The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 323: Divine Grace Alliance

Latest website: After Lu Kun saw Zhang Yue and others, his majestic face instantly burst into laughter.

"Xiaoyue, you are here. Since you served as the firefighting team, I haven't thanked you well yet."

"Follow me into the conference room." Lu Kun said with a smile, and nodded secretly as if he looked at his grandson without leaving a trace. Well, since you can't be the boss, it's important to be the right person.

In a luxurious conference room, everyone was sitting on the seats marked with their signatures, looking at their boxes on the table.

"This is your reward for being in the firefighting team for so long, and it should be all you need." Lu Kun said.

"Open the box and have a look, you should like it."

Everyone opened the box.

"Phantom fruit!"

"Holy Ice Crystal!"

"Sanctuary Ring!"

"Intima gloves!"

Seeing the contents of the box, everyone in the team was pleasantly surprised. These are things they are desperately lacking now.

Zhang Yue looked at the surprised team members and opened the box in front of him.

When I opened it, it looked like a space storage device, and it was the top-level one.

After taking the space equipment, I can see through my spirit.

"Empty and empty iron." Zhang Yue's tone was slightly surprised. He didn't expect that Yunjian would be upgraded to the equipment of a god-class spacecraft.

Looking at the satisfied people, Lu Kun secretly felt distressed. These things, especially the empty and empty iron that Zhang Yue needed, took up five days of the intelligence department's work to find.

However, thinking of the benefits and strategic significance of this successful trial in the Secret Realm, Lu Kun felt that this thing was definitely not a loss.

After everyone calmed down, Zhang Yue looked at Lu Kun and said, "Grandpa Lu, can you talk about business now."

Zhang Yue saw this gift and knew that this time it was definitely not easy.

Lv Kun stroked his thoughts and said, "You are all still in the intermediate stage. You may not understand the general environment in which our numbers are in. I will tell you today."

A huge map appeared on the virtual screen of the conference room.

"Is this the map of the world of the heavens? The territories of the human race are on the map, so it occupies such a small amount." Xu Lingxuan said while looking at the area on the map that was not as big as a sesame grain. If it weren't specially marked on the top, it would not be found.

"This is just a remote continent in the world of the heavens. For the world of the heavens, it may be a small island."

"This is a map provided by the Tauren clan."

Lu Kun pointed to the map and said, after he got the map, he was also amazed for a long time. On this remote continent, the territory of the human race turned out to be like a sesame seed.

"The Cape Continent is also the continent where Human Race currently lives."

"The races that the human race can come into contact with include the werewolves, the vajra ape, the tauren, the horses, the forest elves, the cloud and the daggers, and the earth demons. Generally speaking, the weakest thing is the werewolf, and then Our human race."

"There are countless races in the Cape Continent that the human race has not touched."

As Lu Kun said, he marked all the territories of the races that the Human Race could reach.

Zhang Yue looked at the vast expanses of unowned land around the human race on the map, and he was puzzled, why didn't the human race occupy these places.

Everyone also leaked their doubts after looking at the map.

"It's not that our human race doesn't want to expand, but the strength is not enough."

"Because in the Human Race area except for the border between the two races, there are True God level alien beasts sitting on the ground, or independent individuals, or a race." Lu Kun explained that this is also the reason why the human race senior officials pay attention to the surrounding area.

"Back to the topic, now on the Cape mainland, there are many alliances composed of alien races, and the top three have three alliances."

"Divine Grace Alliance, Ancestral God Alliance, and the most mysterious turbid light alliance."

"The Tauren clan is a member of the Divine Grace Alliance. Now the Divine Grace Alliance has organized a secret trial, and the Tauren tribe has given us a place in the human race."

"The requirement is below high-level, so I thought of you. I hope you can represent the human race to participate in this secret trial."

Lu Kun talked about sending the information of the God's Grace Alliance to everyone.

Zhang Yue looked at the information and learned that the Divine Grace Alliance was formed by a tribe named Yaoguang. The purpose of the alliance is to unite all races to build an orderly place, so that all races can survive in an orderly environment.

"The purpose of this divine grace alliance." Zhang Yue paused and said, "It's a bit of a joke."

"Haha, it's a bit of a joke, but this race does do this. In their territory, there are hundreds of alien races living under their shelter."

"In fact, the real purpose is to train those alien geniuses to work for them." Lu Kun said, this was what a demigod told him when he was communicating with the tauren clan.

"The prizes for this trial include not only the godhead and a large number of **** source rewards, but also countless artifacts and equipment, god-level cultivation methods, law crystals, and even gods that can make people 100% promoted to the true god."

"These can be obtained in trials."

Lu Kun looked at Zhang Yue after speaking.

"There are so many good things, it must be dangerous inside." Zhang Yue asked.

"It is indeed full of many uncertain factors, but one thing is certain. The ones who stayed in the end must be the most powerful group." Lu Kun said.

Zhang Yue thought for a while and said, "When will you leave?"

Now that the battlefield situation is slowing down, Human Race does not have a large-scale battle now, Zhang Yue feels that he can go and see what the so-called secret realm is, maybe he can get a godhead suitable for Yunjian to evolve to a **** level.

"After you are confirmed here, I'm making up a team of ten for you, and then there will be a god-level lightspeed spacecraft of the tauren clan to pick you up."

"The time is set 5 days later, the No. 1 main city Dongmen Airport will gather, take advantage of this period of time ~ you go back and prepare." Lu Heng said, he was relieved.

Zhang Yue looked at his teammates, and they all nodded.

"Okay, then we will gather at the gate of the No. 1 main city in 5 days." Zhang Yue said, and then led everyone to stand up to say goodbye to Lu Kun, leaving only Lu Heng.

After Lu Kun sent Zhang Yue and the others away, he looked at Lu Heng next to him with relief in his eyes.

Back in the conference room, Lu Kun took out his precious cigarette, lit one and started smoking.

"Xiao Heng, you are more promising than your dad." Lu Kun said with satisfaction. His biggest regret is that there is only one demigod in the family, and now the second demigod is estimated to be visible within a hundred years.

"That's necessary, after I reach Tier 6, I will break my wrists with my dad." Lu Heng said proudly, remembering all the tragic experiences of his childhood, and planning to compare myself with my dad when the time comes. All the big tricks are used again.

"Haha, ambitious, help me teach the rebellious son who violated the family motto."

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