he was lucky when he was young. After eating it once, it will be unforgettable forever. My wife snatched a few kilos when she was pregnant, but unfortunately she could only drink soup, and the meat was eaten by her own wife. Comparing the mountain spirit sheep and the muxiang deer, the mountain spirit mutton is simply hard to swallow.

   "There are 100 kilograms of Qingling fish." Zhang Yue said with a smile looking at his father's drooling expression.

  "Is my son the son of luck? He is the protagonist in the novel Zhang Shaohui said incredibly, it is a lifetime of luck to get one of them, let alone the two together.

   "I'm going to contact your master now, let's produce meat, and he will produce wine. Our wine is reserved for the last drink." Zhao Shaohui took the communicator and gave it to Zhao Gaoshi.

   "Hey, Lao Zhao, your spirit bamboo wine must be taken out today."

   As soon as Zhang Shaohui finished speaking, Zhao Gaoshi's slightly angry voice came out from the communicator.

   "Lao Zhang, you are so burnt, you want my baby to open your mouth."

   "I have 10 catties of woody deer meat."

"At 8 o'clock tonight, my family will gather here and there, let your sister-in-law show you what is cooking. It's amazing, you can get such a scarce thing. The share you grabbed from there." Zhao Gaoshi decisively changed his tone. .

   "Don't worry about it, but I still want to drink your keel wine." Zhang Shaohui smiled treacherously, staring at Zhang Yue, his father was a bit too much, I don't know how Master will react when he knows the truth.

   "It's too much, let's forget the spirit bamboo wine, but my master rewarded me with dragon bone wine, only 5 altars, one altar less than one altar. I really regret showing off to you."

   "I have Qinglingyu, I can give you points."

   "Remember to arrive on time in the evening, I will prepare in advance."

   "Hey, did Xiaoyue get these things? I'll ask you about it later, you got the province."

   "A friend of my chamber of commerce got a share and sold it to me."

   "Oh, I see, at eight o'clock in the evening, bring your family with you."

   "So tired."

   At the end of the call, Zhang Shaohui put away his treacherous smile, began to restore the coach’s dignified face, and began to point out the movements, postures, and strength of each student in the training field.


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