The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 256: Monkey method

Mo Zhi looked at the wildness in his hand healed, opened a small mouth and smelled it, and quickly closed it.

"Brother Xiong, aren't you at a loss like this?" Mo Zhi said, after smelling it just now, he was instantly energetic, and the exhaustion from the battle just disappeared.

"No loss, I am mainly interested in this medicine."

Zhang Yue put away his ordinary life.

Liu Haoyun and Yu Huang next to them looked a little envious, and the deal seemed to be a good deal.

Only a glimmer of doubt flashed in Zhao Yujue's eyes. She was sure that this kind of medicine was definitely not available in the human race, and probably neither did the two surrounding alien races.

"Let’s go ahead and strive to reach 10% of today’s task." Zhao Yujue said. Now there are only three cities left in the entire Eastern Frontier region, and Song Palace is the only battlefield without high-level professionals, and it is also secretly stipulated by the two clans. In the mid-level battlefield, both sides want to consume the other's rear power.

"let's go!"

Full of fighting spirit with the wealthy team, they started looking for the next hunting target.

At this time, Liu Haoyun took out a box and opened it with swarms of small metal flying insects.

"This is my method of detecting the bottom of the pressure box."

"It's all driven by phantom energy, and currently the entire human race has no tactics."

Speaking of Liu Haoyun activated the device in the box, countless metal bugs fluttered their wings and flew towards the sky.

Numerous small screens unfolded in the void, and finally slowly gathered into a panoramic view of Song Miya Castle.

"Xiao Tian, ​​connect these data to the military network and share all the human races in Song Miya City."


An electronic sound played.

"Let's hurry up. This detection system is estimated to be cracked within two days at most." Liu Haoyun said, the technology of the Diamond Ape Clan is not weaker than the Human Clan.

In the afternoon, the team rested in the abandoned mansion.

"There are 5 eyebrows at Tier 6, 24, 62 at Tier 4. In the afternoon, I worked hard to make up 150." Zhao Yujue looked at the statistics and said, sure enough, with an excellent TM, an enemy that I didn't dare to think about before. It's all right now.

"Thanks to the blessing of Brother Xiong, I finally realized the feeling of having a shield-bearer teammate. I heard that the benefits of having a shield-bearer team are true. The feeling of wholeheartedly outputting is really great." Mo Said the purpose.

"The most powerful thing is that Brother Xiong was able to find the Diamond Ape Clan lurking in the gap between space. You know, this is the nightmare of the Terran team." Yu Huang said with lingering fear.

In an encounter in the morning, when Yu Huang was about to start the focus mode, an assassin from the King Kong ape clan appeared behind him. The short sword in his hand was about to stab the King Kong directly. The ape tribe swallowed it, and then dived underground.

"Haha, let you do your best output. I'm not kidding. If you get hurt a little, it's because I, the shield bearer, can't do it well." Zhang Yue sat on the sofa and said with a smile. The battle here is like traveling.

"During the battle, there will be a giant of the earth guarding you around you. Except for the high-level, the middle-level diamond ape clan cannot enter you at all." Zhang Yue said again.

Liu Haoyun quickly took out a bottle of Lingyuan Flower Juice that he couldn't bear to drink and handed it to Zhang Yue.

"Brother Xiong has worked hard, drink a drink." Liu Haoyun said flatteringly, this kind of thighs don't hold, heaven is intolerable.

Zhang Yue also took out four bottles of Moonlight Blessing and distributed it to the four members of the team, then opened the Lingyuan flower juice in his hand and took a sip, his eyes lit up.

"What kind of drink is this, it tastes good." Zhang Yue felt that his soul was a lot lighter, which was even better than the spirit water essence that Muguang configured.

"The unique beverage of my chamber of commerce nourishes the soul, stabilizes the spirit, and improves cell activity. It is only provided to the human demigods. The rest is exported to the tauren family. I usually can't drink it." Liu Haoyun said, this thing is a large fragmented world. The output of more than 5,000 bottles a year is extremely rare.

After Liu Haoyun finished speaking, he took a sip of the moonlight blessing from Zhang Yue, and then looked at Zhang Yue strangely.

"Brother Xiong, there is no surname Xiong in our human demigod family, Brother Xiong, are you a big brother to experience life."

After taking a sip, Liu Haoyun knew that this thing had never existed in Humans before. Their chamber of commerce specializes in making drinks. He has paid for all the precious drinks on the market, and there is absolutely no such one.

This identity is much more powerful than the boss, Zhao Yujue thought of the hope of the rise of the human race.

"Haha, I just help others to open up more wasteland and debris worlds, so there are more weird things in my hands." Zhang Yue said, since the expansion of the storage space before entering the ten thousand clan battlefield, he likes to collect some weird things thing.

At this moment, the dynamic map projected on the wall suddenly circled a red flame.

"This is the dangerous location marked by the military department. What happened?" Liu Haoyun said and began to zoom in on the map.

A King Kong ape tribe theoretician wearing a bathing robe floated in the air, and below, more than a dozen human race teams were burned into ashes in a sea of ​​fire.

The pain of being burned by the flames, even if they were across the screen, the five people could feel their heart-piercing shouts.

At the end of the battle, the five people were silent for a long time. One was shocking, and the other was a silent tribute for the killed human team.

"Ape method, you really didn't die, this time, I want you to be very soulless." Zhang Yue said silently, with endless anger in his eyes.

"The King Kong Ape Clan's middle-level top enchanting, the Divine Magician of Tier 4, and now its combat power is comparable to the high-level. It is also the most enchanting existence of the Diamond Ape Clan in a century. , Has now been resurrected."

"All human teams encounter the Ape Technique, don't hesitate and run quickly. This is not a suggestion, this is an order."

Liu Haoyun read out the explanation given by the military department, and everyone took a breath. Time still has such an enchanting Xiong, your idol is also powerful, and you can kill such an enchantment. He is also my idol. "Mo Zhi said, he couldn't imagine what kind of state it would be like in the middle-tier fourth-tier realm with combat power comparable to high-tier ones.

"He comes out, do our idols have to shoot too?" Mo Zhi said again.

"Our idol was injured and was assassinated by the top ninth-tier strength of the Diamond Ape Clan. He is now recovering from his wounds. It is estimated that he will be unable to get out for a while."

"However, our human race also has a top-level evildoer, named Lu Heng. The Fangtian painting halberd in one hand uses the ape technique that is superb enough to kill." Zhang Yue said, looking for time to shape Lu Heng with a mask and get it. The dead ape method directly swallowed his soul with the Soul Devouring Orb, allowing him to resurrect.

"I have heard of Lu Heng's name. There is a famous big and young in the capital area, but he should be an intermediate now, he should not be able to beat him." Liu Haoyun said, Lu Heng, not only did he know him, but he also met him.

"It can be beaten." A trace of killing intent flashed in Zhang Yue's eyes.

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