The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 344: The power of the soul

Not long after, another round robot flew in the sky.

"Don't be so angry, I know that giant tortoise can't kill you." Orb robot said with a smile.

"In addition, I am giving you a secret. The giant tortoise has a main divine weapon in its body, a big shield, which was once a weapon of a Titan defender."

Hearing this, Zhang Yue's eyes lit up, but then dimmed.

"This thing, if I come one hundred more, it's probably tickling."

"If that giant tortoise intended to kill me, now I would have no bones left." Zhang Yue said. When the giant tortoise was confronted by the rune, the interested eyes of the giant tortoise let Zhang Yue know that it did not move. True.

"Don't you still have me."

A word made Zhang Yue cheer up instantly.

"You have a way."

"I can cheer you on by the side."


Zhang Yue turned his head to ignore the orb robot, began to rest, and summoned the barbecue robot to let it barbecue.

"It's not that you have no chance. The world compass can leave coordinates in this world. When you feel that you have enough strength, can you send it back and continue to challenge."

Zhang Yue lay on the recliner and closed his eyes and said, "Didn't you say that all divine beasts are strong when they meet strong conditions. I guess there is no hope for a lifetime."

"Who says you have no hope? The upper limit of the strength of that giant tortoise is the peak of the true god. For the sake of protection, if you come back after the main god, it will be stable," said the ball robot.

"Why are you so skinny?" Zhang Yue said silently.

Lord God, I don’t know how many years will come.


"I always feel that you are not a serious tool spirit. My divine tool spirit does not speak as much as you." Zhang Yue said and touched the Star God's heavy armor.

"Didn't you meet it now."

At this time, the barbecue robot has put the tested meat on a plate.

"It's better to be safe in the third-level area, take a break, and continue to farm the divine monster tomorrow."

Zhang Yue looked at the colorful clouds in the sky and said.

A month later, Zhang Yue looked at the 93 pieces of earth gods in the bracelet and sighed, "I finally got them together. I didn't expect earth elemental divine beasts to be so hard to find."

In this month, the other divine natures in Zhang Yue's bracelet have formed at most 3 law runes, but the alien beast with the earth attribute is too difficult to find.

"Ball, can the earth and space hybrid divine beast tell me its position?" Zhang Yue said to his back.

"The position has been sent to your bracelet, just follow the direction of its guidance." said the orb robot.

"Before you go, you digest 90 divine natures first, which will help your combat power increase."


After Zhang Yue finished eating the barbecue, one hand lightly pressed on the ground, and a courtyard rose from the ground.

"Well, this place has a nice view, just digest the divine nature of the earth here."

In the room, Zhang Yue took out the 89 divinities from the bracelet.

The divinity drilled in along the position of Zhang Yue's eyebrows, and in an instant, Zhang Yue felt that the whole world had changed.

In Zhang Yue's spiritual world, countless earth laws evolved in his spiritual space, and the spiritual body looked at the huge earth element laws in the spiritual space, dazzling.

"The power of the soul of the earth, the power of the earth, the power of the center of the earth, the power of the source of the earth, the abyss of the earth, the power of the source of the town, the power of the profound earth, the power of earth listening."

There are a lot of ancient earth element laws that Zhang Yue cannot be named.

Three months later, sitting cross-legged on the bed, Zhang Yue slowly opened his eyes.

"The law of the law is really too profound, even if you spend a lifetime, it is estimated that you only understand the fur." ​​Zhang Yue said lightly.

Zhang Yue walked out of the courtyard, and a spaceship condensed by the laws of the earth appeared at the door.

"Go and see my teammates first, what I gave him should be almost used."

Stepping on the spaceship, a man with the appearance of a housekeeper appeared in front of Zhang Yue.

"Lord, where do you want to go." said the butler.

"I want to meet my teammates first. They are in the second-level area." Zhang Yue looked at the butler and said, unexpectedly that the power of the soul would have this effect.


The door of the spacecraft closed, and then the entire spacecraft sank into the ground.

In the second-level area, Lu Heng Yigan is training and rejuvenating in a hidden place.

"Sister Ji, it's really a terrible idea not to let Brother Xiong's Xiaotu make a move." Si Liyun said, looking at the wound on his chest, only half an inch from his heart.

The law of more than a hundred swords, divine beasts, almost wiped them out.

"Yeah, since we proposed not to let Xiaotu out, we have been wandering between life and death every day." Ning Xiu also said. His semi-artifact young boxer, experienced high-intensity battles every day, is now broken. Danger.

"Is there no improvement in your strength." Ji Xiayun glanced at them. In the past few months, the strength of everyone in the team has grown by leaps and bounds.

After adding the divine auxiliary enlightenment, everyone's combat power has crossed the perfect stage and promoted to legend.

"Our combat power is almost all legendary, but we still have to walk on thin ice in the second-level area, and I don't know what scene Xiong is in the third-level area." Yi Mengshuang said.

"Don't think about it, where, the general legendary combat power is simply to give food, remember when we came in and met that hybrid divine creature."

"Just that divine creature, we won't lose half of it, we can't hold it at all," Liu Yiyi said.

"One more thing, the powerful divine beasts we have encountered this period of time have already consumed the life-saving gadgets given by Brother Xiong very little. In an emergency situation later, we estimate that there will be casualties. "Liu Yiyi said again.

At this time, a voice came, and everyone showed joy.

"I feel you need it, so I'm here."

Zhang Yue said that he stepped into the arcane defense formation under Xu Lingxuan's quietly, and there was no response from the formation.

"Brother Xiong, you are here." Everyone welcomed them.

"Next I'm going to do a big thing, first come and see you."

Zhang Yue said and waved his hand, and there were 300 earth spears and a hundred deep purple earth spears on the ground, and a hundred rings of earth protection potential floating in the air.

Since the last time three teammates died on the battlefield of Ten Thousand Races, Zhang Yue began to attach great importance to the guardianship of his teammates. Since Zhang Yue teamed up with me, it would be difficult for you to die.

"Brother Xiong, do we need our help if something is serious," Lu Heng said hurriedly. Although he knew that he was talking nonsense, he must show his attitude.

"Okay, I'm going to kill a super-powerful divine beast, just so you can help me try its depth." Zhang Yue said torturously, he likes this kind of person who knows the difficulties.

"Haha, Brother Xiong, you were joking, even you said that you are a great divine creature. I guess I don't even have the qualifications to take a look. You go and I will take care of the team." Lu Heng scratched his head and said.

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