The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 315: The challenge begins

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"Captain Xiong, the highest authority for the spacecraft related to the mechanical clan is in the hands of the mechanical clan. You are only his user."

"And this keep calling your master's spacecraft intelligence will make you understand when facing the machine race that it is not your own thing, even if the feeling is deep, it will eventually stabb you."

As the commander said, he was a little bit distressed in his heart, in that special fragmented world, until the final battle was launched, facing the mechanically overwhelming battleship.

He still firmly believes that the spacecraft intelligence that has been with him for several years and countless times will not betray him, but he did not expect that when he was about to win and could walk out of the fragmented world to see his family, he was severely beaten behind him. , At that moment, he saw the same data turbulence as the little boy flashed in the eyes of the battleship intelligence of his daughter's image.

"Really, after I get the source code of the spacecraft's intelligent bottom generation, is it the real owner?" Zhang Yue said. For a moment when the commander spoke, Zhang Yue saw a heartache in his eyes.

The commander must have also commanded the spacecraft of the Mechanical Race at the beginning, and was severely injured.

"Yes, after you get the source code of its underlying generation, you are his real master."

After the commander finished speaking, he looked at the little boy next to Zhang Yue and said, "Come on, let me see how far your intelligence has evolved."

"It's definitely not a problem to beat you." The little boy-shaped spaceship said intelligently and indifferently.

At this time Zhang Yue received the commander's voice.

"Captain Xiong, your original intelligence has been hidden in his low-level source code, and now it is the robot Zhoutian database intelligence that controls it. Just defeat it."

"Then let's start."

As soon as the commander's voice fell, the entire fragmented world suddenly fell into darkness, and then a world full of warship wrecks appeared in front of Zhang Yue.

"Is this a battleship of the main **** level?"

Zhang Yue looked at the battlefield as big as a star in the distance and said in shock.

This virtual space is full of wreckage of battleships, countless fragments of warplanes and mechas floating in the air, more of them are the corpses of unknown creatures, those giants like stars, even Zhang Yue who has seen many big scenes. , Also secretly claiming to be surprised, but also curious as to why they fought.

"Mechanical imaginary year, 6581, an unknown cosmic race invaded the mechanical race star field, and then a war that lasted for tens of thousands of years began.

"In the end, both lose and lose, and the unknown race retreats."

The commander said leisurely beside Zhang Yue that he was familiar with this period of history. Most of his skills in commanding battleships were practiced in this clearance game.

At this time, a virtual screen appeared in front of the commander and Zhang Yue, as if entering the game to select initial equipment.

"This is my favorite link. Seeing that there are so many God-class battleships for me to choose from."

As the commander spoke, he quickly selected a fleet combination on the screen.

"Senior, did you choose a lot of aircraft carriers of the Mechanical World model? Choose three as soon as you come up."

"There are also giant spirit battleships, just two, and they can't launch a fatal blow."

"Didn't it introduce the combination of three giant spirit warships to break the multiple shields of the aircraft carrier."

Since the above are all human text comments, Zhang Yue can understand it, so he began to question the battleship cooperation chosen by the commander.

"Don't worry, this lineup is simply too stable to deal with the general machine clan."

"I have experience in this matter." The commander said confidently, his expression was like an internet addict showing off his game skills.

After the commander chose the battleship lineup, the two entered a virtual universe, still on the battlefield full of battleship wreckage just now.

The commander and Zhang Yue appeared on an aircraft carrier.

"If I didn't guess wrong, the spaceship intelligence on the opposite side should be the most traditional lineup."

"This is also the lineup that the Robot Clan has optimized for millions of years. It's hard to play or easy to play."

The commander said to Zhang Yue, and at the same time began to give orders to the fleet.

"Chuanling, three-fifths of the mechanical world produces fierce fighters and magic fighters, and the remaining two-fifths of the production capacity are all produced as small gunboats."

"Below is a game of peekaboo and ants gnawing elephants." The commander said.


An ethereal voice came from the main control room of the battleship.

"I still have such a game in my spacecraft, I don't know." Zhang Yue said in surprise.

"This is a game that comes with every mechanical clan spaceship. Without the game attributes, this is a real battlefield."

The commander said to Zhang Yue, while controlling the spacecraft to start flying in an unknown direction.

Below the three moon-sized aircraft carriers, the cabin doors opened, and hundreds of millions of warplanes and small warships flew out of them, divided into small groups and started flying towards an unknown direction in the deep sky.

"Are you releasing all the strike forces in the aircraft carrier?" Zhang Yue said, looking at the sign showing no load on the main control screen.

"Yes, if you want to defeat it, you must know the position of its fleet if you want to defeat it at the same level as the machine clan. The next step is to hide yourself and plan carefully."

"The ancestor's art of war is good. The good defenders hide under the nine places, and the good offenders move above the nine heavens, so they can protect themselves and win.

At the beginning, he relied on some ancient art of war that he liked to collect on his personal communicator. After thorough research, he began to slowly turn defeat into victory.

"Yes, when he was weak, it must be right to hide." Zhang Yue nodded and said.

"One is to hide, and the other is to eat."

"The most taboo thing against the mechanical race is their hard steel, because their unparalleled computing power will let you know what despair is."

"The most important thing is that they always remain calm, so don't engage in their mentality."

The commander said straightforwardly that for many years, there has been no chance to show his commanding ability. Today he finally got what he wanted, so he asked Zhang Yue three questions.

"You said they will always stay why did they jump out just now." Zhang Yue asked.

When the intelligence jumped out to maintain the machine family, Zhang Yue knew that things were not easy.

"How can I say, this is the reaction after touching the extreme value of the machine clan, what honor is just to deceive the mechanical intelligence with autonomous consciousness."

"It jumped out. It has no other purpose, just to collect data and prove whether the extreme value you said is correct."

"The command combat power that I said is three times higher than the spacecraft's mechanical intelligence has already touched the extreme value of the mechanical clan."

"That's why your spacecraft intelligence will be taken over by the robot Zhoutian database intelligence, just to collect and prove this value."

At this moment, in the main control room of the aircraft carrier, a virtual tactical map showed that a squad of fighters was destroyed.

"The game has begun."

The corner of the commander's mouth was cocked, and this was his home court.

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