The Hero Kneels

Chapter 176: Pai Pier

The afternoon of the second day.

A secret order came from the top officials of the underworld, indicating that the underworld recognizes the player's status in Youcheng, and can release players who have been arrested for no reason upon request, guaranteeing that no arrest plan will be implemented for ordinary players, and is willing to sign a memorandum of understanding with the player organization. not interfere with each other's actions.

The only condition that the player did not agree to was to return the thousand-year-old Corpse King Li Gang. The reason is that the current whereabouts of Corpse King Li Gang are unknown, and he is suspected of being hijacked by the You Cult.

The response from the player was also very fast, and they sent someone to directly sign a peace agreement with the top officials of the underworld, as well as various memorandums of understanding and codes.

After going through a series of peace processes at the top of the two sides, the player organization replaced the underworld overnight, became the guardian of the city, and became a level department of the underworld, with various control measures for the underworld.

Taking these messages is to give everyone a taste of political compromise.

Unexpectedly, the underworld has scolded Youcheng's players for so long, and now they have really compromised, and the posture of turning battles into jade and silk has caught people off guard.

This also means that the players in Youchengzhi can already sit on an equal footing with the underworld, and the overall strength is even higher than that of the underworld.

Youcheng, Jinyu Club.

The Golden Jade Club is a high-end and hidden private club in the west of the city. It rarely receives outsiders. It only receives some bigwigs in the business or political circles, as well as high-ranking players.

Ye Dou, Judge Long, Master Wuxiang and others arrived at the Jinyu Club at about ten o'clock in the morning.

Because of the serious injury, Hall Master Luo was inconvenient to come, so Judge Long and Ye Dou could only do it for him.

At the entrance of the clubhouse, an old man in military uniform stood at the gate to welcome everyone.

There was also a burly officer beside the old man in military uniform. The officer stood behind the old man. The other party was three heads tall, his eyes were bright, and he exuded an astonishing aura.

As soon as the black SUV of the underworld stopped at the door, the old man in military uniform immediately greeted it with a smile, and the officer behind him also followed.

"Judge Long, Master Wuxiang... We haven't seen you for a long time, the old man welcomes you, hahahaha." The old man in military uniform smiled, his old face was as bright as a blooming chrysanthemum.

But he left out Ye Dou, who was carrying a heavy sword, as if the other party didn't exist.

"Li Hu will be very polite, this time still trouble you to match up?"

Judge Long whispered: "In addition, this person is called Ye Dou, who is currently in charge of our Impermanence Hall, and is also one of the leaders of Youcheng Underworld Impermanence Hall."

Li Hu was stunned for a moment, and looked at Ye Dou, who was young, in surprise, with a look of horror on his old face. After a few words of forgiveness, he introduced the others to him.

Judge Long took the lead and stepped forward.

This meeting was actually arranged by Youcheng officials. The purpose was to give the underworld and the players a chance to shake hands and make peace and get to know each other.

But to put it bluntly, it is actually asking the underworld to worship the wharf.

Bye the player's dock!

Judge Long took the lead, Master Wuxiang followed closely, Ye Dou walked behind and didn't speak, just listened to the conversation between several people.

He didn't want to participate in the interview between the underworld and the player, but was dragged by Hall Master Luo and the others.

All right,

It is impossible to keep a low profile.

When you see the world yourself, add soy sauce.

After entering the foyer, a row of welcome ladies in red cheongsam bowed and greeted each other. All of them were beautiful and handsome. Their legs were all flesh-colored stockings and red high-heeled shoes, which were standard in top clubs.

Along a long and wide corridor, everyone saw many soldiers who were armed with live ammunition and wearing military uniforms. After a few minutes, they came to a quaint teahouse on a green lawn.

The tea house is in the style of an ancient tea house. It is open on all sides and half-covered by bamboo curtains.

Ba Dao Tianyue sat there, and beside him was a woman with a cold face in an OL outfit.

"Everyone, please take your seats."

Ba Dao Tianyue's face was still so cold, but looking at Ye Dou's eyes, it was very strange, and said, "We met a few months ago, but I didn't expect you to be an ordinary ghost. The battle of the Lord is really eye-opening, I never imagined that there will be a martial arts master like you in the world!"

Ye Dou laughed dryly.

Ba Dao Tianyue's eyes exuded a raging fighting intent: "I want to fight with you when I have a chance, and experience the power of ancient martial arts."

"Yes, if I have a chance, I will definitely learn from you." Ye Dou also wanted to know how far he was from the ranked players, and whether he could fight against high-ranking players.

Judge Long changed the subject: "Everyone, to put it bluntly, we are here to worship the pier. Please speak directly if you have anything."

Xiaochafangzhi represents these three forces, the first is the underworld, the second is the players, and the other is the military represented by Li Hu, who is also the leader of the Youcheng army.

Tianyue was wearing a black suit, sitting there with a big horse and a golden sword, his expression extremely calm.

The woman beside her was wearing a gray ol skirt and a pair of gold-rimmed glasses. Her facial features were quite three-dimensional and she seemed to be a mixed race, but her face became colder and colder, and she had a lofty aura.

Like Tianyue, she exudes a faint wave of evil energy, and she can't find it if she doesn't get close.

"A few from the underworld, let me introduce you first."

Li Hujiang stretched out his hand with a smile, and pointed to Tianyue first: "This is the tyrant Tianyue who ranks among the top 100 players, representing a male player."

He spread his hand to the other side: "This is the famous player Miss Leng The player ranking is also around 100, representing female players."

Ye Dou didn't speak. Before he came, he took a deep dive into the player organization.

The player organization is very interesting. It is divided into two factions divided by gender, one is male player faction and the other is female player faction. There seems to be some kind of competition between the two, and it is not very harmonious.

The so-called ranking is also very important. This ranking is determined by the player organization. Players who can rank in the top 100 are absolute masters with their own names. Their strength is quite extraordinary, and they have a great position in the player organization.

"I have seen you two! In Halongwu, he is currently the chief judge of Youcheng!"

Judge Long said neither humble nor arrogant.

"Judge Long, I have no interest in you, I just want to ask Ye Dou, how did you learn this kung fu?" Domineering asked softly.

"I rescued an old beggar in the early years. Youxin got the true biography of the old beggar and took the medicine pill. Since then, his martial arts cultivation has grown rapidly.

As far as he knows, players can improve their strength very quickly. As long as an ordinary person completes the game, he will gain unimaginable combat power and abilities.

"Your experience is really like the plot in a martial arts novel."

Ba Dao Tianyue smiled and said, "We have investigated you. You were originally just an ordinary person without any external help. How could you rise so quickly? Of course, you don't want to say it, then let it go. After all, everyone will have some secrets."

Leng Qingqiu next to him had a cold voice, interrupting Ba Dao Tianyue directly, and said lightly: "Don't talk too much, it's better for us to have a formal conversation, and let the underworld choose a competent department immediately."

Tianyue shrugged his shoulders without expressing any objection.

Indeed, it's time to get to the point.

Youcheng Underworld, it's up to the two of them to choose one or the other!

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