The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 7: The limits of the fragmented world

   After the father and son joked, Zhang Yue asked his father for a set of training equipment for shield-bearers, a fine iron shield, and a full body fine iron armor and an offhand sword. The full set of equipment totaled 800 jin.

   According to his father's request, Zhang Yue practiced the shield holding pose opposite the group of sword-holding students.

   "Practice hard, study hard, have you seen the little brother in front of you, this is my son, who has just graduated, and his career choice is a shield holder."

   "Now your task is to maintain a good posture, stare at the shield holder in front of you, and imagine how you can solve him."

   "Xiaoyue, so are you, thinking about how to defend against them and how to use your shield to fight back." Zhang Shaohui began to teach his students and also pointed his son.

  The student who held the sword posture, looked at the coach son who was wearing heavy armor and holding the shield posture, and started to have a headache. No matter how you play it, it’s not imaginary to just look at the little brother’s frame. It gives people a feeling of a steel fortress. Don’t look at a basic shield style, you can see a lot of things, and you can also see the level of the master. Little Junior Brother knows that he is a celebrity at a glance.

   "Standing posture is the foundation of a fighter's professional foundation. Maintaining a good standing posture is very helpful for your future career development. Standing posture not only exercises your body, you must learn to temper your will in the later stage."

   "When you are standing, you have to imagine how to face various enemies, or how to better fight back against enemies in your previous battles."

Zhang Yue looked at his father and felt that his father’s status in the training hall was higher than he imagined. The master once said what his father taught the students. He also gave Zhang Yue a shield-like visual map, named Alien. Anger. In the picture, a group of angry aliens launched an attack on a shield bearer. The shield bearer maintained a standard shield holding style. The ragged armor on his body indicated that the shield bearer did not know how many times he had resisted the alien attack, but it was still the same. The mountains generally resisted with a shield. The master said that when he is fully integrated into this picture, he will almost be able to understand the state of immobility.

   Zhang Yue looked at the murderous students on the opposite side, and unconsciously led himself into the visualization, as if he was facing a group of aliens who were about to invade the human race.

   Zhang Yue's aura began to change, his body squatted slightly, and his defense was more dripping. In the past, Zhang Yue's aura was just pure defense, but now his aura is a bit like a mountain, everything behind the Guardian.

   The change of the son, of course, can't escape Zhang Shaohui's eyes. As a retired veteran, he is familiar with this kind of'potential', but this is the infant form of the potential. As long as he maintains it well, it means he has mastered the potential.

   "My son has a demigod." Zhang Shaohui thought triumphantly that he would understand the situation even before a serious battle, and it would be fine after that. It seems that if old Zhao picked up a big deal and an excellent apprentice, the more his reputation he brought to the master, if he really wanted to bring out a demigod apprentice, wouldn't he be able to become a nobleman? Zhao Shaohui wanted to go farther and farther.

   At the same time, in the Jushi Chamber of Commerce, Shen Manjin hosted Zhao Gaoshi in the reception room, and Zhao Gaoshi handed Shen Manjin a data sheet.

   Shen Manjin took it over, and exclaimed

   "This is your apprentice's post-awakening data!"

   "Yes, it's worth a set of D-class heavy armor, plus a C-class big shield."

   "Well, I want to give it to him personally, this favor can't be let go."

   "Haha, it is an honor for me to know Boss Shen who is so insightful and talented. When I am Tier 6, I promised to lead you to open up that medium-sized fragmented world. You are not in vain." Zhao Gaoshi raised his eyebrows and said.

"It's easy to say, tomorrow I will go to get a suit of suitable equipment for the high student." Shen Manjin picked up the data sheet and looked at it, watching as he marveled, because the 18-year-old college entrance examination after entering the world of heaven and awakening, the higher the data. It means that the potential is greater. Zhang Yue's data after awakening, it is safe to be a high-level professional in the future, or a more important shield holder on the battlefield. Maybe he will be promoted to a demigod in the future. If a shield bearer is professionally promoted to a demigod, human civilization may have hope of promotion. A shield bearer at the level of a demigod is invincible whether it is going to the front line or opening up a large debris world. There is a saying in the shield bearer that is very vivid, ‘if the defense is not broken within the same level, there is no damage to the defense beyond the level’. This is also an important reason for shield holders, whether it is the huge shield in their hands or the heavy armor on their bodies, they can comfortably protect their comrades.

   After three hours of training, Zhang Yue was taken to his house in the world of heavens by his father.

   "Don't look at your dad's house, which is less than 100 square meters, but it is very expensive here. The money to buy this was not less than our cottage."

"In the world of the heavens, if you go offline and return to the real world, either go to the hotel or have your own house. Your room is over there, there is a teleportation warehouse in the room, and you are offline in the teleportation warehouse, so next time Log in to the world of the heavens, you are still here." Zhang Shaohui said triumphantly.

   "Is the house price expensive here?"

   "Of course it is expensive, now it has caught up with the price of Aquastar Capital. Fortunately, your dad bought it early, otherwise we have to go to the hotel."

   "Okay, let's all go offline, your mother has already cooked food."


   Zhang Shaohui and Zhang Yue went offline together and returned to the real world. The table was also full of meals. Mother and little sister were already waiting at the dinner table.

   "Brother, how about going to the world of the heavens for the first time today? I heard where the cosmic energy is particularly rich." Zhang Luoluo asked curiously.

   "The cosmic energy is indeed abundant, especially after the awakening is complete, I feel very clear."

   "Hey, it's a pity that I still have two years to enter this world of heavens." Zhang Luoluo said melancholy

   After eating, the family chatted for a while, and then went back to each room to sleep.

Zhang Yue lay on the bed and looked at the stars in the sky through the window. He recalled the experience of entering the world of the heavens. Everything he saw and touched was so magical. Tomorrow he will truly begin his life in the world of the heavens. After I left, I have never returned to the real world, where I can live a long life. With the development of the world, the average age of ordinary citizens is more than 160 years old, and they are promoted to the middle-level 200 years old and the high-level 500 years old. The demigods currently have no estimate, except The demigods who have fallen, are currently all the demigods of Xia Kingdom.

   My current task is to increase my strength, earn money, and earn money for all expenses for schooling and arcanist for my little girl. The second is to find a way to heal or relieve his father’s injuries. His current skills include shield holding, recoil blocking, collision and throwing knives, which are used to attract hatred. According to the master, he now has a first-tier mid-level strength, but he has no combat experience. The skills are enough, and too many are difficult to master. The rest is to slowly explore and create their own skills, and the skills will be promoted when they reach the intermediate level.

   Zhang Yue fell asleep in bed thinking about it.

  In the early morning, after breakfast, the family gets busy. Zhang Yue and his father entered the world of heavens. After arriving in the world of heavens, Zhang Shaohui handed Zhang Yue a very exquisite gold coin full of formation patterns and asked him to drop his blood to recognize the Lord. Zhang Yue didn't know, so he didn't think much, so he dripped a drop of blood on it as his father ordered.

   An instant golden light appeared, and only a light penetrated Zhang Yue's mind. It turned out to be a storage space, the size of a room. This is what the government equips for every citizen who enters the world of heavens. It is also the biggest benefit besides Awakening Liquid.

   "Okay, you now have the basic configuration, and the master will find a way to equip you, so you don't need to worry about it"

   "Well, the master also gave me the basic skills in the early stage, and the rest is to practice by yourself."

   "Well, see what your master arranges for you, and you can contact the training hall if you have nothing to do."

   When my father finished speaking, he went to work in the training hall. Just as Zhang Yue was about to contact the master, the call request came, and the master said that he would gather at the gate of the cloud tower. A place suitable for gatherings, it is especially convenient to find, and you can see the destination when you look up.

Zhang Yue didn't call a carriage or anything, but ran over and took a look at the city by the way. The city is like a spider web with a cloud tower in the middle, spreading around, and there is a city wall that is 50 meters high and 30 meters wide. Very majestic.

   10 minutes later, Zhang Yue went to the gate of the Yunta and saw the master waiting for him.

   "Let's take you to see a big benefactor, you also know." Zhao Gaoshi said when Zhang Yue came over.

   "Shen Manjin Uncle Shen?" Zhang Yue was very impressed with this person, and he was kind to him. The essence of spiritual water was very helpful to his father.

   "That's right." Zhao Gaoshi took Zhang Yue to a box on the third floor of the Yunta, and Shen Manjin was sitting there waiting. After seeing this master and apprentice come in, they quickly got up to greet them.

   "Our genius from Jushi City is here, please sit down soon." Shen Manjin smiled.

   After welcoming Zhao Gaoshi and Zhang Yue in, let people serve tea. After the guest sat on the tea, Shen Manjin said: "Brother Yue, do you know, in the world of the heavens, what you can touch is the most precious thing."

Without Zhang Yue's answer, Shen Manjin said again: "One is the exotic animals and minerals outside the city, and the second is the resources of the Fragment World. The entrance to the Fragment World is random, and the strength is also limited. Some special products of the Small Fragment World The value can match the value of the entire Boulder City."

   "According to so many years of experience, the small ones are the size of the entire county, and only low-level professionals are allowed in, while the medium-sized ones only allow middle-level professionals in the entire city."

"Each entrance to the Fragmented World usually lasts for 5 to 10 days when no one enters. The entrance will disappear. It may be moved to another place. This is not clear. I want to get the Fragmented World. If you want to get the heart of the world inside, you need to refine it in your own body. The entrance distance of this fragmented world can be maintained forever, so that the special products inside can be continuously produced. Give you the essence of spiritual water, It's a specialty in a medium-sized fragmented world."


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