Ren Feipeng, who was in heaven, shot a heavy arrow three times in a row, hitting the three Tier 4 coyote wolves.

With an explosion of'Boom~~~~', three Tier 4 Timberwolves were blown into the distance. Just when they felt they were about to end the battle, the three Tier 4 Timberwolves came back again, wearing Wearing the nether garb, as if the body was possessed by a demon, cold and dark.

   "Netherworld vestments, increase the defense power of the alien beast." Zhao Yujue said.

   "Then I will get them all in the guillotine." Zhang Yue said domineeringly, putting all the alien beasts in the shield wall, using gravity to press only one head, and letting Zheng Yang beheaded, it felt very convenient.

   "Brother Yue, leave it to me to make sure that the cut is neat and tidy," Zheng Yang said with a sword. Just cut off the Tier 4 coyote's head directly, and there was a strange pleasure.

   "Follow me, pay attention to opportunities." Zhang Yue shot and rushed towards the coyote wolf, holding the shield and rushed to the three Tier 4 coyote wolves.

When    approached the Tier 4 Timberwolves, they found that they didn't want to harden steel with themselves, but wanted to go around and attack the remote directly.

   "Want to bypass me, no way."

   ‘Shield Wall’, Zhang Yue directly blocked their offensive route. After the Wolf King discovered that there was a shield wall, he immediately wanted to run elsewhere. It saw that his little brother was caught in this way and then sank to the ground.

   "You still want to run, let me go in!" Zhang Yue shouted. When Zhang Yue was fighting with the wind demon monster and tiger alone, he had practiced a good technique of quickly shielding the position of the wall.

'Bang, bang, bang~~~' A series of seven shield walls emerged from the ground, directly sealing the three coyote wolves. The softened shield wall was like cement, slowly burying them, leaving only one head. .

   "Go around behind them, beheading, and be careful not to get hit by that black ball." Zhang Yue reminded, and then resisted the attack of ordinary coyotes.

   "Received." Zheng Yang rushed towards the buried three Tier 4 coyote wolves with a sword, and took out a sharp attribute crystal rune in the middle and patted it on the giant sword. A slight chill appeared on the blade.

  ‘Strike! ! Zheng Yang cut off three huge wolf heads in one go with his sword.

   After Zheng Yang cut off the heads of the three Tier 4 Timberwolves, all the Timberwolves stayed for a while, and then fled around.

"It's been a long time since my spirit has been so tight. It's the first time I have hard steel with so many alien beasts." Zhao Yujue sighed for a long time. He didn't expect that the wasteland reclamation of the First Fragment World would be over. .

   "Yes, even though I know I'm okay, my heart is still holding it up. I feel scared when watching so many alien beasts." Ren Feipeng said.

   "Haha, you two remotes are courageous. I have been fighting with Brother Yue for so long, and I have never been afraid." Zheng Yang said bravely, and pointed at the wolf head that he had cut off.


   After a battle was over, Zhang Yue and the four of them sat on the ground to rest, regaining their physical strength and spirit, and waited for the heart of the world to be refined with gold.

   At this time, the five wood monkeys all came towards them with the stone bowl, and the leading wood monkey waved to them.

   "Are you here to condolences me?" Ren Feipeng said differently. The Wood Spirit Monkey is a Tier 2 strange beast, even if it can't turn over in front of him, so everyone is not too alert.

   Five wooden monkeys, 5 meters away from the four people, put down the big stone bowl, and the four people can see that the stone bowl is filled with pure green wine.

The leading wood monkey made a gesture to Zhang Yue and the four of them. Zhang Yue understood the meaning after watching it for a long time. The wood monkey is thanking the coyote wolves that they ran away. They have been bullied for a long time. Both their fruits and monkey wine have to be contributed to the coyotes, and now their clan is willing to rely on four people.

   Mage Zhao Yujue took the stone bowl placed on the ground, took out the instrument and started testing.

   "The authentic monkey wine is richer than the energy contained in the market." Zhao Yujue retracted the instrument and said.

   "This group of wood monkeys has a strong desire to survive. When they saw the coyote we defeated, they immediately came over to show their courtesy." Zheng Yang said with a smile.

   "There is no way, this is the survival of the weak and small animal races, not to mention the wisdom of the monkey-like animal is the highest in the same-level animal, it is normal to make such actions." Zhao Yujue said.

   After confirming that the wine was all right, the four of them drank, and the wood monkey began to beat the four of them back and squeeze their legs.

   When the four of them were chatting, there was a voice full of gold from above.

   "Brother Yue, let me go down."

   Zhang Yue looked up, Shen Manjin finished refining the heart of the world, and immediately put down the small house full of gold and opened the door to the small house.

   "Brother Yue, your team's combat power, it's hard to say, the four have played with the momentum of 50 outstanding professionals."

   "Direct hard steel, get the Heart of the World in one go. The most important thing is to kill all Tier 4 monsters."

  Since Shen Manjin came out, he has been complimenting Team Zhang Yue, Zhang Yue’s shield wall, Zhao Yujue’s ice spear, Ren Feipeng’s key arrow, and Zheng Yang’s beheading knife. They all boasted of doubting life with the wealthy team.

   "Boss Shen, you are boasting, we are going to heaven." Zhang Yue couldn't help but said.

"Okay, let's go back and rest first, and we will have a celebration banquet in the evening." Shen Manjin said with a bit of enthusiasm. He can create such a big industry, one is his smart and cautious brain, and the other is his eloquence, which can praise people. Head overwhelmed and ecstatic, but since the Giant Stone Chamber of Commerce became strong, he rarely exaggerated so happily. Well, it was a bit unsatisfactory. The evening celebration continued.

   The portal opened by Shen Manjin, a bunch of professionals have been waiting there for a long time.

"First send 10 mid-level teams to empty the Don't kill the monkeys, they are treasures. Then let the Planting and Specialty Department go in and start sustainable development." After Shen Manjin came out, Instructed the manager next to him.

   then took Zhang Yue four people on the battleship back to Shuilan City.

   "You come here first, take a comprehensive treatment, take a good rest, and celebrate your work in the evening."


  Spiritual recuperation, physical recuperation, post-war spiritual recovery, soul maintenance, etc.

   "After finishing this set, I feel that I am no longer me, and now I am the purest me in my heart." Ren Feipeng said comfortably while lying in his recuperation cabin.

"There is such an extravagant post-war all-round recuperation package. The few things I just saw are less than 5 million energy points. They are all used on me. Soul essence, purification holy water, high-concentration foundation liquid, and There are so many people I don't know, it's so extravagant." Zhao Yujue sighed.

   "Sister Zhao knows so much, I know what are good things, but I can't name them. It seems that I still have to read more books in the future." Zhang Yue praised Zhao Yujue.

   "Haha, I only read those books for my livelihood." Zhao Yujue said modestly.

  At night, more than 1,000 senior executives from the Boulder Chamber of Commerce gathered in the largest banquet hall of the Emperor Star Hotel.

Shen Manjin stood up with a glass of monkey wine and said loudly, "Come on, toast, to our heroes." This is Shen Manjin's favorite link. This is also the practice of the Boulder Chamber of Commerce. It will be held every time a wasteland is successfully opened. This kind of celebration banquet is to thank the pioneers of wasteland, to show the hospitality of the Chamber of Commerce.

   More than a thousand people stood up and raised their glasses to Zhang Yue and toasted the four.



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