The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 379: Confrontation

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Zhang Yue looked at Tian Yuan Ancestor with a smile and said: "Do you think I can only launch this one to attack you."

After speaking, several crystal stone pillars appeared in the sky, and the strong air pressure from the sky directly pressed the heavenly ape ancestor's divine kingdom.

The face of the ancestor of the sky ape was hard to look for an instant, a thunder spear appeared in his hand and shot Zhang Yue.

In an instant, endless thunderclouds appeared in the sky, covering the entire holy city.

Countless thick thunder buckets blasted down.

A lotus flower composed of thunder light appeared around Zhang Yue, which happened to surround Zhang Yue in the center.

The thunder light lotus slowly gathered and surrounded Zhang Yue's domain, while the huge thunder that invaded from the sky turned into the nutrients of the thunder light lotus, making it more powerful.

"Zhang Yue, let me see your true strength."

After the ancestor of the sky ape finished speaking, the crystal stone pillar in mid-air blasted down.

'boom! ’

The crystal stone pillar was shattered, and the crack in the heavenly kingdom of the ancestor of the sky ape expanded.

'boom! ! ’

The second crystal pillar, the crack in the kingdom of God has spread to one-tenth of the kingdom of God.

'boom! ! ! ’

The third crystal pillar banged, and the crack spread to the upper half of the kingdom of God.

With the impact of the fourth stone pillar, the kingdom of God has begun to falter.

The ancestor of the sky ape spouted a mouthful of old blood and looked at the fifth stone pillar in the sky about to be blasted down with fear.

"Master Sacred Ape!!!"

Following the voice of the ancestor of the sky ape, a huge palm appeared above the ancestor of the sky, and easily caught the three stone pillars that followed.

Zhang Yue looked at the giant hand above the Heavenly Ape Old Father Kingdom and said, "Is this the strength of the Intermediate True God?"

He suppressed the ancestor of the sky ape without opening it, he wanted to draw out the sacred beast of the intermediate true **** level hiding in the dark.

At this time, the entire holy city had been destroyed more than half by Zhang Yue's Earth Reckless and Earth Soul clone, and the rest was only a matter of time.

As for the Diamond Ape Clan demigods that just appeared, they have all been suppressed by Zhang Yue's Earth Soul clone.

"Unexpectedly, a god-level arrogant like you would appear in the third-rate race."

"If you don't come here, your human race is likely to be the third three-eyed race."

"Yes, you are too arrogant."

The thunderous sound reverberated in the early days, and the thousands of battle-high bodies of the holy ape occupied the entire sky.

A giant hand stretched out a finger and pointed towards Zhang Yue. The destructive power emanating from that fingertip made Zhang Yue palpitate secretly.

At this time, all the high-level humans who were watching the live broadcast in the Sky City were all staring at the screen tightly, their bodies trembling slightly, and their hearts were extremely nervous.

"Xiaoyue, you must not have an accident." Zhuge Junshen murmured.

"Zhang Yue, I'm not as good as him." Li Daoyi stared at the screen and said. Long before, he had already had the opportunity to win growth for Zhang Yue even with his life. Now it seems that he doesn't need it at all. Up.

"Zhang Yue, the hope of our shield bearers is also the hope of the human race. You must stand up to it." Zhang Yue's master uncle said.

The giant finger easily passed through Zhang Yue's guardian domain.

A circular shield with a diameter of one thousand meters appeared around Zhang Yue, which was the ground protection power Zhang Yue actively stimulated.

Click and wipe~~

The sound sounded like glass shattered, and the ground was broken.

At this moment, Zhang Yue expressionlessly took down the Royal Star Shield behind him and resisted with a shield.

'boom! ! ! ’

The moment the giant finger clicked on Zhang Yuedun, the surrounding space seemed to be torn apart, with Zhang Yue as the center, spreading to the entire holy city, all shattered by the force Zhang Yue unloaded into the earth.

The entire holy city of the King Kong Ape Clan was completely destroyed by this force.

As the gunpowder dissipated, Zhang Yue stared at the divine beast and holy ape with his shield.

"Zhang Yue, you are dead today!"

"You can still resist the Intermediate True God with the body of a demigod. Do you regard you as the arrogant of those top races?" The ancestor of the sky ape looked at Zhang Yue and shouted wildly, the hatred in his eyes could almost condense into substance.

His kingdom of God was damaged to such a degree, it had hurt the foundation of the kingdom of God, and the future path of the gods would end here at best. He wanted a complete restoration unless there were tens of thousands of sources of **** materials as support.

Zhang Yue glanced at the ancestor of the sky ape lightly.

"You can shut up."

At this moment, a spatial black hole appeared behind the Celestial Ape Ancestor, directly swallowing the Celestial Ape Ancestor, and finally turned into a purple glass ball and appeared in Zhang Yue's hands.

"In my eyes, you are already dead."

"Oh no, it's a dead ape." Zhang Yue said lightly.

Looking at the ancestor of the sky ape who disappeared by his side, a trace of jealousy flashed in the eyes of the holy ape, not everyone can take people away from him.

The sacred ape suddenly had no desire to fight on. The ancestor of the sky ape had an interest relationship with him, but after so many years of getting along with him, he was more or less emotional.

"Holy Ape, send out your strongest attack, let me see the strength of the Intermediate True God." Zhang Yue said, looking up at the holy ape.

"You let the ancestor of the sky ape first, I let you go, how about it?" The holy ape said with a slightly solemn look at Zhang Yue, but in his heart he should not regard Zhang Yue as the enemy of the world's top arrogance.

"Haha, I want me to let go of the enemy who killed my master."

"Then come and kill me."

Zhang Yue looked at the holy ape with arrogant eyes.

"Okay, as you wish."

A trace of killing intent flashed in the eyes of the holy monkey, and a pair of giant hands covering the sky faced Zhang Yue's cover.

"Do you just feel that I don't have any means for you."

Zhang Yue waved his hand to the sky, and the crystal stone pillars hidden hundreds of miles above the sky all smashed towards the holy ape, and in the process of descent, formed a giant sword of several thousand meters long, which was several times the speed of sound. .

Zhang Yue looked at the giant hand that was attacking him, and countless huge rocks appeared around him, quickly protecting Zhang Yue.

‘The Power of Rock Armor’

Suddenly, Zhang Yue became a giant with a height of 100 meters. This was the first time he used rock armor after becoming a demigod.

At this time, under Zhang Yue's perception, the hardness of the rock armor on his body was no less inferior to the star **** heavy armor on his body.

"come on!!"

The one-hundred-meter-high giant shouted at the holy ape while holding a huge shield.

The high-level human race watching the live broadcast At this time, only the high-level human race at the demi-god level remained. As for the high-level human race below the demigod, they all fainted because they couldn't bear it.

True God level battles are not something anyone can watch casually, even live broadcasts.

"Zhang Yue, you are the only hope of Human Race, you must resist it."

With the huge palm under the cover, Zhang Yue's new realm was directly broken.

"Eternal Shield Mountain!"

Five mountain peaks rose up beside Zhang Yue, and he settled towards the giant palm.

"Wanxing Jinwu Jue"

Three stars that seemed to be the essence of Huawei appeared behind Zhang Yue and rose slowly, and endless starlight energy was injected into Zhang Yue's body.

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