The Hero Kneels

Chapter 137: The war starts

Ye Dou came to Xinxin Hotel and jumped to his room.

At this moment, his room was in shambles, and it was in a mess, like a thief.

Using the supernatural power of Tianyantong to take a closer look, his room was indeed covered with countless ghost handprints.

The beds, cabinets, walls, curtains, and doors were covered with ghost handprints, but the room was quiet, and there was no yin qi in the room, and Ye Dou's belongings were not lost.

"It's really the rhythm of Alibaba and the Forty Thieves." Ye Dou narrowed his eyes.

It is estimated that after the female ghost in red came, she made a mark with a ghost handprint, and then went back to call someone. It is estimated that this female ghost is either a luna or a relatively low intelligence, and it seems that she can't remember the strange behavior of this street.

Well, the terrain of Cross Street is indeed a bit more complicated, although the whole street is probably a simple cross shape, there are many alleys and streets, and the buildings are also intricate, and people who come here for the first time are likely to get lost.

Looking at the distribution of ghost handprints, the female ghost's thinking is also quite confusing. Since she can't remember where she lives in detail, she uses ghost handprints instead.

Since the other party can't remember, then he will learn Alibaba, play tricks with the other party, and confuse the other party.

Wedding dress magic!

Ye Dou waved at these ghost handprints with one hand, and the ghost handprints disappeared immediately.

These handprints composed of ghost qi were simply unable to resist the infuriating qi that was like lightning on the day of the wedding dress.

"Okay, today I'm going to be a cleaner." Ye Dou grinned and walked out the door.

Today he wants to see what to wipe, wipe all the ghost handprints, and see how the other party finds his own nest with the ghost handprint.

Ye Dou's movements were quick, and in the afternoon, he erased all the ghost handprints on the cross street.

When he returned to his bedroom again, it was almost dusk.

"What to do next? Touch up a Viagra?"

Looking at the pool of bottles in front of him, Ye Dou narrowed his eyes.

But Viagra should not be used unless it is a last resort.

The underworld and the You Baijiao are absolutely concerned about the existence of Blue Hulk. Once he uses it, his absolute trump card will be exposed, and maybe it will also involve the Soul Ring. Find some clues and find out about yourself.

At that time, I am afraid that I will either be put on the planing table or hunted to the ends of the earth.

But the strength of the Red Hall Master of the You Worship Religion is astonishing. If there is no Viagra for self-defense, his life will be in danger.

"Let's click on a Viagra first, just in case you need it." After thinking for a moment, Ye Dou still called out his golden finger and clicked directly on a blue Viagra.

After a flash of dark golden brilliance, the Viagra was wrapped in dark golden patterns, and the soul ring consumed three white souls.

Putting away Viagra, Ye Dou fixed his eyes on a box of Yunnan Baiyao.

So far, he hasn't transformed Yunnan Baiyao, and it is estimated that Yunnan Baiyao will be of great use to the upcoming battle.

He carefully looked at the text on the medicinal effect on the tablet.

[Efficacy of Yunnan Baiyao: It has significant curative effects on hemostasis and healing, promoting blood circulation and dissipating blood stasis, anti-inflammatory and detumescence, expelling pus and toxin, etc., especially for visceral hemorrhage.

【Special medicine for treating various traumatic injuries, redness, swelling and sore, gynecological blood, sore throat and chronic stomach disease.

"This curative effect is exactly what I need." Ye Dou nodded, and pointed his golden finger directly on the Yunnan Baiyao with ten tablets.

As the dark golden brilliance flashed, the pills of Yunnan Baiyao were directly plated with gold, and the description of the efficacy of the medicine also changed.

[Efficacy of Yunnan Baiyao: hemostasis and muscle regeneration, regeneration of flesh and blood, anti-toxin and detoxification, and has a significant effect on any trauma and internal injury, especially for trauma, which can kill people.]

"I'm going to slap it, the effect of this treatment is simply shocking." Ye Dou raised his brows, he was extremely happy.

In fact, he lacked a martial art for healing injuries. He was really slow to heal wounds with internal force alone, so he thought of instilling Yunnan Baiyao, but the effect of Yunnan Baiyao after instillation was not what he expected.

This is the effect of the golden finger pointing the medicine, and the increase is strengthened.

In fact, Goldfinger also has a hidden embellishment effect, that is, "mutation", which will alienate some medicines into another medicine with special effects, such as Liushen toilet water, wind oil and so on.

In Yunnan Baiyao, however, not many mutations have been seen, which greatly strengthens the main medicinal properties of Yunnan Baiyao.

That way, even if he was injured in battle, he didn't have to worry about anything.

In fact, he also wanted to concoct medicines specially designed to restore inner strength and true qi, as well as Indian **** oil or something, to prepare for this time to find fault with the secluded religion.

It's a pity that the white soul has been completely consumed, and there is really no way to enlighten more.


This is what he needs most.

After adjusting his breath for a while on the bed, Ye Dou adjusted his energy to the best state.

When he opened his eyes again, the sun had set and night had come.

There was a faintly familiar voice outside, and he jumped out of the window and walked down the alley to the main road.

I saw Wang Xiaomei and Boss Wang just got off a rough truck.

By the light of the street lamps, the two of them looked good, and they didn't look terribly frightened.

"Daughter, the previous ones must be hallucinations. The doctor said it well. I won't watch any ghost movies in the future, and I won't take any aphrodisiac drugs, um..." Boss Wang walked a few steps after getting out of the car and couldn't help sighing. .

"Yeah, the doctors said about neurological hallucinations... Please, Dad, you are already old, why do you need aphrodisiacs? Do you want to take me to find a stepmother?" Wang Xiaomei glared as she walked.

"This... this, hey hey hey, don't I grow old, daddy... Wait, who lit a red candle on the street? He also lit a red candle at the entrance of my health care product store, what is this for? "

Boss Wang didn't take a few steps before he saw a red candle placed at the entrance of Lao Wang's health care product He seemed to point to the candle casually and asked.

"I don't know, eh... I didn't have it just now. Why are there a few red candles suddenly appearing? And why is the candle light red?"

Wang Xiaomei was surprised, a little restless in her heart, and her delicate body trembled slightly: "Could it be another supernatural event? Or an illusion again?"

Her voice was shaking.

"It's not an illusion." A loud voice sounded in my ears.

Ye Dou came over.

"Ye Dou, it's fortunate that you're here. Last night I really scared me to death." Wang Xiaomei walked over directly, feeling a sense of security for no reason.

"Ye Dou, who I thought was, this street is empty, I thought something happened." Boss Wang also breathed a sigh of relief.

It was night now, and the surroundings were not only pitch-dark, but also empty, and now there were a few more inexplicable red candles, thinking of the haunted incident last night, which made them panic.

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