In the air, when the three people of Sengoku and Kuzan were muffled and hard, the five old stars stood on the side, watching the three people of the empty three people working hard.

It’s just that the progress is obviously not very good.

After all, this is a red earth continent, so it is quite normal that it cannot be shattered at once.

Otherwise, how could Miller use such a way to complete the sealing of Im?

However, knowing that the effect was not very good, the three people still made a very hard look, which was quite hard.

No way, five leaders are standing behind you, can you work without force?

Besides, they are all human spirits in the Warring States, and looking at the attitude of the five old stars, you can know that the person who was sealed is definitely not low in status and status.

Otherwise, how could the five old stars have such an attitude?

I didn’t see what kind of virtue they usually had, when facing them… A smug look?

Half an hour later…


The sealed ball trembled at this moment.

“Click! Click! Click! ”

Traces of fragmentation appear densely on the surface.

“It’s going to break, back off.”

Seeing the emptiness of this scene, he directly shouted.

When all was back, the ball shattered from 187.


Im, the king of the world, who originally seemed extremely noble, now looks like how embarrassed he is, how embarrassed he is.


After seeing Yimu’s appearance, the five old stars didn’t have time to pay attention to so much, and quickly came up.

Although the Warring States are also here, now, obviously, they can’t manage so much.

If you know, is it time to pay attention to such trifles?

Of course, in front of Lord Im, taking the opportunity to show loyalty and ask for warmth is the best way.

“That… Do we need to do the same? ”

Kuzan looked at the actions of the five old stars, and there was a trace of confusion in his eyes.

“Kuzan, you’re confused.”

Sengoku scolded Kuzan, “Didn’t you see the five old stars currying favor with each other? If you go up too, what is it? Do you grab credit with the five old stars? ”


“So it’s good to do nothing, it’s good not to do it.”

Sengoku looks like I have a lot of experience.

“So it is.”

Kuzan showed a clear expression.

What is it? Is this what the leader teaches you in the workplace?

Im, who came out of the seal, looked at the five old stars who were flattering him like a dog, his face expressionless, and he didn’t know what he was thinking at all.

No, Yim looked at the five old stars who were neatly dressed, and then looked at the three Warring States people with gray faces on the side, like migrant workers, the more he looked at it, the more he felt that these five old guys were a little unpleasant.

Im, who felt uncomfortable, waved his right hand.


The five of them flew out as soon as they slipped through the smoke and crashed into the ruins in the distance.

Then, Yim disappeared in place.

Hmph, I really thought he didn’t find out, you guys were drinking Coke just now?!


The three people of Kong, Sengoku and Kuzan looked at this scene, and they were also stunned for a moment, and a trace of dazedness appeared in their eyes.

“So what… Aren’t we also looking like we’ve been sent flying out, which is better? ”

Sora looked at the two people of Sengoku and Kuzan and whispered.

“It’s not necessary, but… Why exactly? ”

In the eyes of the Warring States, there was also a trace of dazedness.

Seriously, don’t you understand very well why the five old stars were sent out?

On the side, Kuzan, after seeing this scene, also looked at his body, and then thought of the appearance of the five old stars just now, and there was a trace of clarity in his eyes.

“I guessed something.”

Kuzan thought for a moment, then said.

“What guess?”

Sengoku and Sora looked at Kuzan and then asked.

“Is it because… The clothes on the five old stars are too clean? What doesn’t look like you’re doing anything? ”

Kuzan voiced his guess.


The two people of Kong and Sengoku looked at each other, especially thinking that just now, that person’s body was also gray, but the five old stars… There was no dust on the suit.

“Quite possibly.”

In the hearts of the two people, such a thought flashed at the same time.

However, I didn’t dare to say it at all, and I could only think about it in my heart.

X5 (Read the Violent Novel, go on the Feilu Novel Network!) )

At this time, the five old stars who were buried in the ruins also had a trace of dazedness in their eyes.

So, the reason why they were beaten by Lord Yim was because the clothes on their bodies were too clean?

It seems like…… Makes sense, huh?

If you already know this, it is better not to change your suit before.

But I always feel that even if I don’t change my suit, I will still be beaten?

Because the clothes are all coffee, will Lord Im think that they are drinking coffee on the spot?


Deep in Pangu City, in a palace that was not affected, the five old stars came to Lord Yimu, who had already changed his clothes, and knelt on the ground respectfully, waiting for Lord Yimu’s orders.

“Sir, I don’t know what to do with that one?”

Five Old Star asked cautiously.

“That’s not something you can deal with.”

Lord Yimu looked at the five old stars in front of him, and said with a flat face, the implication was that in addition to his move, no matter who he let pass, he was just sending him to death.


At this moment, the five old stars did not dare to speak.

“Give you fifteen years to deal with the chaos on the sea, otherwise… Be ready to be replaced. ”

Yim looked at the five old stars indifferently and said, “As for that person, I will deal with it.” ”

After speaking, Yim disappeared in place.

“Fifteen years…”

At this moment, a trace of panic flashed in the eyes of the five old stars.

The office of the five old stars.

“Now… What are we going to do? ”

After a while, the five old stars calmed down, and then, looking at each other, asked.

After all, the time given by Lord Im is really too short, and as far as the current situation is concerned, they really don’t have much certainty?

“If it has the power of the enemy of God, it will be good.”

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