The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 346: World compass

Zhang Yue looked at the mixed divinity of the 14 green source colors and yellow in his hand, and said with a smile: "Haha, I didn't expect it to be so easy this time."

"Zikong, there will be a space rune for you in a while."

"no problem."

Zikong said in midair, and then turned around and escaped into the gap between Dao space.

"It's okay don't call me out, the enemy in the gap in the space, I will help you solve it."

Zikong's voice echoed in the air.

"It's pretty cold."

A ship of the earth slowly emerged, and Zhang Yue walked up.

"Ball, help me find a place closer to the space rune monster." Zhang Yue said.

"Northeast, 100,000 kilometers away."

The Earth Ship instantly turned into a diamond-shaped spacecraft, and flew quickly toward the goal.

"This world actually suppressed my Yunjian, or the distance of 100,000 kilometers would be a blink of an eye."

In the spaceship condensed by the laws of the earth, Zhang Yue said slowly, looking at the scenery on both sides.

"This world doesn't support this kind of thing. You can make a spaceship based on the laws of the earth, which is ahead of most alien races."

The Orb Robot looked at Zhang Yue thoughtfully and said,

It remembered what the last master had entrusted to himself during the last battle.

"Zhang Yue, I also know that a high-level artifact is hidden in a place, do you want it?"

"What conditions."

Zhang Yuetou who was watching the scenery said without replying.

"After you become the Queen of God, you can promise him one thing." The Orb Robot said, sighing in his heart, is it God's arrangement to let himself meet Zhang Yue.

"Become the Queen of God~~"

Zhang Yue turned his head and glanced at the orb robot.

"That artifact is not you, right."

"Yes, the war artifact, the Hall of Heroic Spirits." said the Orb Robot. When it had the potential to advance to the main artifact, it was a hot artifact in the Protoss.

"Listening to the name is interesting, keep talking."

"I also have a name called the Temple of Resurrection. I leave a mark on the Temple and I can be resurrected from the Temple after death."

Zhang Yue immediately got serious and said to the orb robot: "A magical tool like you will be abandoned here."

"The body is damaged. Currently, only demigods can be resurrected. During the forward period, intermediate true gods can be resurrected."

"Is it right that I don't have to fulfill the conditions if I haven't been to the **** king." Zhang Yue asked. The demigod can be resurrected, isn't this what the human race needs now.


"Okay, I promised. Anyway, I have more debts."

There is one more condition for Bakka's Cosmic Heart, Chu Feng's father, and Cosmic Heart of Universe Will, and Zhang Yue said that there is no slightest pressure.

"Since I am going to be your master, there are some things, should we talk about it."

"For example, why are you following me? Do you feel that I can fulfill your conditions."

Zhang Yue took out a bottle of Moonlight Blessing from the storage space, and drank it slowly, listening to the story.

"Have you ever seen the universe's will compromise, or can negotiate terms."

"I have seen it, Zikong is the one." Zhang Yue said, what's so strange about this.

"My master and I have seen more than a dozen top gods who violated the taboos of the universe and were wiped out on the spot."

"My master and I have also seen a scene where the Protoss King negotiates terms with the will of the universe," said the Orb Robot.

"What does this mean."

"Only the **** king is worthy to negotiate terms with the will of the universe."

"What you mean is that I may become the king of gods in the future,"


"Haha, you have a good vision." Zhang Yue said with a smile, and he was stunned in his heart. You underestimated me. The exercises I practiced in the end were more powerful than the **** king.

Three days later, Zhang Yue looked at the world full of space cracks in front and said: "Zikong, do you have any problems alone? Do you need my help."

"You are responsible for calling 666."

A figure of Zikong came from the air, and at the same time a 10m*10m spatial window appeared in front of Zhang Yue, the area in front of which was full of spatial cracks fell into calm.

In the space window, it was a turbulent flow of space, and Zikong's one-hundred-meter-long body appeared in the window.

"This depth should be a gap in the intermediate space." said the ball robot.

Zhang Yue, who was eating melon seeds and preparing to watch the show, said, "You know a lot."

"Don't say anything else, I just have more knowledge."

"In the previous peak period, when the Protoss was fighting against the abyss, there were tens of thousands of Protoss in the resurrection pool of my Hall of Heroes every day."

"Because the resurrection period is relatively long, I have nothing to chat with them, and learned a lot of secrets about the world of the heavens."

"In the future, the owner can ask me what he doesn't understand, or if he encounters something he doesn't know." Orb robot said triumphantly. As a third-rate race, I must be someone who is proficient in the secrets of the world.

"Oh, so you know everything."

At this moment, at the space window, Zi Kong met with the divine creature of the space system and started fighting.

"Why the opposite is also a snake."

Watching two snakes fight in the most primitive way, there is no appreciation at all.

"Master, I have to say that Zikong's combat effectiveness is really strong, both mentally and physically suppressed."

"And the strength is the same as the master, it is Tier 6 strength."

"Proper god-level combat power, if it reaches the true god-level in the future, it will be difficult for the main **** to kill it." Orb robot commented.

"Is it so powerful?" Zhang Yue said as he looked at the two snakes who were still fighting. He just tried to expand the power of the earth, but it was useless at all. The battlefield was clearly ahead.

"Absolutely powerful, but in the future, he will be able to guard one side, especially in the star field."

"Haha, I didn't expect to make something so powerful."

Zhang Yue said that he remembered that time when he mixed the laws, it seemed that he almost violated the taboo of the universe.

At this time, at the space window, Zi Kong was about to sever the body of the opposing space-based divine the space-based divine beast suddenly exploded and turned into a purple space law rune.

Zhang Yue waved his hand, and the space system rune flew directly into Zhang Yue's hand from the window, and then Zikong appeared beside Zhang Yue with a compass as big as a millpan in his mouth.

"This is the world compass, the main artifact space is young." Zhang Yue said as he looked at the deep black compass engraved with countless golden runes.

"Yes, this is the world compass. It's just that the spirit of the instrument has not recovered. It is now in a semi-sacred weapon state and can only hit ten spatial coordinates. Open the door to the four-sided space."

"But if you give the world compass to Zikong and match it with the stone, it can instantly evolve into a divine tool. With the help of the law of space, it is estimated that you can cover all the territories of your human race, and then you can teleport at will within the coverage area. "

"Space portals can also take a little effort to build, which saves energy than traditional teleportation arrays."

"Space portals, can they be teleported to each other between the heavenly world and the star field?" Zhang Yue asked.

"Yes, but the energy consumption is a bit big."

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