Wang Chao looked at the three mountain-like giant tortoises, and muttered: "How come these neutral beasts are here."

The mountain-moving giant tortoise is active between the human race and the werewolf race. It belongs to the indisputable group of alien animals and is the first to sign a non-aggression treaty with the human race.

The domain of the three giant tortoises moving mountains covered the human race's Yanguicheng defense line. Everyone instantly felt the extremely huge gravity. The weak human race was directly overwhelmed on the ground, but it instantly recovered as before.

‘Earth Field: Anti-Gravity’


The moment Zhang Yue felt the gravity, he turned on anti-gravity to counter the area of ​​the mountain-moving giant tortoise, but still could not stop the mountain-moving giant tortoise from advancing.

Seeing the three giant mountain tortoises advancing step by step toward the human defense position, Zhang Yue wondered what way he would use to destroy them.

In a battlefield 500 kilometers away from Yangui City, Yang Tianyi and Chu Bing got the news.

"What to do, now the demigods have their own things, and they absolutely can't get away. The old Wei is alone against the front of the two races, and he can't come over at this time." Chu Bing said, an anxious look appeared on his face.

"Our military **** has already expected that the heavy anti-matter artillery captured by Lao Wei's precious disciple will be transferred to Yanguicheng."

After Yang Tianyi finished speaking, 5 drop-shaped yellow shuttles appeared behind him, attacking the 5 semi-divine beasts in the distance.

"I thought that the old man was injured. I will let you see it today. The old man is as brave as before."

With that said, those five drops of yellow shuttle were a bit faster.

"Nine-color Elk, you **** it, my human race has provided you with resources for so many years, but I didn't expect to sell my human race in a blink of an eye."

"Have you thought about the consequences."

Yang Tianyi looked at the Jiucai elk in the distance and said sharply.

"Someone gave me a condition that I couldn't decide. Therefore, compare your human races with annihilation."

A voice like a boy said,


"Comprehension: Ice and Fire"

In an instant, a huge field enveloped all the human demigods and demigods.

"Yang Tianyi, Yan will return to the city to be destroyed. You human races can't stop me when they are half gods." A ghostly wolf like a mountain said, casting the Black Star Domain all over, tightly protecting himself.

The demigod Yang Tianyi ignored You Star Wolf, but continued to stare at Jiucai Elk and said: "I will give you a chance. You return to our human camp, sign a contract, never betray, and your name can be kept."

In Yang Tianyi's domain, the power of ice and fire are intertwined, pressing against many demigods and beasts a little breathless.

Yang Tianyi was the first arcanist who became a demigod, and his combat power was at the top level in the human race, and he was also the person closest to the true **** in the human race.

"Haha, it's late. I have signed a contract with the King Kong Ape Clan. There is a true **** targeting your human race. You are destined to not last long." said Jiucai Elk. As the lowest-level beast of luck, it seeks advantages and avoids disadvantages. By its nature, it doesn't think that the human race can rise under the attack of the ancestor of the sky ape.

"Okay, deceive my human race, are you ready to die?"

After Yang Tianyi finished speaking, the entire field fell into a strange state. In the field, half the time was infinitely bright, and half was the endless abyss-like darkness.

"God Arcane: Light and Darkness Blending"

A hand lightly tapped the Nine-Colored Elk in the void, and instantly all the light and darkness merged into the Nine-Colored Elk.

'boom! ’

The nine-color elk turned into a cloud of blood and exploded in the air,

All the semi-divine beasts instantly lost their souls. Although Jiucai Elk is not the best in combat power, its ability to escape is first-class, and it can instantly kill him, which is enough to prove Yang Tianyi's strength.

"Well, the alien beast that betrayed the human race is dead."

"Leave you demigods who deceive my human race, what do you want?"

"Now order the strange beasts to retreat, I can let the past go, but if you continue."

"I'm sure, you demigods and monsters will die before our human race is destroyed."

Yang Tianyi looked at the five semi-divine beasts, his eyes were stern, and they must be restrained today, or they would suffer endlessly.

At this moment, a shocking explosion came from the direction of Yan Guicheng in the distance.

From a distance, I saw a huge black ball in the direction of the alien beast attacking the city, and then there was a sound of earth-shattering explosion.

"At this time, the antimatter giant cannon that was just received from the King Kong Ape Clan, I don't know how many shots your demigod monster can endure."

"I can't kill you in one shot. I'm here to make a knife. You have a small chance of success."

Yang Tianyi's smile is very strange, as the ancestors have said long ago, the heart is the best.

Looking at the demigod and strange beast in hesitation, Yang Tianyi continued to speak: "I don't know what the ancestor of the sky ape has given you, but I know that no matter how good things are, they must have life and enjoyment."

With that, the entire field fell into light and darkness again.

"Yang Tianyi, we retreat, hope what you say counts." said a wind fiend thunderbird. Their original plan was to drag the human demigod and let those middle and high-rank alien beasts destroy Yan Guicheng. This is what they promised. The thing about the ape ancestor.

"Okay, you demigods and monsters retreat, our human race will not pursue it."

"But, stay behind the strange beasts that attacked the city. Our losses need to be taken back from them." Yang Tianyi said, breathing a little in his heart, then the overdraft was a bit serious, and he almost made him pretend not to. Go down.

The five semi-divine beasts looked at each other, and after nodding their heads, they thought about leaving in the distance.

"Big Brother Yang, are you okay?" Chu Bing said while looking at Yang Tianyi who was forced to calm down.

Yang Tianyi didn't speak, but watched the five semi-divine beasts quickly landed on the ground after they were completely gone, and then began to vomit blood, instantly languishing, turning into a little old man.

"Of course something is going on. It's not easy to pretend to be a game, and almost overturned."

"If it hadn't been for you guys to suppress the herd of beasts, I would have overturned."

After Yang Tianyi finished speaking, he took out various medicines and poured it into his mouth, like natural water without money.

This is, a bottle of galaxy water essence was handed to Yang Tianyi.

"What is this, is it a new medicine refined by Muguang?" Yang Tianyi said, took it and drank the whole bottle.

After drinking Yang Tianyi's eyes lit up instantly, and he said: "This old Mu has finally made something good, and half of the loss has been made up."

"Why, you have it, but I don't."

At this moment Yang Tianyi finally realized that when Mu Guang made a new medicine before, he would definitely send him a batch.

"I bought this. A bottle of 10 energy crystals. I will remember to transfer it later. After all, I am not very rich either." Chu Bing said lightly.

The several demigods next to them looked at the effect of the Milky Water Essence so good, they were somewhat moved.

"Really, this old shepherd has the ability to start collecting money." Yang Tianyi said.

"The most critical material is provided by Wei Duntian's baby disciple. According to Wei Duntian's statement, we can't pit the junior's things." Chu Bing said.



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