The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 369: All Souls

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Not long after, Zhang Yue went to the underground Earth Soul clone and returned from the depths of the earth.

A bunch of compressed blood-colored liquid-like things appeared in Zhang Yue's hands.

"This is the Gorefiend, it looks really dangerous."

With this matter, Zhang Yue frowned suddenly, and his figure disappeared into the ground.

In a space deep in the earth, countless Zerg races who were irrational and only knew the killing rushed towards the ground excitedly.

A ninth-order insect mother lurked in the deepest part of the earth, her eyes flashed lightly for a while, why the old opponent who had fought for more than a thousand years had disappeared.

Without thinking about it, there is a lively city above her.

I haven't seen flesh and blood for more than a thousand years.

A bloodthirsty and cruel look flashed in the eyes of the worm mother.

At this time, Zhang Yue's figure appeared beside the insect mother.

"It turns out that the blood demons are sleeping here for you Zerg."

Zhang Yue's voice suddenly awakened the insect mother, and suddenly looked at Zhang Yue, like a ghost.

"Don't look at me with that look, you are much scarier than me."

This is a worm mother at the lowest level of the Zerg. It can only produce a single combat Zerg. If there is no chance, it will be trapped under the true **** for a lifetime.

"You suppressed the Gorefiend."

A low and cruel voice sounded.

"Yes, I am surprised to see the Zerg sealed by the whole clan."

"Can I help you."

Although Zhang Yue remained faint, the cold light in his eyes could hardly be hidden.

"Why are all races in the heavens hostile to us?" The Mother Worm murmured. She knew that the powerhouse that could easily suppress the blood demons was at least the strength of the top demigods.

"No, at least the Necromancer thinks yours is very cute." Zhang Yue said.

In the last period of the ten thousand race battlefield, he has seen the duel between the necromancer and the zerg.

I have to say that the Necromancer is the natural enemy of all races that like explosive soldiers.

"Don't tell me that race, I'm afraid." The insect mother said with a frown.

"What do you plan to do with me, do you continue to seal or kill me."

Mother Chong's words made Zhang Yue silent. At the first glance Zhang Yue saw the Mother Chong, he wanted to crush her with a finger, but suddenly held back.

After all, I am at an advantage now.

"It's a shame to kill you. You should continue to be sealed."

At this time, the space around the worm mother began to shrink. Like an inflated purple balloon slowly shrinking.

"Wait, I have a message that is enough to give you the resources to advance to the Intermediate True God."

"As a top demigod, you must now have a headache with the resources of being promoted to the true god. I have a lot of them here, so I can always get you to the middle level."

"I only have one request to send me to the Sealed Land of our Zerg."

The shrinking purple space stopped, and Zhang Yue looked at the worm mother and slowly said: "You, a ninth-order worm mother, do you know how many resources a demigod needs to advance to an intermediate true god?"

"I know, that is the resource left by one of my Zerg gods to her immediate descendants, and I was right there at the time."

"The resource has been sealed by the main **** in a large fragmented world, and now only I can open it."

"How to make me believe you?" Zhang Yue looked at the insect mother and said, a small insect that can be squeezed to death at will. Since it has some value, keep it.

"The large fragmented world is not far from here. I bought the blood demon seal for so long because of this large fragmented world."

The worm mother looked at Zhang Yue and said that she had just contacted the outside world and began to try to contact her own ethnic group, and then found that the entire world of the heavens had no other zerg in the specific spatial frequency communication space of the zerg. Bashan Love Novel Network

At that time, she knew that she could not survive in this world of strong men like forest.

"For another condition, the sealed land of your Zerg race is guarded by the powerhouses of several top races."

"I don't want to go to death."

"Then you give me a super-large fragmented world for me to cultivate, and at the same time you have to protect me."

The insect mother thought for a while, and changed another condition.

"This is fine, but I want to look at the resource world you mentioned first."

"Also, after entering the world of super large fragments, you will never come out."

"Otherwise, even if you are promoted to the true god, in my eyes it is just a small bug."

Zhang Yue's figure became bigger and bigger in the eyes of the worm mother, and the space where the worm mother was in the end was condensed by Zhang Yue into a sealed space similar to the fragmented world.

"it is good."

At this moment, a pattern representing the contract appeared on the heads of Chongmu and Zhang Yue at the same time.

"Ancient contract, I really want to kill you, you think this will work." Zhang Yue's eyes flashed.

"A little way of protecting the body, as soon as I go out, I will take you to the resource world"

"it is good."

At night, the little girl who asked Zhang Yue for help was looking at her parents with a pouting mouth.

"Okay, okay, I know, next time, I won't easily come into contact with the top power of the human race."

"I'm just wondering if Zhang Yue can be promoted to a demigod in just a few years, whether he has inherited the inheritance of that true **** from the kingdom of God."

The little girl said cutely, looking very cute.

The little girl's father looked at the little girl with a slightly angry and doting look.

"Human race, although it is a neutral and kind camp, it will not allow other unknown races to lurk in its own race."

"Yes, your dad is right. The task above is to ask you to collect information on geniuses of various races, but it did not let you contact them."

"Once it is exposed, our mission will not be completed, but when you are promoted to a demigod or even a true god, you will have no resources."

"I will spend more than 10 years in the Five Elements Prison."

"300 years ago, did you forget about that little fat man."

The little girl's mother touched the little girl's soft hair and said lovingly.

Just as the little girl was still talking, one of the little girls who were directly suppressed in a field.

"The two true gods also have a ninth-tier genius. The Wanling Race really looks at the Human Race."

Zhang Yue's figure appeared inside the house.

The little girl's parents heard Zhang Yue directly call out their race, and their complexion instantly changed. They wanted to protect the little girl behind them, only to find that their body had been suppressed and could not move a bit.

"Master Zhang We are not malicious."

"Since we know our race, we should know the responsibility of our race."

"Don't participate in the hegemony, only record the past of the heavens."

The little girl's parents said quickly.

"It is precisely because I know this that I will do this, otherwise you will not even have the opportunity to return to your Lord's Sacred Domain Resurrection Pool." Zhang Yue said lightly while looking at the family of three.

With a snapped finger, Zhang Yue excluded all the laws of the domain.

The family of three little girls returned to their original state.

The upper body is a humanoid, and the lower body has a cloud of aura color, like a magic lamp of God.

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