The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 76: Xiaotu strikes

   After Zhang Yue came out of his master’s house, he received a message from his mother that his boss had prepared the location of the Fragmented World. With normal difficulty, he could deploy the remaining combatants.

   Zhang Yue directly replied that he didn't need to invite low-level teams, he could do it himself, and only asked his boss to ask a few mid-level teams to do the final clean-up work.

   found the mount rental office, Zhang Yue flew towards Shuijiang City with Yunying.

   Half an hour later, Zhang Yue arrived at the door of the Qingguang Chamber of Commerce. The boss had been waiting at the door for a long time, and he saw Zhang Yue rushing over to welcome him.

   "Brother Yue is here, come, come and have a cup of tea first, let's talk slowly." Qingguang Chamber of Commerce boss said diligently, and brought Zhang Yue into the guest room.

"My mother?" Zhang Yue asked. This time he wanted to take his mother to open up wasteland and let her see her own strength. She was worried. She sometimes went home and said about her experience in the world of heaven. Not to mention, but he sees all the concerns and worries in his eyes.

   "Manager Li works in the office, she is not interested in fighting and killing." The Qingguang Chamber of Commerce boss said.

"Prepare, the wastelander, you can prepare a few middle-level teams that will clean up at the end. The wastelander me, my mother, and you will do. You don't need to clear the other low-level teams, so you can save some money. ." Zhang Yue said with a smile, now that he has a small output in his output, it is enough to have himself in defense.

"Okay, my name is the spaceship. I am ready for the rest and can set off at any time." The boss of the Qingguang Chamber of Commerce said excitedly. Whether his Chamber of Commerce can go further depends on this one. The world of small fragments has been detected. , Is a world of mineral fragments, which I paid a large price to invite people to explore.

   "Okay, then I'll call my mother." After Zhang Yue finished speaking, he walked to the next office, and the road caused Yingying and Yanyan to peep on.

  Walking to the mother's office, Zhang Yue knocked on the door, and when he got a reply, he opened the door and entered.

   "Xiao Yue, aren't you going to open up wasteland with your boss? Why are you here?" Li Lengzhen smiled when his son came over.

   "Mom, you can go to wasteland with me, and let you see the real strength of your son." Zhang Yue said and made a muscle-bright movement. He will always be a child in front of his mother.

   "Seeing your news, can you be alone?" Li Lengzhen said worriedly. Seeing the news, her son said that one person can open up wasteland, which made her a little worried.

   "You know, your son is never a big talker. You know when you go with me." Zhang Yue said with a smile.

   "Okay, I'll go and see how good my son is."

   Ten Thousand Stone Mountains, Tier 3 monsters and headquarters area, everyone took small spaceships and parked above a hidden cave.

   The owner of the Qingguang Chamber of Commerce has led 3 mid-level teams, and more than a dozen mineral exploration personnel.

   "This teleportation entrance is pretty good, in the cave, the place is also hidden."

   "It's 9:30 in the morning. Let's try to eat lunch in it before 12 o'clock." Zhang Yue said after checking the time.

   After listening to those few mid-level team members, they just wanted to laugh. I don’t know that the tall and earthy kid, if they hadn't paid the reward in advance, they would not run in vain. They were trying to make a mockery, but the captain was stopped by his eyes.

   "Do you need to prepare anything." The boss of the Qingguang Chamber of Commerce rubbed his hands and asked. He just felt too casual. If it weren't for his internal news, he would not enter the fragmented world alone with Zhang Yue.

   "No, I have everything ready."

   "Mom, let's go in." After Zhang Yue said, he raised his foot and stepped into the world of small fragments.

   saw the protagonist's door and went in, the team boss pulled the player who wanted to taunt to one side and reprimanded.

   "You don't want our entire team to die, you don't have any eyesight, you don't see who he is." The captain said in a hateful tone, and they were fortunate that Zhang Yue did not see his players.

   "That kid Niu X is blowing too much. It's done before lunch."

   "He is Zhang Yue, you really have no memory, just forgot to tell you."

   "Damn, I almost provoke a great god." The team member then reacted, and was scared at first.

   After Zhang Yue took the boss of the Qingguang Chamber of Commerce and Li Lengzhen into the Fragmented World, he found that the surrounding area was surrounded by red-yellow mountains, and at the entrance there was a road leading to the altar of the Heart of the World.

   At this time, thunderfang beasts began to emerge from the mountains on both sides, staring at the three of them with saliva.

   "Xiao Yue, what should I do now." Li Lengzhen took out the staff that had not been used for many years.

   Zhang Yue almost laughed when he saw his mother holding the staff.

   "Mom, how long has your staff been useless? Don't worry, you won't be able to use it."

   "Small Earth Attacks"

   With a roar, an ocher crystal giant over 20 meters high rose.

   "Xiaotu, open the way." Zhang Yue said.

   The earth element giant turned around and nodded.

  The earth element giant took the lead and walked along the road towards the altar.

   "I, my pet, is almost the same as the summoner." Zhang Yue said to the two who had dropped their jaws.

   "Xiaoyue, what is your pet's strength?" Li Lengzhen said after a while, the boss of the Qingguang Chamber of Commerce was also looking at Zhang Yue, as if asking for answers.

   "Tier 4 top combat power."

   "Now, all following me, let's go to the altar in a hurry. Are you ready?" Zhang Yue took out the dragon scale shield behind him.

"All right"

   Under the leadership of the earth elemental giant, he rushed towards the altar.

   When the Thunderfang beasts approached Zhang Yue within 400 meters, they were all suppressed by the shield, like ice sculptures.

  ‘Boom! ! With a sound of', the earth elemental giant hit the ground with a fist, and the Thunderfang beast within more than 100 meters in front was pierced by the ground piercing, and then the earth elemental giant also intimately removed the ground thorn and swept the body to both sides. .

   At this time, two Tier 4 huge Thundertooth beasts shot two thunderballs from their mouths and hit the earth elemental giant.

   There were two explosions, and there were two more big holes in the body of the earth elemental giant, but it recovered after a while. The giant condensed boulders smashed at Tier 4 Thunderfang.

   At this time, Zhang Yue led the two people behind the earth element giant after seeing the two Tier 4 thunderfang beasts not being hit, they attacked him directly.

   "Looking for death!" Zhang Yue snorted coldly.

   "Beast Burial"

   directly shut in the special coffin and sank into the ground. Zhang Yue could no longer be skilled with this hand.

   "Xiao Yue, those two Tier 4 strange beasts." Li Lengzhen asked, why disappeared in the blink of an eye, and just wanted to remind Zhang Yue to be careful.

   "I was buried in the ground, and I usually can't get up." Zhang Yue said with a grin.

   An hour later, Zhang Yue and the three of them were already on the altar.

Turning back and looking, they found that they were walking on the blood-soaked road. The earth elemental giants in the distance were still slaughtering Thundertooth beasts. There were 12 Tier 4 Thundertooth beasts in the entire fragmented world, all of which were buried by Zhang Yue. Yue also made a tombstone for them.

   "Quickly refine the heart of the world, you won't be able to catch up with your meal in a while." Zhang Yue said to the boss of the Chamber of Commerce who felt extremely unreal.

   As if being awakened in a dream, the boss heard Zhang Yue's words and quickly agreed, and went to the altar to start refining the heart of the world.

  Hey, why didn't there be that pillar of light this time, Zhang Yue thought.

   "Mom, he will refining for 2 hours. Let's sit down and eat something, but the scenery here is not good."

   Zhang Yue assembled a family-style sofa, took out all kinds of food from the storage space, and handed it to Li Lengzhen.

   "Xiao Yue, you have grown up." Li Lengzhen looked at Zhang Yue and said suddenly, watching Zhang Yue's performance in the Fragmented World, she knew that her son had grown up and had grown up to become an eagle flying across the world.

   "You are also your son when you grow up. This will never change." Zhang Yue said.

   "Yes." Li Lengzhen said with a smile, no matter how old he is, he is his own son.


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