The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 349: 59,000 points

Three months later, Zhang Yue looked helplessly at the Earth Soul clone fighting the panda.

"How much time does this product have to clone?" Zhang Yue said, looking at the panda that had become annoying.

"Who knows, since ancient times, those who control time are the hardest to kill, and they can seal their true body during this period in the time seal."

"When you encounter an enemy, let it out again, all of them have real combat power."

"In the ancient times, there was a master **** who controlled time and was good at self-destruct. He made the world of heavens into a mist, and whoever was not pleasing to the eye directly became a time clone."

"The **** king has no choice but to take him."

"Finally, it was sealed by the Holy King of the Protoss and exiled to the outside of the universe." said the Orb Robot.

"However, this panda should not be so perverted. If you insist on it for a few months, it is estimated that you will be able to force it out." Orb robot comforted.

"Damn, there are still a few months left." Zhang Yue said in surprise.

This is, a space crack appeared in the sky above Zhang Yue, and many law runes fell from it.

"Forty-three law runes, Zikong, you have recovered well this month." Zhang Yue said into the air.

"It's just boring to go out for a walk and collect it for you by the way."

"Thank you anyway," Zhang Yue said.

At this moment, Zhang Yue suddenly thought of something.

"Spirit ball, Lu Heng should be resurrected, didn't you say three months at the beginning." Zhang Yue said.

"They can only want to stay in my body, and then release them after going out."

"Because I thought that the **** of the Protoss had left a trace of supernatural power on me to supervise me."

"Although I am a useless artifact for the Protoss, I am not allowed to fall into the hands of other aliens."

"So you want to escape the detection of the main **** in this way." Zhang Yue said.


"I have nothing to collect souls, but once I resurrect them, the Lord God over there will be aware of the abnormality."

"Understand, then continue to spend with this panda now."

Four months later, Zhang Yue took a bottle of Moonlight Blessing, as if he were a daily task, lying on a lounger by the door of a courtyard, watching the battle between the Earth Soul clone and the panda.

"Half a year has passed. This panda is really amazing. How much time does he accumulate as a clone? There must be more than 10,000." Zhang Yue said helplessly.

He felt very tired. He watched half of the two-year trial period. If the panda's real body was not found by that time, then Lu Heng and the others would be trapped in this world.

A panda was killed by the Earth Soul clone. Just as Zhang Yue guessed that the next panda appeared from there, a panda suddenly appeared in front of Zhang Yue.

Different from the previous scenes of meeting and doing it, this panda didn't do anything this time, but looked at Zhang Yue quietly, with the light of wisdom in his eyes.

Zhang Yue instantly became energetic.

"Are you real."

After listening to Zhang Yue's words, the panda slowly said, "I am still a clone. I want to ask, what is your purpose? Do you have to kill me?"

"The purpose is to collect the divine nature of time. It should be necessary to kill you." Zhang Yue scratched his head and said. To be honest, killing a smart creature for no reason is more or less overwhelming.

"Is it just time for divine nature? How many grains do you need?" the panda asked again.

"Ten grains."

This is the ball robot said, in fact, it needs 5 capsules, the extra is to prevent any accidents.

"I give you ten grains of time to be a divine nature, will you let me go."

"Yes." Zhang Yue said affirmatively.

The panda opened his mouth and threw up, his expression was very painful, as if he had cut his own flesh abruptly.

The ten transparent colored matter time is the divine nature appearing in Zhang Yue's hands.

"Ten divine natures have been given to you, now I ask you to leave my territory." The panda said solemnly.

Zhang Yue instantly felt that the panda became cute.

"Okay, now we are great."

Zhang Yue talked about the panda territory that condensed the earth spaceship and left.

After watching Zhang Yue leave the territory, the panda breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's really a difficult alien. He has been insisting for 5 months. I can only go out to fight in real life."

"Also, the time attribute of this alien race is about to rise. By then, he will have one more reason to kill me."

"No, this world is still too dangerous. This time I will store 100,000 time clones." Panda said firmly.

In the spaceship of the earth, Zhang Yue looked at the time in his hand as the divine nature, and felt the power in his body around the corner, and wanted to absorb all these divine natures.

"If you want to absorb it first, just take two pills. Your little talent for time will take a long time to fully awaken."

"Why is it like this, time element talent, I really want to rise."

Zhang Yue said that he smashed the cup in his hand and instantly changed back to the original state.

The orb robot smiled and said: "This is a sign of awakening. When you can turn the cup time back into raw materials, it will be considered successful."


Zhang Yue said that the divinity that controls the two time systems was sucked into the heart of his eyebrows, and instantly entered a state of epiphany.

Two years passed in the blink of an eye.

A huge teleportation formation appeared in the sky of the trial world, and all the teams participating in the trial in the world were sucked up in the same way.

On the crystal carpet, Zhang Yue looked at the crystal square, which was obviously empty, and exclaimed: "At least two-thirds of the team is missing. It's really cruel."

"The square has been closed. Please go to the exchange hall for all the teams in the trial to exchange all the divine nature in your hands.

"Runuo's private possession, punish the whole clan!"

The indifferent voice caused all the teams participating in the trial to shudder, and quickly walked towards the exchange hall.

In an exchange hall no less than the size of the Crystal Plaza, Zhang Yue handed in his wristband.

"Hello, in your bracelet, there are a total of 406 law runes, 86 of the gold type, 76 of the water type, 66 of the wood type, 73 of the fire type, 46 of the earth type, 23 of the thunder type, and 9 of the space type."

"A total of 59,000 points were redeemed."

"Open the exchange Zhang Yue said.

A virtual screen appeared in front of Zhang Yue.

"Low-level artifacts with more than 500 points"

"Intermediate artifact 30,000 points"

"Senior artifact with more than 10 points"

"Compared with this standard, it seems that the points in my hand are much higher than those in the ten thousand battlefield."

With plenty of time, Zhang Yue looked at it slowly.

"The lowest level of the god-level lightspeed spacecraft requires more than 40,000 points. Do you want to exchange for one?" Zhang Yue had an urge to try.

"It still matters officially." Zhang Yue made a decision and said that God-level spaceships are not currently necessary for him.

Zhang Yue opened the option of divine rank exchange.

"The general five basic attribute **** ranks are about 15,000 points, and the earth **** rank that guards the will is 20,000 points."

Zhang Yue first added the godhead with guardian will to the list.

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