The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 363: Demigod Gorefiend

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"Don't kill me, I am willing to become your favorite."

A trace of contempt flashed in Zhang Yue's eyes, is this the bulge of a semi-divine beast.

"I also know a lot of secrets. There is a very powerful demigod animal under the water blue city. Once it wakes up, it will swallow the whole city."

"You and I can suppress it together."

The evil water mysterious tortoise said here, Zhang Yue came to be interested, there was a semi-divine animal under Shuilan City.

After seeing this look of interest in Yue, the evil water mysterious tortoise seemed to have caught the vitality, and continued: "That is a half-god blood demon, and it will wake up in 20 years."

"Is it because of the blood demons in the city that you set off the beast tide?" Zhang Yue asked, but the killing intent in his eyes was undiminished.

"Yes, I have a way to restrain it."

"As long as you don't kill me, I can also tell you a few secret fragmented worlds, and more than 20 medium-sized fragmented worlds under my control."

In order to survive, he said almost all his own.

Zhang Yue looked at the evil water mysterious turtle. Slowly laughed, can these things he said are worth 10 gods.

A decapitated giant sword in the sky has been condensed and completed.

"How much do you think the blood feud of more than 100,000 people in my human race is worth."

"Stop talking nonsense with you, remember, don't provoke the human race in your next life,"

Zhang Yue said that the extremely wide sword fell in the sky, and there were two more heads of the evil water mysterious turtle on the ground.

With a wave of his hand, the body of the evil water mysterious tortoise disappeared. Zhang Yue clapped his hands and planned to end the work. At this moment, an arcanist riding a law wind dragon flew over.

"Excuse me, the demigod senior in the clan." Zuo Xin said respectfully looking at Zhang Yue.

"Are you Zuo Xin?" Zhang Yue asked while looking at the arcanist in a black robe.

He had met this arcanist several times when he was still in school, and his sister still regarded him as an idol at the time.

"It's a junior." Zuo Xin nodded and said.

"Don't take a bite of a junior, I am not a demigod." Zhang Yue said with a smile.

"Why are you here."

"I received it in Shuilan City and said that there was an abnormality here. To prevent the beast tide, I came to check it out."

Zuo Xin took a sigh of relief. It wasn't enough for the evil water mysterious tortoise to set off the beast tide again. He looked at the devastated battlefield and asked: "Is the senior here to kill the evil water mysterious tortoise."

"Well, it's already gone, we shouldn't cause a wave of beasts in our water blue area in the future."

"By the way, my name is Zhang Yue, you should have heard my name."

Zhang Yue said that after having demigod combat power, he decided not to conceal his identity anymore. When Xiong Ti was inconvenient, let him come out.

"Zhang Yue! The most talented shield bearer of the human race." Zuo Xin was surprised. As a high-ranking human race, he still knows some things. Zhang Yue is the most hopeful person to inherit the position of Wei Duntian, and he will not know about it later. What reason suddenly disappeared. Unexpectedly, it came out now.

"This title is not bad." Zhang Yue said, touching his chin.

"You just said that the evil water mysterious tortoise was destroyed by you!!" Zuo Xin came to the show just now, and had been checking Zhang Yue's information just now, but nothing was found.

'boom! ’

The head of a room-sized evil water mysterious tortoise appeared in front of Zuo Xin.

"Help me hang it on the wall of Jufeng Mountain."

Zhang Yue had a bit of inspiration, and slowly landed on Zuo Xin's hand.

"This is the memory of the evil water mysterious tortoise. I didn't move anything he left behind."

"All help me donate to the blue area for education funds."

"Well, you must complete your task." 3a reading net

Zuo Xin also came back from shock, staring at the head of the evil water mysterious turtle with dull eyes.

Suddenly, Zuo Xin bowed deeply to Zhang Yue.

"Thank you for helping to get rid of the evil water black tortoise in the water blue area. On behalf of all the soldiers in the water blue city, thank you."

Zhang Yue hurriedly dragged Zuo Xin.

"Thank you, I am also from the water blue area. I do things for my own home without saying thank you."

"Okay, I have something to do, so I won't let you talk about it. Don't forget the family history that the evil water mysterious turtle has left for many years."

"Hang his head up for me as soon as possible."


As Zhang Yue said, a small earth spacecraft was gathered under his feet and flew towards the water blue city.

Seeing Zhang Yue's departure, Zuo Xin wanted to come. It seemed that he had also been to Zhang Yue's apprenticeship banquet. He took out his communicator and called Zhao Gaoshi.

"Xiao Zuo, what's the matter?" Zhao Gaoshi's voice came from the communicator.

"Do you have an apprentice called Zhang Yue?"

"Yes, didn't you come to attend his apprenticeship banquet."

"Your apprentice killed the evil water mysterious tortoise just now." Zuo Xin said.

"What strength is your apprentice now?" Zuo Xin asked again.

"Kill the demi-divine beast!" Zhao Gaoshi said in shock, how long did it take to practice in retreat.

"Yes, let me hang the head of the evil water mysterious turtle on the mountain wall of Jufeng Mountain."

There was silence in the communicator for a while, and Zhao Gaoshi slowly said: "My apprentice can no longer be described as an evildoer. If he can kill a semi-divine beast, Xiao Yue probably should be promoted to a higher rank."

"High-level killing demigods, are you accepting apprentices or accepting patrons? Today is a long experience."

After the two talked for a while and hung up the phone, Zhao Gaoshi thought about it for a while in the room and said, "Now the pressure on the front in the northern frontier is too great, it's time to show my ability to educate apprentices."

"Although I can't, my apprentice can."

Zhang Yue, who was in the Blue City, received Zhao Gaoshi's call request.

Watching the animal cart slowly parked in front of and behind his father's martial arts hall, Zhang Yue finished talking with Zhao Gaoshi.

"It seems that the northern frontier area is really getting nervous. I was summoned for the first time, and I was really happy to think about it." Zhang Yue said with a smile.

Zhang Yue walked into the martial arts gym after getting off the car and found his father was chatting with his apprentice Jiang Yuzhe.

"Xiaoyue, come and do it soon. The retreat is over." Zhang Shaohui asked. He has also been to the star realm. It is really a very suitable place for cultivation.

"Just leave the customs, come out to have a look, I want to tell you something."

"After a while, if you visit Jufeng Mountain, there will be unexpected surprises." Zhang Yue said with a smile.

"Unexpected surprise?" Zhang Shaohui asked in confusion, what kind of surprises were there.

"You know when you Zhang Yue looked at his father's apprentice Jiang Yuzhe after finishing talking.

"Hello, big brother." Jiang Yuzhe said quickly.

"Sixth-level advanced, are a few steps fast?" Zhang Yue saw his strength at a glance.

"That's what the master taught. It's okay. Master, I may still be a handyman now." Jiang Yuzhe said gratefully.

"That's your fight."

Zhang Yue took out a giant sword and handed it to Jiang Yuzhe.

"Three-eyed tribe’s high-end standard equipment, top SSS-level weapons, first make use of them, high-level see if your master is not willing to give you the artifact." Zhang Yue said, he now likes to collect equipment from all races, in the world ring , Half of them are equipment of various races, there are a lot of fine, semi-artifact juvenile, demi-artifact juvenile, semi-artifact, and artifact.

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