The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 327: Strange Purple Mine

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As the middle-aged arcanist said, he felt cold all over, looked around suspiciously and continued.

"Finally, we discovered that the high-level shield-bearer equipment can be fused with the strange purple ore we discovered, and become an alloy that can forge artifacts."

"So, brother, let's work together. If you produce equipment, we will return you a magic shield, how about it."

Hearing this, Zhang Yue dissipated the law of gravity condensed in his hands.

"Are you kidding me? This is obviously a semi-sacred artifact alloy. At most, it can only forge a semi-sacred artifact big shield." Zhang Yue said contemptuously to the middle-aged arcanist. This was the first time he had encountered others bullying him and had no experience.

"Haha, is a semi-sacred weapon also an artifact?" the middle-aged arcanist said embarrassingly, knowing that someone who knows how to do it, how do ordinary people know the difference between an artifact and a semi-sacred weapon, in their opinion, as long as it is stronger than the SSS level, it is an artifact.

"You mean that I gave you that set of SSS-class star iron heavy armor and big shield, and you gave me a half-sacred weapon big shield." Zhang Yue said.

He thought about it carefully, and it seemed that this business was not losing, and a semi-sacred tool in the human race could not be measured by energy points.

"Yes, how about it, it's a good deal."

The middle-aged arcanist looked at Zhang Yue's expression and knew that he had become a single again.

"How can I trust you?" Zhang Yue said.

A bright black shield appeared in front of Zhang Yue.

"This is the semi-sacred shield, you can take a look."

Zhang Yue took over the semi-sacred weapon shield, penetrated into his mental power, and began to explore this shield.

Ten minutes later, Zhang Yue put away his mental strength and sighed.

Where is the semi-sacred weapon so easy to appear, this large shield is only a bit stronger than the star iron large shield in hardness, but it does not have the slightest bonus in terms of spiritual will, and it does not have the spirit.

This side of the semi-sacred weapon big shield at least fights in the hands of combatants for decades to give birth to the spirit, and become a real semi-sacred weapon.

"How many strange purple mines are there?" Zhang Yue asked.

"My brother's problem is too big, let's just talk about the transaction."

"Regular contract, brother can rest assured." The middle-aged arcanist said with a smile, and then said again, afraid that Zhang Yue would be uneasy: "Brother, the high-level shield holders outside have already signed the contract, just waiting to receive the equipment. Now, the semi-sacred weapon shield will be successfully forged in one hour. You can take a look."

"Although it is a bit super-class, I still want to know where the strange purple mine was found and how much it produced."

"Brother didn't recognize his own strength?" The middle-aged arcanist said, his expression was very calm. I couldn't suppress a mid-level shield bearer, so I, a high-level arcanist, would eat for nothing.

The middle-aged arcanist waved his hand to point out a little aura, floating towards Zhang Yue's eyebrows.

"Arcane: Light of Charm"

According to the script arranged by the middle-aged arcanist, the next scene is that Zhang Yue is suppressed, cleared of this memory, and sent out of the equipment forging factory.

There was a crisp sound of glass breaking, and the aura was like a spark, flickering in the air, then disappeared.

Then the middle-aged arcanist felt his spirit and will be suppressed.

"Where is the singular purple mine and what is the output."

"You say a reasonable price, I bought all of them." Zhang Yueshu said, although his half-sold and half-free equipment is a bit angry to be handled this way, but if the output of the strange purple mine is large, a large amount of unformed half will be harvested. The artifact is not impossible.

"Brother, if you have something to say, we are just trying to make money, and we just want to erase this memory, and we definitely don't hurt your heart." The middle-aged arcanist said in a panic, thinking that this time the car has overturned. Intermediate strength can suppress oneself mentally. This strength is definitely an existence with a large background. It is either a powerful family or a powerful master.

"Tell the origin of the strange purple mine, forget what you did to me just now." Zhang Yue said lightly.

"In the forest of Qianyun Mountain outside the capital area, there is a nest of a high-level alien nightmare spider, and the strange purple mine is next to the nest."

The middle-aged arcanist said and posted the specific location.

"We only collected 5 or 6 tons of Strange Purple Mine, and there should be more deep in the nest."

"If you sell this news, how much will you sell it?" Zhang Yue asked again.

"500 billion energy points, this is our price point." said the middle-aged arcanist.

"Oh, the price is reasonable."

Zhang Yue used his own authority to transfer all the personal information of the middle-aged arcanist. Projected in mid-air.

"this is!"

The middle-aged arcanist looked at all the information he had since childhood, including a few shady things.

"What do you want." The middle-aged arcanist lowered his head in frustration, expressing his confession.

"I didn't expect what happened. I just looked at your personal information account and called you the information fee. I don't care about other things."

Zhang Yue talked about mind manipulation, intercepted the personal account of the middle-aged arcanist on the screen, and beat the energy point.

"I don't care how you divide the money. If this news goes out, you will have to pay for the follow-up cost of removing the memory."

Zhang Yue lifted the spiritual suppression of the middle-aged arcanist and walked outside the door.

"I won't bother you in doing business, but remember to pay taxes."

The middle-aged arcanist now feels like a dog. He was relieved after receiving the energy point from Zhang Yue, but he didn't expect the last sentence to drive him into a desperate situation.

"Damn, we are so sneaky to avoid taxes, are we easy."

At this time, the middle-aged arcanist's communicator remembered, took it out and took a look at the Capital Regional Special Transaction Taxation Bureau.


The middle-aged arcanist closed his eyes in despair and frustrated.

East Gate of Main City No. 1.

Zhang Yue looked at the bustling trading area, and walked around with interest. There was still 6 hours before the assembly time, and there was enough time.

When he came to the booth area, Zhang Yue saw a lot of strange things.

There is a small bath beast that can help the owner clean the whole body. It can be integrated with bathing and massage. As long as you usually feed more water, you can even use its secretions for shampoo, which is a must for home reason.

There are color beast color encapsulations that can permanently discolor their skin,

There are mounts that can be transformed and there are robots that specialize in barbecues for the master.

Zhang Yue stopped by the booth dedicated to selling barbecue robots.

"Brother, see what you like."

The owner is a sturdy older sister in her 30s.

Zhang Yue looked at the booth and various robots asked: "How do you sell the barbecue robot?"

"One million energy points, don't underestimate it, brother, its entire data core is all information about barbecue."

"Every piece of meat it roasts is the best in the world, which can maximize the deliciousness of the ingredients."

"The most important thing is that it can research on its own when encountering unknown meat, and it can test the most delicious barbecue in a short time."

The stall owner made Zhang Yue decide to buy it in a few words.

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