The Hero Who Troubles the Heroes

Chapter 110: Is it wrong to hunt for mushrooms in dungeons?

Tonight in Tanhausen, Jing Zhong Jing stretches.

Charles, who was doing static stretching after exercising as usual, reviewed in his mind what Elizabeth had told him about the underground labyrinth just now.

When Charles was practicing swordsmanship with Arturia just now, Elizabeth was eating fruit while telling Charles about the underground labyrinth. At the same time, he used the peel as a hidden weapon to hit him from time to time, euphemistically called training Charles to deal with emergencies ability of the situation.

When Arturia went to pick oranges this afternoon, she swept away several orange trees deep in the woods, so everyone could get a few oranges for snacks tonight.

This orange is not small, and the pulp is sweet and juicy, and can be used to make a cough medicine. But its skin is a bit thick and has a certain toughness. This caused a piece of peel the size of a fingernail to hit Charles' body with Elizabeth's throw, making him feel quite painful.

Arturia also cooperated with Elizabeth. Facing the combined attack of the long sword and the peel, Charles was in a hurry for a while.

What troubled Charles the most was what Elizabeth said about the underground labyrinth. Charles, who was very curious about this, had to devote his energy to listening carefully.

There are two types of underground labyrinths in the world: natural labyrinths and man-made labyrinths.

Naturally formed underground labyrinths are divided into two types: labyrinths formed by natural caves and labyrinths excavated by animals.

Due to various reasons, there is often a phenomenon that a large amount of magic power is gathered in a certain area on this land. If this place is underground, then the magic power will condense and form magic crystals under the accumulation of many years.

Among the many magical beasts, there is no shortage of magical beasts that are sensitive to these magical powers. Many magical beasts will dig holes to find underground magic crystals based on their sensitivity to magical power.

One of the most terrifying beasts is called Voldeon. They are huge in size and can often grow to more than two meters in diameter, and sometimes even super individuals with a diameter of five meters appear. At the same time, their body length is often more than ten times the diameter. .

This kind of beast, which is also a kind of Yalong, is simply a combination of shield machine earthworms and ship maggots. They live underground and rely on the magic power emitted by the magic crystal to guide the direction.

When they find out where there is a magic crystal, they will slowly and firmly dig through the soil or stones with their mouths, and finally eat the magic crystal. They rely on eating magic crystals and the organic matter swallowed along the way to maintain their life and water.

At the same time, the epidermis of their bodies will secrete a kind of mucus like shipworms. After this mucus penetrates into the soil, it will condense the soil into a hard shell as hard as iron, which is to prevent them from nibbling back to the place where they gnawed before. s method.

Their super-strong digestive systems absorb all the useful ingredients in the dirt and rocks they eat, whether it's water or organic matter.

Where they burrowed, they left behind fine excrement.

After many years, due to external water seepage and other reasons, the excrement in the channels left by these volcanic dragons will be washed away by the water flow, just like the aging and seepage of underground pipes that often occur in cities, causing soil loss and causing holes under the road to collapse. The lowest point was silted up, resulting in huge and complex underground passages.

After a longer period of time, other burrowing animals will dig these underground passages, and gradually more and more creatures will enter through various ways.

First of all, there are some fungi, which have settled in the dark and moist tunnels.

In this world, some fungi can absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen, and some fungi will emit light.

When various fungi and oxygen become more abundant, some herbivorous and omnivorous animals will feed on fungi here, and then spread the fungi in the channel.

Next, some carnivorous monsters will also come here, forming a unique biosphere in this island-like place.

Due to the strong magic power here, the animals and fungi that have lived here for a long time will have some mutations, and at the same time, their reproductive ability will increase, and their individual abilities will become stronger.

When humans come here, they will capture the monsters here to obtain magic cores. If you are lucky, you can also find a new magic crystal.

Since fungi are the oxygen provider and the bottom layer of the biosphere, adventurers who enter the labyrinth will not collect and deliberately destroy fungi such as mushrooms in the labyrinth, unless they are starving to death.

The labyrinth in the southern part of Tanhausen belongs to this type of labyrinth.

The artificial labyrinth is generally composed of abandoned magic crystal mines and other mines and deliberately constructed underground buildings.

When humans dig mine tunnels, they will deliberately plant fungi that can absorb carbon dioxide and generate oxygen to maintain the oxygen concentration in the mine tunnel.

When these mines are abolished and humans leave, monsters will gradually occupy this place.

A long time ago, when the war between humans and demons was in a period of tug of war, the human kingdom built many large underground cities to avoid the demons. Since these underground cities need magic power as energy, the places where they are located are places with strong magic power.

At that time, after things changed and things changed, these abandoned underground cities also became paradise for monsters.

In the end, Elizabeth concluded, "Actually, the underground labyrinth is a breeding ground for monsters that humans deliberately left behind."

"Because of the strong magic power here, the quality of the magic core of the monsters living here is higher."

Charles, who heard this conclusion, was stunned for a moment, and then Artoria slapped the Tianling Gai with the blade of her sword.

Fortunately, he didn't wisely propose methods such as smoky water irrigation to eliminate the evil **** believers, otherwise the gangsters would hide in the pig farm, and then he proposed a torch to burn the gangsters and pigs in the pig farm together. If you really want to do this, it's no wonder that people from all walks of life in Tanhausen who rely on the maze economy to eat don't beat him to death.

Just after Charles finished a day of exercise, he came to the living room of the suite to drink something before going to bed.

He didn't expect that Elizabeth and Artoria were sitting at the table together, flipping through a stack of parchments.

Charles walked over, and just as he was about to speak, Elizabeth shoved a piece of parchment over.

"Do you recognize this pattern?" Elizabeth asked. "It was sent by Mifflin just now. It is the symbol of the evil **** believer. Is there any record of this symbol in your family's library?"

Arturia went on to say, "Although this logo has a bit of the style of the previous demons, I'm sure I've never seen it before."

Charles looked at the logo on the parchment, which was dominated by the silhouette of the upper half of the dragon's and recalled that he had never seen this logo that looked a bit like the Jurassic Park logo in his life. And this kind of animal silhouette-based logo is not uncommon in this world. The family coat of arms of many nobles is the silhouette of a representative animal.

Finally he shook his head silently.

Then he asked Elizabeth, "What is the purpose of these evil **** believers?"

"I'm afraid they are planning to summon something," Elizabeth replied.

"If you are summoned in the underground labyrinth, I am afraid that the summoned object is not a huge object." Charles asked, "Otherwise, if you are summoned but you cannot get out of the labyrinth, you will have fun."

Elizabeth said, "This is the content of the first chapter of summoning, but you don't have the talent of a summoner, so I will only introduce this part to you in the future, so that you can understand it."

"It's not the big ones that are threatening." Arturia said, "Sometimes small individuals are more threatening because of their concealment."

Charles thought for a moment and asked, "Are they going to summon heroes from another world?"

Elizabeth smiled and shook her head, "Impossible, they can't break through the barriers of the world. At most, they are summoning existences in other dimensions in this world."

Now Charles is relieved, as long as those with the protagonist's halo are not summoned as enemies, then there is nothing to worry about.


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