The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 325: Land reclamation before leaving

The latest website: World of All Heavens, Water Blue City.

The headquarters of the Jushi Chamber of Commerce, in the office of Shen Manjin.

"Brother Yue, you are going to the secret world again this time."

Shen Manjin asked that he had received news from Zhang Yue last night and asked him to prepare a few more medium-sized fragmented worlds and open up wasteland tomorrow.

"Well, I will go out for a while. Before I leave, I will help the Chamber of Commerce open a few fragmented worlds." Zhang Yue put down the tea cup in his hand and said.

"I think Yue Xiaoge just advanced to the Intermediate level. It didn't take long for you to be alone. Is it a bit unsafe." Shen Manjin said, more than three months ago, Zhang Yue was still a Tier 3 strength. Although he was against the sky, he was promoted It feels a bit uninsurable for the mid-level to brush the medium-sized fragment world alone.

"Boss Shen, when did I speak big words."

"Besides, I am not alone." Zhang Yue said with a smile.

"Is there still a companion of Brother Yue?" Shen Manjin said with little joy. In his impression, all of Zhang Yue's companions are also very powerful, and they are all existences whose status and status need him to look up to.

"Didn't you still have you? Who will refine the heart of the world if you don't come?" Zhang Yue said.

Hearing Zhang Yue's words like this, Shen Manjin was relieved, he was confident.

"Now there are 4 medium-sized debris worlds that the Chamber of Commerce keeps exploring."

"If these four medium-sized debris worlds are successfully reclaimed, then the Boulder Chamber of Commerce in the future can usher in a major development period."

"If you develop steadily in the next two years, you don't have to think about the development of the fragmented world."

Shen Manjin said happily, now it is estimated that among the chambers of commerce in the entire water blue area, he should be the most comfortable.

Now the entire Jushi Chamber of Commerce is in a period of rapid development, the reserve of talents has been exhausted, and the cash flow has reached the highest in the history of the Chamber of Commerce. The large number of talents recruited from business universities has now attracted dissatisfaction from the Chamber of Commerce in the Shuilan business circle.

In the Ten Thousand Stone Mountain Range, the middle-rank alien beast area, a high-ranking team of the Boulder Chamber of Commerce is guarding a portal with a blue light.

"Captain, I heard that the great **** is here again." A Tier 7 Arcanist said from the front of the team captain.

"I heard Boss Shen's tone yesterday, or else he would not prepare for the four medium-sized fragmented worlds."

"But what is more puzzled is that the great **** is now capable of single-handling the medium-sized fragment world." The high-ranking team captain said, touching his chin.

"The medium-sized fragmented world, even if I were to use it alone, it would be quite choking." The team captain said, touching the one-horned little snake on his shoulder.

At this time, there was a whistling sound in the sky. When everyone looked up, they saw a medium-sized battleship stopped above them. Under the guidance of gravitational waves, Zhang Yue and Shen Manjin slowly fell from the battleship.

"Brother Yue, knowing that your time is precious, let's start." Shen Manjin said, wondering if his three views on strength will be refreshed again.

"Let's go, after all, you are tired of refining the world."

Zhang Yue said hello to the team guarding at the gate of the medium fragment world, and kicked him in.

"The heart of the refining world is very tired..."

Shen Manjin began to think seriously. It was Brother Yue who could say this kind of thing. Are you tired? Of course not.

When Shen Manjin stepped into the fragmented world, he saw statues all around Zhang Yue.

"The alien beast." Shen Manjin asked suspiciously. Among the fragments of the wasteland world he knows, there can be eleven out of ten, and all of them are alien beasts all over the sky.

"It's all turned into statues."

Zhang Yue pointed to the surrounding statues and said, as soon as he came in, he felt the breath of the alien beast hit its face, so he buried a group and trapped a group with shield mountain crystals.

"After refining the heart of the world, you can send people over to harvest these strange beasts, a lot of energy points." Zhang Yue said, now he is immune to energy points or energy crystals.

"Yeah.." Shen Manjin looked at the statues everywhere in his eyes, and said in shock. This method can only be seen when the demigods are dispatched to clean up foreign races when the war is broadcast live, and in the backhand. , All the alien races around a few kilometers perished.

Zhang Yue looked at Shen Manjin's expression and smiled. Boss Shen's ancestral shocked expression has not changed since he first led him to open up wasteland in the debris world.

A 10-meter-long 4-meter-wide earth boat appeared in front of Zhang Yue.

"Boss Shen, let's go. The medium-sized debris world is estimated to take a while." Zhang Yue said, the area of ​​the small-sized debris world is as large as a county, and the area of ​​the medium-sized debris world is as large as a city in the original universe.

Boss Shen, who had recovered his peace, nodded, after stepping on the ground.

On the speeding earth boat, Shen Manjin curiously said to Zhang Yue: "Brother Yue, the boat we added was condensed by your rules."

He had only seen other people condense summoned beasts before, and this was the first time he saw this kind of spacecraft.

"Yes, sometimes it is troublesome to be a spacecraft, so I took a moment to condense the earth boat under my feet." Zhang Yue said.

Now the earth boat constructed by Zhang Yue’s law can automatically absorb energy from the earth to maintain its own power. Although it is a little slower than the spacecraft, it is flexible. The most important thing is that it can be made from local materials, which is very convenient. .

At this moment, a large mountain in front of the Earth Ship began to shake violently, and a huge face appeared beside the top of the mountain.

"Mountain giant, a Tier 8 monster, it is said that it can evolve to the top level of Tier 9 after reaching the peak of adulthood." Shen Manjin said, the Giant Stone Chamber of Commerce encountered the mountain giant in the land reclamation of one of the few medium fragmented worlds. The loss of that battle, now Thinking of him, he trembled a little.

"This mountain giant looks a little bit bluff."

Zhang Yue said that a bright black gravity spear appeared in his hand.

"Where is this mountain giant worth?" Zhang Yue asked, and the gravity spear in his hand was about to condense.

"The heart is the favorite of summoners and mechanics." Shen Manjin opened his mouth, and all the strange beasts that appeared in the water blue area were so valuable that he was very familiar with it.

The mountain giant's body completely broke free from the mountain, a pair of giant hands smashed down the mountain, intercepted the giant hands, the hands released a yellowish light, slowly a spherical boulder appeared in his hands, and then faced Zhang Yue's earth and then threw it over. .

"The boulder carrying gravity is interesting."

Zhang Yue said that the gravity spear in his hand shot at the head of the mountain’

The huge boulder still in mid-air seemed to be summoned, and it was planted against the ground below in mid-air, passing by the spear of gravity.

'boom! ’

The spear of the earth exploded after hitting the mountain giant's head, and a strong gravitational force came out from the center, directly destroying the body above the mountain giant's chest.

"That's it." Shen Manjin said eagerly, he thought there would be a big battle.

"Otherwise, don't you stop fighting with it?" Zhang Yue asked.

The ship of the earth has been advancing without any change in speed.



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