The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 257: Space star

"Human race has the potential to climb to the top of the race, leaving space and heart, it is helpful to you."

In a word, Zhang Yue inexplicably gave up the generous conditions given by Yuexi.

"Who are you?" Zhang Yue asked in his heart.

"The barbecue you ate."

"Barbecue." Zhang Yue said doubtfully.

"The piece given by the herder."

A word shocked Zhang Yue. The piece of barbecue he ate was torn from the strange beasts whose bodies were like galaxies.

"You are that strange beast!" Zhang Yue exclaimed in his heart.

"I am a cosmic star beast, not a strange beast that still depends on land to survive."

"Oh, how do I get rid of my injury now." Zhang Yue asked the topic of most concern.

"Wait for ten years, when I regain some strength, I will help you kill this bug. During this time, I will suppress this bug and slow down the speed at which it can devour your soul."

"According to my calculation, in ten years, your soul will be swallowed at most 40%. Then you can use the leaves of the World Tree to recover."

"Is there any other way?" Zhang Yue asked unwillingly, he didn't want to be in this state for ten years.

"Also, it is very difficult. Observing the starry sky laws of your universe through me, there is one of them, according to your universe, called the power of the star soul."

"After you understand, when your soul is transformed into a star soul, the starry sky law will first eliminate all anomalies in your soul, and then the bugs in your soul will die."

"Do you know how to comprehend this situation." Zhang Yue said in a slightly surprised tone.

"Uh, I don't know."

At this moment, Zhang Yue felt that he was pitted.

"do you have anything else."

"The power of the holy soul is also possible."

"During the past ten years, will my strength continue to regress." Zhang Yue helplessly asked a more realistic question. Now he feels that his strength has fallen to the top evaluation of the legend. It is estimated that there will be a few more months. Will become an intermediate evaluation.

"This is inevitable, and I can't help it."

"There is no effect during the battle, right."

"A little."

Zhang Yue sat in the pavilion, holding his head with a headache.

Then Zhang Yue started to cheer up, plan to pack things up, and prepare to go to the frontier area.


Eastern Frontier Region.

At this time, all cities in the entire eastern frontier area were destroyed and shrouded in war.

Wei Duntian, who was flying fast in the sky, looked at the devastated earth and sighed.

"With only a few hours of effort, how could this happen? There are no signs at all. It seems that it has been planned for a long time." Wei Duntian sighed.

"The Strategy Department made a mistake this time. They underestimated the true God's strength."

"Old Chu, Wu Ming, Zhong Ji, and Wei Feng didn't stand up even for 30 minutes. I don't know if our human race can withstand this crisis this time." Wei Duntian sighed. Falling, he felt very uncomfortable.

"I believe that our human race will tide over the difficulties, every time, no exception." Li Dao said firmly with a look.

"The eastern frontier region is our bottom line, and the ancestor of the sky ape is absolutely not allowed to go further." Chu Bing said with a cold expression.

"Don't worry, I have the confidence to stop him. The star has just entered the true god, and I have just entered the demigod. There is no problem withstanding it," Wei Duntian said.

Suddenly, a huge flame palm appeared in the sky and grabbed the three of them.

"Burst Ice Gun"

Chu Bing pointed at the flames palm, and a huge ice gun over 50 meters long flew towards the flames palm.

'boom! ! ’

The huge ice gun exploded, melting the palm of the flame.

Three, the demigods of the King Kong Ape Clan appeared in front of Wei Duntian.

‘Sky Boom’


"Domain: Fire of the Void"

A huge field enveloped the three.

"Is the domain great?" Wei Duntian said.

‘Domain: Shelter of the Earth. ’

At this time, the attack from the sky smashed Wei Duntian's realm. The giant hammer and meteorites followed one after another, and it didn't make the realm interesting to fight.

"You just attack and leave the rest to me."


Five arcane formations appeared behind Li Daoyi.

"Five Elements Yuanlong"

In the arcane formation behind Li Daoyi, five-day elemental dragons appeared, and slowly mixed together to form a huge five-color dragon.


A dragon chant rushed towards the three.

"Field: Ice Skate Field"

A blue barrier enveloped the three demigods of the Diamond Ape Clan.

Countless sharp ice skates flew towards the three demigods of the Diamond Ape Clan along with the domain wind.

At this moment, the five-color Flood Dragon appeared among the three Diamond Ape Clan demigods, a golden light flashed, and the Jiao's body expanded.

'boom! ! ’

With the earth-shattering sound, only a piece of white was left in the world.

"Dao Yi, your move is very good. If you don't open the defense, you can hurt me." Wei Duntian said.

"Senior, you passed the award." Li Daoyi said modestly.

After the explosion, an extra arm of the King Kong Ape Clan demigod appeared on the ground, and the three of them had already escaped.

"No, they are delaying time. The ancestor of the sky ape is probably injured, we will stop it soon," Chu Bing said hurriedly.

"No, our goal now is to drive away the demigods who are still in the Eastern Frontier region."

"As for the Celestial Ape Ancestor's injury, I already expected it."

"The sword of Chu Xiu has been raised for more than 100 years."

"Before Chu Xiu fell, he would definitely sacrifice that sword." Wei Duntian sighed and said. At that time, he was still joking with Chu Xiu, saying that his sword would not hurt him in the end.

This is, Li Daoyi received the news.

"The two seniors even came here. There are demigods raging in the northeast," Li Daoyi said.

"Hurry up and lead the way, a few gorillas must be killed today." Wei Duntian said with gritted teeth.

"follow me."

Li Daoyi said, as if flying to the northeast.


"You're going to the eastern frontier region." Mu Guang said while looking at Zhang Yue who was about to He came to Zhang Yue to send him to Teleportation Array Dao Shuilan City, and let Zhang Yue return to the original. world.

"Senior Mu, isn't it?" Zhang Yue said.

"I plan to take you home, and then go to the battlefield." Mu Guang looked at and said.

"You know your injury, don't go to the fight, and spend the last time at home with peace of mind."

"You have contributed enough to the human race."

Mu Guang looked at Zhang Yue and said, he knew Zhang Yue's thoughts, but he couldn't help but persuade him.

"Senior Mu, do you remember the bony cloud flower in bloom?"

"It has a chance, and I also have a chance." Zhang Yue said firmly.

"Come with me, go to the eastern frontier area quickly." Mu Guang said, once again looking at the blooming bone cloud flower in the garden.

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. 4Fiction Network Mobile Edition Reading URL:

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