The Hero Kneels

Chapter 679: Purple cloud star

The bet is to cut ten meteorites, and then compare the shipment and quality!

Whoever loses will give the opponent a 100-carat star stone.

The rich and powerful Ming Kai patted his chest and agreed.

Ye Dou did not object.

Although his own consciousness cannot completely penetrate the surrounding meteorites, he can still feel the things in some small stones.

He was very excited. If it went on like this, cutting stones by himself would be absolutely certain.

However, Ye Dou's luck seemed to come to an end. Next, he cut eight stones in a row, but he didn't even see the star stone for a moment, while Ming Kai spent nearly three million.

This made the fat man feel a little pain in the flesh.

On the contrary, Sam cut out a star stone of nearly ten carats, compensated for the loss just now, and made a huge profit, which instantly accounted for five million.

"Identifying star stones and observing patterns is actually a knowledge that you tourists won't understand."

Sam smiled and taunted: "It's true that not everyone can come here. I advise you to stop quickly. I don't know how high the sky is, and it will only make you lose more."

"If you want to bet on high-quality star fruit, you will only end up ruining your family, and you will not be left with any underpants that you lose."

"You lose the bet, be careful that your wife and son are separated!"

Many people next to him shook their heads and spoke sarcastically.

Both Li Yongzheng and Ming Kai frowned slightly, it was nothing to lose a lot of money.

However, in their capacity, no one dared to speak to them like that for a long time.

Ye Dou frowned, he didn't know why, his consciousness could not go wrong, and he couldn't penetrate these gravel, obviously he felt that the stone was wrapped by a layer of energy.

It seems that these stones are also a bit strange, and it is not possible to determine by divine sense alone.

He crouched down and looked closely.

"This gambler is stupid and can't stand the blow."

"That's natural, how can gambling on stones be so easy, there are not a few people who go bankrupt by gambling."

"I see a lot of people like this, and they all come here to throw money."

Some sympathize and some complain.

Sam looked down at Ye Dou, who was squatting on the ground looking at the gravel, and said, "Chinese, you probably didn't figure it out, people like you are not suitable to come here."

Ye Dou was squatting there, ignoring him, staring at the gravel for a long time, suddenly realized in his heart.

"Damn, these profiteers are cheating."

His consciousness was right.

The fault is these stones. There is a layer of powder on the surface of these stones, which should be the powder of star stones.

This stone gambling shop faked that there was star stone powder on the surface of these meteorites, which formed a layer of energy film, which would make people mistakenly think that there were star stones.

It's too much for this American Stone Gambler to fake it like this.

He wanted to make a scene, but he held back.

If it was exposed like this, it would be really cool for a while, but well, it would reveal his whereabouts again.

Ye Douhuo stood up, and as a result, he identified and checked carefully, and as expected, he found a dozen or so fake meteorites.

This method is very clever. Even if you bring an instrument to check, as long as you don't cut the stone, it is difficult to find it. Even if a master can identify the texture of the stone, it is difficult to detect fraud.

In the end, Ye Dou swept to a stone that was shattered in half.

This stone has been completely shattered, the surface is bumpy, and there is no abnormality at all. There is a cut on the surface, and at least half of the stone can be seen in the cut.

This is an abandoned meteorite that has been cut open.

When Ye Douxuan held up the stone, there was a burst of laughter.

"I said little brother, do you also take a piece of waste rock?"

"This stone was originally of poor quality, and then it was cut in half and thrown here. It's enough to put it here."

The master cutter spoke kindly.

Everyone around shook their heads, thinking that Ye Dou didn't understand meteorites at all,

Li Yongzheng suddenly became nervous, and Ming Kai whispered to persuade: "Or let's change one piece and use it, that's it."

Ye Dou didn't say anything, and motioned to the stone cutter master to ask him to cut it.

The stone cutter shook his head slightly.

For a stone here, the lowest price is 100,000.

This young man looked very stubborn, so the other party would suffer, and he couldn't say anything, then poured it with water, and then cut the stone.

He made a quick shot, and the blade was like a long dragon. It immediately cut through the stone. It didn't take long. This waste stone the size of a football was only the size of a steamed bun.

Everyone shook their heads slightly, waste rocks are waste rocks, nothing to see.

With a sneering smile on the corner of Sam's mouth, he put his hands in his pockets and glanced at Ye Dou contemptuously, but said nothing.

At this moment, everyone exclaimed.

Because just when the last piece of stone peeled off, a stone slightly smaller than a ping-pong ball suddenly appeared, spraying out a lavender light with smooth eyes.

The brilliance overflows, and the purple is like Caixia.

Everyone was shocked, and it was obvious that they had dug up a very high-quality star stone, which is very rare.

I saw a lavender star stone inlaid in the stone skin, the size of one and a half fingernails, there was a streamer flashing, and the purple light was misty.

"This is too small..." Ming Kai was a little dazed.

Li Yongzheng also frowned. Although the star stone was cut out, it was of high quality, but it was too small, not even five carats.

"It's a pity, it's only this size."

"It's really small."

In the field, Ye Dou didn't think so, because he felt a strong fluctuation of divine power.

Such a small piece of star stone is not yet the size of a thumb, and the fluctuation of divine power is obscure, but the fluctuation of divine power in it is not bad, more than ten times higher than that of the star stone he has just seen.

"It's the Purple Cloud Star Stone!"

Shishi master was very knowledgeable and couldn't help exclaiming, but he quickly covered his mouth again.

Ye Dou instantly understood that this thing must be rare.

"Purple Cloud Star Stone?"

"This is a star stone that is absolutely uncommon. It is rare and precious, and it should be of great value."

"Competitively cut out a heterogeneous star Although it is small, the quality can reach C grade!"

"It's really good luck, C rank is already the highest rank among Star Stones."

"And this kind of star stone is very rare. I remember that someone cut out this kind of stone before, which directly alerted several rich people, and was finally bought at a high price."

"I do not know how?"

"This kind of secret will naturally not spread very widely."

Ming Kai simply dug out the Ziyun Star Stone particles.

Then he stepped forward and walked over with a smile, stretched out his hand to Sam, and said, "I'm sorry, we won. We have a total of 100 carats, so hurry up and hand it over."

One hundred carat star stones are already an astronomical figure for the people present. The money in the round is close to 100 million. It hurts everyone, but in front of so many people, Sam is not easy to attack. A star stone bag was thrown on the ground.

Ming Kai picked up the star stone bag, his mouth almost reached the base of his ear, and he kept giggling.

All of a sudden, the group returned to their books.

"That's not right, you're still missing." Li Yongzheng weighed the leather bag and frowned.

When several people were about to ask for it, there was a sudden explosion in front of them. The sound was deafening, and the ground shook.

Ye Dou swept away his senses and took a deep breath: "Not good!"

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