After playing with the Wind Demon Monster Tiger for a day, Zhang Yue returned to Blue City to cultivate.

   Ten Thousand Stone Mountains

   The ten-meter-high rock giant was chasing Zhang Yue, and from time to time he picked up a boulder and threw it at Zhang Yue, which was blocked by the shield wall one by one.

   "This thing, lying down, I guess it's awful enough for us to play, it flashed."

   Zhang Yue went straight away.

   A Tier 4 intermediate amethyst beast was slowly gnawing on the rock, and Zhang Yue in the distance observed for a long time before turning around and preparing to return to Shuilan City.

   "It seems that the Ten Thousand Stone Mountain Range should not come. The defense against alien animals is too high."

   rotting swamp

   A Tier 4 black wood crocodile suddenly attacked Zhang Yue, holding a shield to block, shield potential, gravity, and shield wall.

   kept fighting with Zhang Yue until dark.

   "You are much worse than the little tiger." Zhang Yue dropped this sentence and left.

   One month passed quietly.

  Emperor Star Hotel.

   "Welcome back!" Zhang Yue returned from special training for his comrades.

   "Thank you Brother Yue for the hospitality." After the three returned, their temperament changed in a meaningful way.

   Zhao Yujue's temperament looks more agile, Ren Feipeng appears more calm, Zheng Yang's every move is full of force.

   "Brother Yue, I realized the power in the special training, and the power of my whole body has been thoroughly trained by me." Zheng Yang wanted Zhang Yue to show the effect of his special training.

   "Awesome." Zhang Yue praised with a thumbs up. The great sword warriors who understand their power are all sought-after goods by some chambers of commerce, and they are powerful output personnel when opening up the debris world.

   "Sister Zhao and Feipeng Ren are also very good, and they are much better than before."

   "Okay, okay, you have to show off all the way, take a break, and save your strength to fight the strange beast." Zhao Yujue is looking down, this guy has not been like this since he realized the power.

"Eating and eating, we will have to work for a while. I decided to kill the little bear first, otherwise I can't swallow it." Zheng Yang gritted his teeth and said, almost overturned by the bear on both occasions. , Absolutely cannot forgive.

   Tianma Grassland

   After eating, the four of them went to the place where they encountered the bear of the earth.

   Zhao Yujue released the Eye of the Wind and began to look for the voice of the bear of the earth.

   After half an hour, Zhao Yujue opened his eyes.

   "Found it, by a small river more than 60 kilometers to the west, but there are two earth bears."

   "I have a way to hold one, I can fight." Zhang Yue thought for a while and said, the earth bear is easier to drag into the earth, even if it is not used, he can resist it.

   The four people drove to a stop near the two earth bears.

   The Bear of the Earth has been very comfortable recently. No one will bother me. I need to find food and steal honey after my mother every day. I feel comfortable.

   At this time, the Earth Bear suddenly felt a pain on his side, and a broken wind arrow shot on his back.

   With a "boom", there was an extra wound on the back of the Earth Bear.

"Roar"! ! A huge bear roar came out. When the Earth Bear saw Zhang Yue and the four of them, he immediately persuaded him to take the bear mother and flee away.

  "······················" the four were speechless.

   "What it has experienced during this period of time, it shouldn't be very beautiful." Zhao Yujue said thoughtfully.

   "Uh, maybe I left him a psychological shadow on the little bear." Zhang Yue said embarrassedly, and then talked about his experience with the little bear.

   "Haha, it is estimated that the bear will run away when he sees the person holding the shield in the future." Ren Feipeng said, touching his chin.

   "What should we do next, we can't do it for nothing."

   "I know that there is a jade-horned rhino in a place, let's kill it." Zhang Yue said, touching his head.

   "It can't run, and its temper is a bit grumpy." Zhang Yue added.

   "I like this, let's go." Zheng Yang said impatiently.

   The group drove and followed Zhang Yue's command to the territory of the jade horn rhinoceros.

   "I won't show up first, you go to irritate it, and then I will go on." Zhang Yue said.

   "Understand." Ren Feipeng shot the jade-horned rhino with a broken arrow.

   With an angry roar, the jade-horned rhino rushed past like a heavy truck.

   Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, the jade-horned rhino smashed 5 to the shield wall in a row, and the three of them had already retreated far away.

   At this time, one hand directly pulled the jade-horned rhino into the ground, and Zheng Yang on the side was already ready to go.

   "Strike"! This is Zheng Yang's most powerful move. He cut a deep wound on the neck of the jade-horned rhino.

   Then a heavy arrow was carefully shot at the location of the wound, and it exploded and turned into a scar the size of a grinding disc.

   The jade-horned rhino, quickly broke free from the ground, turned on the ice blade and ran into Zheng Yang.

   "Rewind!" Zhang Yue shouted, and several shield walls appeared in front of Zheng Yang.

   Zheng Yang quickly pushed to Zhang Yue's side, watching the shield wall just now turned into ice **** after being crushed, and he was afraid for a while.

   "water polo" "frozen" "cold cage"

   Zhao Yujue went directly to an arcane triple chain, temporarily trapping the jade-horned rhino.

  Ren Pengfei directly fired a heavy arrow of piercing rune and hit the wound to completely solve the jade horn rhino.

   "Like a dream, I killed the Tier 4 intermediate monster like this." Zhao Yujue has a dreaming feeling.

   "Haha, this is the benefit of worry-free output. Without Brother Yue, our third-order can't kill this thing." Ren Feipeng said happily.

  The four of them ended their day of hunting.

   Eight months later.

   Zhang Yue looked at the corpse of Feng Mo Yaohu, sighed, and finally killed it.

"Brother Yue, how long will I be able to advance to Tier 3," Zheng Yang asked expectantly. For half a year, the Tongfugui team has been hunting Tier 4 monsters. After training with powerful aliens, the three of them spent more than three months. It has already entered the third level before, and Zhang Yue has entered the second-level advanced level more than 2 months ago.

"One more month." Zhang Yue said. In fact, he was able to advance very early, but when Zhang Yue discovered that the power of the earth can purify the energy in the body six months ago, he has been purifying the energy in the body. Recently, Only then did I feel the physical energy complete.

"There is still a month before we can start our journey to the rise of the rich and honorable team." Zhao Yujue said with golden eyes. She has been waiting for a long time. The fragmented world is not only limited to all kinds of scarce resources and the previous era. Ruins, and more importantly, there may be adventures.

There was a senior in their college who opened up wasteland and fragmented the world. He accidentally entered the original element pool left over from the previous era. After he came out, he has understood the artistic conception of the five elements. Now the ninth-level strength is also ranked in the top 100 in the Xia country. .

"My luck has always been very good. When the time comes, let's make a fortune together." Zhang Yue said with a smile. During the year he entered the world of heavens, he saved 1 billion net worth, which is half the distance from his sister's 2 billion tuition. It's a little achievement.

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