The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 50: Zhang Yue's defensive power

   After talking for more than an hour before hanging up, Zhang Yue felt a sweet feeling in his heart.

   "How can the heart have taste?" Zhang Yue smiled and started daily training.

   Zhang's small courtyard.

"Brother, are you just chatting with Sister Yun Shu?" Zhang Luoluo still took the spirit fruit to watch Zhang Yue's training as usual. Since their food was contracted by the owner of the Qingguang Chamber of Commerce, Luoluo's snacks It becomes a spiritual fruit after a meal.

"What do you care about so much." Zhang Yue glanced at Zhang Luoluo, and continued to concentrate on the power of the starry sky and the earth. Now Zhang Yue's star power has become so powerful that the starlight has condensed into a shield shape in Zhang Yue's consciousness. .

   Now that Zhang Yue's shield is released, the fourth-order alien beast is directly suppressed by the spirit, and the attack power of ten% can be half. Zhang Yue felt that when he was promoted to Tier 3, he would have a great shield.

Seeing Zhang Luoluo eating the spirit fruit next to him, Zhang Yue had a clue, and directly used the power of Xingkai's power to condense a ray of starlight into Zhang Luoluo's body, and a faint starlight appeared around Zhang Luoluo. Shield.

   "Lolo, how do you feel." Zhang Yue has been thinking about dangerous moments. He can directly use thick armor to protect his teammates from any danger.

   Zhang Luoluo wrinkled her face and felt a little, and said, "It seems that my mind has been cleared a lot, there are no distracting thoughts, and my mind is stable."

   "Anything else?"


   "Well, I will find someone else to try."

   Boulder Chamber of Commerce Headquarters

"A group of chambers of commerce still want to set me down. You think this little trick can break me down." Shen Manjin said with disdain. From 10 months ago, many chambers of commerce united to bring down the Boulder Chamber of Commerce and attacked the Boulder from all aspects. The Chamber of Commerce just wants to snipe the capital chain of the Boulder Chamber of Commerce, and then dump the major businesses of the Boulder Chamber of Commerce.

   "Boss, you are really foresighted. You started the layout a year ago. Now the risk of the rupture of the capital chain of our chamber of commerce has been greatly reduced. The bosses of the chamber of commerce are still in the dark, the boss is clever." said a supervisor under the seat.

"This is not the key. Now it is mainly Zhang Yue. According to information, Zhang Yue can now fully evaluate the perfect level. Only the second-order, the fourth-order advanced alien beast can no longer hurt Zhang Yue, and may even be beyond Zhang Yue's shield. "Shen Manjin said with a sigh after speaking.

   "It's the critical moment of whether our Boulder Chamber of Commerce can rise again. The foundation of human relations has been firmly established, and the rest is to slowly consolidate. Don’t go too far, it’s too late."

   After speaking, he picked up today's information, and looked at the information and strength evaluation of Hefeng Mo Yaohu.

   The next day, it rained lightly in the Blue City of the World of Heavens.

   "I saw it raining in the world for the first time." Zhang Yue said curiously. Looking at the Tianma grassland in the rain, there is a special mood.

"The world of the heavens generally has a year as a season. When the season changes, it will rain for several days. Spring, summer and autumn are rain, and winter is snow. Below is summer, and the weather is getting hot. When a strange animal gives birth to a baby, we can catch a few and be a pet." Zhao Yujue said, she opened the window of the car and collected rainwater with arcane magic to condense a water ball and put it to her mouth to slowly drink.

   "It is said that these rainwater contains the power of subtle laws. It is especially easy to understand the potential of the water system in this environment. Which of you is the water attribute."

   "I am wind and metal. The best match for archers." Ren Feipeng said proudly.

   "I have a wood attribute and an earth attribute. I have very little bonus to the Great Sword Warrior." Zheng Yang said depressed.

   "I have water properties, but only 50%." Zhang Yue reached out the car window with his hand, feeling his first rain in the world of heaven.

   "Just arrived at the qualifying line, Brother Yue will feel more about it during this period of time. He may be able to comprehend the power of water." Zhao Yujue said, and made four ice cups with the collected rainwater to fill the rainwater, and one cup was divided among the three.

   "Taste the purest rain in the world."

   Zhang Yue took a sip. It was a bit sweet and astringent. It was delicious.

   "Today's mission goal is to capture the Star Horse, the amount of 30 million energy points, the requirement is to catch alive, if pregnant, 50 million energy points.

"The Heavenly Star Horse is generally a Tier 3 high-level alien beast, and only the Horse King is a Tier 4 alien animal. The Heavenly Star Horse Group seems to have a unique inheritance. Except for the death or disappearance of the Horse King, there will be no second Tier 4 alien animal in the Heavenly Star Horse Group "Zhao Yujue said with the information.

"A paralysis arrow with 5 million energy points, I feel a little trembling just holding my hand." Ren Feipeng said, a heavy arrow is 50,000 energy points, and an armor-piercing heavy arrow is 200,000 energy points. The most expensive rune piercing armour The heavy arrow only has 500,000 energy points. This arrow that can paralyze Tier 4 strange beasts actually requires 5 million energy points.

   "What the **** are you, you can shoot arrows well, but I am going to chop the horse's butt, if I get a hoof, I won't be done." Zheng Yang held his head and got a headache.

"It's okay. I will pull the horse king down and leave the **** outside. You can relax." Zhang Yue smiled and patted Zheng Yang on the shoulder to comfort him. The power of the Tier 4 Heavenly Star Queen's kick can be known without thinking. How powerful.

   "Brother Yue, rely on you."

"no problem."

   drove to the range of Tianxingma, Zhao Yujue began to look for the Tianxingma group.

   After half an hour, Zhao Yujue opened his eyes and said.

   "There are more than 150 Tianxing horses drinking water at Tianma Lake, 150 kilometers south."

   "Go!" Zheng Yang kicked the accelerator, thinking about the direction of Tianma Lake.

   After arriving at the destination, the four got out of the car and started to observe.

   "Damn, there are three newborn ponies, we are lucky today." Ren Feipeng said happily.

"Today I brought a secondary biological space backpack, we can grab a few Although Zhao Yujie has paid off the debt now, her obsession with energy points is better than before. According to her words, the arcanist is the first Talent, the second is energy point.

"Let’s catch the horse king first, and then talk about the rest. I will drag the horse king, and Brother Yang will open the horse **** behind me.” Zhang Yue smiled when he said the horse butt, there is no way, the gold master required.

   Zhang Yue slowly stepped forward and pretended to want to catch the pony, converging his breath, making himself look like an ordinary Tier 2 professional.

   When the horse king was patrolling the horses, he suddenly saw a second-order bug trying to grab his own child. He was furious and rushed directly at Zhang Yue. It wanted to knock the bug in front of him and crush it.

   ‘hiss---’ The Star Horse King increased to the fastest speed, and he rushed to Zhang Yue in the blink of an eye, and then the Star Horse King began to suspect Ma Sheng.

   Zhang Yue's shield-holding style is already great, now unless it is a Tier 4 high-level monster, I don't want to let Zhang Yue take a step back.

   Taking advantage of the dizziness caused by the collision of the Tianxingma, Zhang Yue directly pressed the front half of the Tianxingma into the ground.

   "Brother Yang, make up the knife." Zhang Yue shouted.

   "Come!" Zheng Yang replied happily after seeing this smoothly. When the collision happened just now, the earth in a radius of more than 300 meters moved a bit, and Zhang Yue didn't retreat a step, and Zheng Yang got to know Zhang Yue again.

   A blow slashed on the horse king's ass, and the paralysis arrow with 5 million energy points plunged into the wound on time.

   "Fortunately, I shot." Ren Feipeng shook his trembling hand.

   "Okay, the next target is these escaping ponies." Zhao Yujue took the paralyzed Star Horse King into this biological space, and then the four of them got in the car and chased the Star Horse group who had seen a bad escape.


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