The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 303: Practice method

In a conference room in the Mercenary Center.

Zhang Yue looked at Xu Lingxuan and asked curiously, "How did you break your master's semi-sacred tool? Is it really just a light touch with your semi-sacred tool?"

After hearing Zhang Yue's words, Xu Lingxuan scratched her head in embarrassment and said: "I think my master's staff is quite big, so I want to let my semi-artificial artifact swallow some scraps."

"did not expect···············"

Everyone was full of black lines, and your master didn't kill you as a good temper.

"My semi-divine weapon juvenile is about to evolve to SSS level, and I can't help it for a while." Xu Lingxuan scratched his head and said.

Ji Xiayun patted Xu Lingxuan on the shoulder and said, "Little Lingxuan, when you see your master next time, remember to thank your master for not killing her."

Everyone nodded and all agreed.

After the small talk, Zhang Yue began to visit the missions of the mercenary center. The missions that were not arranged by the military department could only be found by himself.

"Brother Yue, now the battlefield is mainly outside Yanwu City. Let's take on the task of destroying the enemy, so we can be more free." Chu Feng said.

"Yeah, I don't think there are a few tasks that are suitable for us. High-level tasks require high-level combat power, and low-level and intermediate-level tasks are too time-consuming to do." Lu Heng said.

At this time, Zhang Yue turned his gaze to Lu Heng, feeling the aura of Lu Heng's body, it was obvious that he had already advanced to the middle level.

"I have advanced to the Intermediate level, how good is the combat power?" Zhang Yue asked.

"Just promoted, it is not stable yet, but it should not be a problem to deal with a seventh-order diamond ape clan." Lu Heng said modestly.

"Yes, I have a chance to try."

"Then please abuse Brother Yue lightly."

"Since Lu Heng has just been promoted, he should be safe and take on the task of destroying the enemy outside the city."

"Next, let's prepare and buy some supplies. We have awarded a total of 1 million contribution points for these missions, which have been sent down according to the contribution value, so don't waste it." Zhang Yue said.


The crowd dissipated, and Zhang Yue saw Wei Duntian in the teleportation center. Mu Guang and Chu Yunxuan were next to him, and the three were chatting.

"Xiao Yue is here, come and sit down."

"From the information, you are going to be promoted to the middle level. Is it a bit too early? We can still fight again." Wei Duntian said with concern. The more rules learned at the low level, the stronger the base. When you advance to the middle level, you will get a comprehensive promotion. The more you accumulate, the greater the benefits.

Zhang Yue sat next to Chu Yunxuan, greeted him, and then said, "Master, my injury has recovered, and now I am at the peak state, the energy in my body has been fulfilled."

"Even the law, I feel that I have reached the limit, the soul can no longer tolerate the extra law rune."

Now the two huge shields in Zhang Yue's soul consciousness space have reached the peak, one is dominated by the laws of earth attributes, and the other is dominated by the laws of starry sky.

"Xiaoyue, have you reached those high-level races before you have a god-level evaluation?" Wei Duntian asked expectantly. He only learned about the concept of god-level evaluation after Chu Yunxuan returned.

At that time, his evaluation of his beloved disciple was at the top of the legend.

"Haha, Mr. Wei, I have analyzed it for you, you still don't believe it."

"Xiao Yue, at the moment Zhanshan was consumed, it is estimated that he could be evaluated as a **** level." Chu Yunxuan said. Based on all the information after Zhang Yue returned, he can be sure that Zhang Yue must have been promoted to the **** level.

"What are you making? I want to listen to Xiaoyue's own words." Wei Duntian glanced at Chu Yunxuan, this little guy came over to talk to him and Mu Guang when he was fine.

It's the righteousness of the nation at every turn, and the grim situation of the human race is all ages, and they still don't understand these things.

"I should be regarded as a god-level evaluation." Zhang Yue scratched his head and said. As for his own strength, he is more inclined to keep a low profile.

"Haha, Xiaoyue is good."

"Come on, let me see the power of the god-level evaluation, Xiaoyue, do I need to go to the training ground." Wei Duntian said excitedly. According to the evaluation, when he was at a low level, he should be considered as a perfect level evaluation. The higher two levels of God-level evaluation are true and curious.

"No," Zhang Yue said.

‘Polar Power’

In an instant, a pole of earth covering this room formed.

Because there is no lethality. Zhang Yue did not only target Wei Duntian.

Wei Duntian perceives the extreme potential of the ground, his expression is wonderful, and the shock in his heart cannot be calmed for a long time.

He has never seen that the potential that he comprehends in the low-level poses a threat to the high-level.

Mu Guang also looked at Zhang Yue with an expression of amazement. The first thing he thought of was that if Zhang Yue became a demigod, there would really be nothing for him.

"Xiaoyue, stop for a while, I can't stand it anymore."

Chu Yunxuan said with a pale face, this strange power has forbidden his power of thinking, and now his mind is a bit overloaded.

"Xiao Yue, stop." Wei Duntian said gratifiedly. Now he has only one feeling in his heart, that he has a successor. As long as Zhang Yue passes through the growth period and becomes a demigod, the human race will rise.

Zhang Yue put away the extreme power of the earth, waiting for his master's evaluation.

"Xiaoyue, be steady, my master can still hold on for 50 years. When you are promoted to a demigod, you must get the head of the old ape ancestor down and give me a chamber pot.

"According to the current level, after you have been promoted to a demigod, the true **** dare not pant in front of you." Wei Duntian said in amazement.

"Yes, Xiaoyue, after you are promoted to a demigod, this kind of domain has been opened, and the true **** has to be abolished." Mu Guang said, feeling that he and Wei Duntian's persistence for this period of time is worthwhile.

He also imagined that Zhang Yue would be promoted to the true god, and the human race would be promoted to a second-rate race. He might also take the opportunity to become a true god.

"Haha, what you said is a little bit floating." Zhang Yue scratched his head and said.

Wei Duntian took out a box and handed it to Zhang Yue.

"There are several cultivation methods for advancing to the intermediate level, all of which are the top cultivation methods of human soil At that time, you can see which one is right for you, but I personally recommend "The Body of the Earth Shaman" and " "Stars and Earth"." Wei Duntian said, sighing secretly in his heart, and the sorrow of the small race is reflected again. There are obviously top geniuses, but no top-level exercises, and there will be no better skills in the future. Law, the way to advance will also be restricted.

"This cultivation method, you practice first, there will be better cultivation methods in the future, you are changing."

"Okay, Master."

After Zhang Yue finished speaking, he looked at Mu Guang and Chu Yunxuan and said, "Master, I have something I want you to see."

A crystal key appeared on the table.

Seeing the key, Wei Duntian's expression was shocked, and he said to Mu Guang and Chu Yunxuan: "I talked to my disciple and grandson, should you avoid it?"



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