The Hero Kneels

Chapter 531: ghost world


I saw a huge black monster below overturn the black skull building and stick out directly from the underground ruins.

That huge black strange hand is hundreds of meters long and tens of meters wide. It is definitely comparable to a skyscraper. This strange hand seems to be composed of fel energy, but the fluctuation of fel energy makes it impossible to protect oneself. .

The strange hand only had four fingers, but the hand was hollow, and the palm released an unparalleled attraction, madly absorbing all kinds of objects around it, and grabbing towards the two Yamas in the air.

The two Yamas could only turn around to deal with the huge strange hand, their bodies were unstable, and they retreated frantically, looking rather apprehensive.

With such a powerful evil energy and attraction, Ye Dou and Bai Wuchen suddenly felt breathless, and felt that they were suddenly pressed against an iron mountain, and their bodies couldn't help but fall towards the bottom, and they were about to be hit by that giant hand. catch.

Ye Dou and Bai Wuchen changed color in shock.


The flying carpet that was like thin sand under the two of them was also affected, and began to shake violently, trying to fly away from here with Bai Wuchen and Ye Dou.

It's a pity that there was a huge attraction from that monster, pulling them down, making Ye Dou and Bai Wuchen extremely disappointed, and they couldn't escape the scope of attraction, so they could only keep falling.


A roar mixed with madness and rage came out from the hollow palm of the big hand.

The three-headed hellhounds and the two-headed hellhounds all around came to the vicinity one after another, raising their heads and making various strange howls, which seemed very excited.

"not good!"

Bai Wuchen's beautiful face was now filled with thick horror, and she exclaimed: "If this goes on like this, we will be sucked into the Netherworld!"

Ye Dou looked at her, and the corner of his mouth twitched: "Hurry up and think of a way!"

Bai Wuchen said softly: "The owner of this huge palm must be a high-level You Race, because he is too strong, he is afraid that the passage of the Nether Realm can't bear its full power, so he only uses one hand to absorb the power here, want to Get some kind of power supplement to help him come to Earth!"

Ye Dou didn't understand.

Bai Wuchen didn't have time to continue explaining, but made a decisive decision: "We can't escape his absorption range, and it is very likely that we will fall into the Netherworld. We can only use the principle of the U-shaped channel to not retreat but to enter, you protect yourself! "

Ye Dou said nothing, covered his body with thunder and lightning, and blocked the invasion of any evil energy with the intention of destruction.

Then, Bai Wuchen pinched the seal and shouted, "I hope it will be successful!"

She had a look of determination, and then the flying carpet under her feet disappeared suddenly, and she and Ye Douyi fell towards the big hand.

All right!

This woman is not only a liar, but also a lunatic.

He even took the initiative to send the two of them into the tiger's mouth.

Could it be that he is going to sacrifice himself heroically?

The two were sucked into the big hand by this huge attraction, and they fell almost straight down.

At the moment when he was planted into the passage of the secluded world, there were countless starlights around him, as if he had already swept out of the galaxy with a super beam in an instant.

A kind of space-time distortion, space disorder, making it feel a bit like entering the God of War catalog.

Ye Dou knew that he was heading towards the secluded world.

Gradually, a pungent smell came to the nostrils, and there were countless strange-looking creatures around. These guys were flying in the opposite direction of him!

Many strange-shaped monsters in the Netherworld passed him by. He basically couldn't name these monsters. He could only sense that there was a tyrannical and rich fel energy fluctuation in their bodies.


Just below him, a fierce and deafening roar came from below him.

Not long after, I saw a monster several times bigger than a whale burrowing out from below, possessing huge and terrifying fel energy fluctuations, and it was impossible to see the true face of this monster Lushan.

And on the behemoth, a human-shaped monster could be faintly seen. One of the human-shaped monster's hand stretched out and seemed to extend forward indefinitely. It was pitch-black. rushing to earth.

Because the speed is too fast, he can't see this humanoid monster, nor can he see what the evil clansman riding on the monster looks like.

He only felt that there was an overwhelming and extreme fel energy fluctuation on the other side. This was a fel energy fluctuation he had never seen before, and it had surpassed the dragon-level level, even above the demigods.

The fel energy fluctuations were so terrifying that he instantly sank into hell, unable to extricate himself, so he subconsciously activated the indestructible golden body protection!

In the deep and dark passage of the Netherworld, he and Bai Wuchen kept falling, and finally came to the so-called Netherworld.

The falling time was extremely long, almost half an hour later, the speed of their descent suddenly slowed down, and a mysterious force lifted them up.

Then he smelled a very pungent stench, which was unique to the creatures in the Netherworld, and it was absolutely strong and explosive.

"We have arrived!"

Bai Wuchen drank, her falling body suddenly and quickly stopped, and stopped in the void!

She and Ye Dou are currently in a dark world.

In front of them a strange old grey hall.

Above is a **** hole, and air currents are spewing out of the hole, and it is from this hole that they come out.

This is a gray world, the sky is gray, the ground is gray, and the mountains are gray.

from afar.

Weaving a branch full of thorns in front, there are countless strange-looking plants. These plants are similar to the plants in Youcheng. They look extremely ferocious. They are all covered with sharp thorns, and the branches and leaves are like swords. A pure evil spirit lingers in the world, a dull and depressing atmosphere, covering the whole world!

There is no sun, moon and stars in the secluded world, ferocious plants are everywhere, the stench is high, and the world is filled with a twisted and terrifying evil energy fluctuation.


While the two were looking into the distance, there was a deep roar from right below.

The two looked for a sound, and their faces turned green.

The plain below the mountain is full of countless monsters. These monsters are extremely tyrannical, some look like lizards, some look like hungry wolves, some look like gorillas, some look like Mengniu, and some don't look like... Anyway, they are one They are only huge and unparalleled in size, many of them are the size of mountains, and the fel energy fluctuations are at least demon level.

These monsters are neatly arranged, like an army of monsters gathered on the plain in front of them, seemingly endless, as if they are waiting for something.

Needless to say, these monsters are really waiting for the gate of the secluded world to officially open, and then all of them enter the earth.

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