The Hero Who Troubles the Heroes

Vol 4 Chapter 1694: First battle with demons

When Charles was the first to enter the dark demon group, he felt like he was fighting a group of truck tires.

This time, he did not use his full strength, but fought at the average level of ordinary people, and he punched his fist and bounced back.

If these demons are not energy beings, I am afraid that a group of tire factories will keep them in the same cage as slimes.

Soon, he realized that something was wrong with these demons.

They don't seem to be naturally condensed by energy like elemental creatures, but condensed with the soul of animals as the core.

The most intuitive manifestation is that some of them look like humans, some like wild animals, and their activities are similar to the original ones, and the human-shaped ones even use weapons.

In less than half a minute, Charles figured out their characteristics. Not to mention their high defense, there was no concept of injury. After cutting off a hand, the body was like dough and rolled back out.

As long as their core is not destroyed, the whole body can keep recovering until the core is depleted of energy.

At the same time, the position of these cores is not fixed, it can be on the elbows or the heels.

But these demons have a characteristic, that is, the outer shell is relatively hard, and the inside is relatively soft. Kind of like a candy cane.

In normal battles, people will use magic to attack the demons at close range. After breaking the shell, the melee soldiers will attack the inside while the shell is not restored.

So Charles came up with a solution, which was a move that he hadn't used many times since he created it: the Big Dipper Fist.

The condensed magic element penetrated the tough outer skin like a needle and pierced into the body of the demon, and then exploded.

At this time, the demon's high-defense outer skin instead imprisoned the magic element in the body, and then caused huge damage from the inside.

Behind Charles, Princess Salama was condensed with a set of white magic ice armor, and the dagger in her hand became a short sword because of the condensed ice element.

This is magic from the planet of the Grand Duchy of Eternal Sun, and it is especially suitable for girls who cannot wear heavy armor.

She deftly dodged the pounce of a wolf-like demon, and ice particles the size of rice grains condensed on the tip of the dagger, stabbing the demon's waist and abdomen at the moment when she strayed.

The ice particles exploded, instantly freezing the middle part of the demon's body.

I saw the demon's front half turned into black smoke, and the rest of the back half was still intact.

Before it could recover, Salama stabbed the fracture with a sword, and a large amount of ice elements poured in in the blink of an eye, destroying the core hidden in the tail.

However, Princess Salama lacked combat experience, and did not pay attention to the surrounding environment when focusing on dealing with the enemy in front of her. A giant bear-like demon more than four meters high had raised its claws by the side.

It was the first time that Salama felt that death was in front of her eyes, her entire body could not move, and she watched helplessly as the huge black palm bigger than her face was getting closer and closer.

Just when the giant palm was a few millimeters away from her face, she felt someone pull her away at once.

Charles pulled her over with his left hand and held her in his arms. With his right hand, he stretched out a finger on the demon's giant palm. The high-purity fire element instantly poured into the demon's body from the contact point, burning the inside and the outside tough.

Salama, who felt the coming of death for the first time, was already weak in her hands and feet. Charles could only hold her and fight with one hand for a while, and then put it down when she recovered.

"Use the war pattern," Charles told her.

Salama nodded, fiery red cloud patterns lit up around the eyes and ears, as well as the fair skin of the limbs, waist and abdomen.

The surge of power made her regain her confidence, and she immediately threw herself into a new battle.

The situation of the other girls is similar to that of Salama. Everyone relies on morale to fight, but the gap in experience makes the battlefield situation dangerous over time.

Charles became a firefighter, showing up wherever the situation was critical.

He estimated that the girls' physical strength was almost the same. The strongest demons ahead were attacking the city wall at the pass. The soldiers on the city wall were struggling to support them with the breath brought by the reinforcements.

With a whistle, the girls began to move closer to Charles' position.

At this time, Charles's hands turned into white claws, and he cut a few demons to test the feel.

The hand feel is very bad, and the divinity that is usually unfavorable has been polluted and has no effect.

Then he tried the Slime Sword, well, no wonder he was called in for labor export, this sword is like slashing demons and tofu.

Charles knew that he couldn't hide the fact that he had merged with the Slime Sword. After all, the gods were not fools. I'm afraid he was checked over and over at the residence of the God of Light that day.

As usual, Wan Jian Jue was activated.

Sword rain poured down, and the demons on the ground turned into bursts of black smoke. For a time, the entire battlefield was like a fire field with thick smoke billowing.

However, the core of the demon was not large, and only a small part of it was directly destroyed.

At this time, something that has never been recorded suddenly happened on the battlefield.

The remaining demon cores suddenly flew in one direction and merged together, and the originally scattered black energy also gathered there.

It may have happened before, but no living person could get the news out.

Charles looked at the distance and used his true skills to instantly gather the surrounding magic elements not far from the fusion position of the demon core, and then compress the magic elements to death.

He rubbed a small "Ivan" with his bare hands. After the violent explosion, the large core that had just been fused was vanished into ashes. The huge shock wave also blew away the black energy, and the sky and the earth suddenly looked bright and sunny.

The battle was over, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Charles took a look at the girls, and there were none of them missing, but all of them were injured. Salama's left rib was hit and several bones were broken. A brown-haired girl's left hand was too nervous when she raised her shield to block. The deformation of the movement failed to release the force in time, and the fracture was broken, and the most serious one had a small opening in the abdomen.

Someone came from the pass and invited Charles and the others to a banquet at the pass.

Charles declined, and just asked them to prepare some grain and a carriage, and come to pick it up at noon tomorrow.

Then he left with the girls, whose cave was in the mountains a few kilometers away from the pass.

Not all girls like to fight, some choose to be medical, some are engaged in logistics, and the girls who were injured this time happened to practice their hands for them.

They are currently able to treat skin trauma, but for serious injuries such as fractures, Charles himself has to do it.

Latifa was worried about her daughter, but she came to Salama after making sure the other injured girls were safe.

"Does it still hurt?" Latifah gently touched her daughter's wound.

Salama lay on the stone bed and shook her head gently.

Latifah said, "If you can't stand it, you can..."

"No!" Salama's eyes lit up instantly, "Mother, you don't know, when we first arrived on the those men on the city wall were cheering for us!"

"It's not that I got a big chest when I was 14, it's not that my clothes fell off when I was dancing, it's that we saved their lives because we did what they could and did it better than They are better!"

Latifa was surprised to find that her daughter's eyes were hotter than ever before, and the smile on her face was brighter than ever.

She gently stroked her daughter's face and said solemnly, "you have to remember who brought all this."

Salama nodded earnestly, remembering this, as did everyone.

At noon the next day, Charles came to the pass and took away the provisions that the defenders had promised to provide.

Prince Saraja, who was gaining reputation here, saw that all the people involved in the battle yesterday were all women, including his own sister, and his jaw dropped like everyone else.

Salama had nothing to say about the twin brother, just a few words that were not salty or bland.

Latifa was still worried about his son, and quietly stuffed the healing potion that Charles had distributed to him into his hand.

Charles took everyone to the north. The Sisterhood needed a site, and a fallen castle about ten kilometers away was just a place for them. Anyway, the original owner had disappeared into the long river of history.

By the way, their group was on the road to fight monsters and gain experience.

For the next half month, the Sisterhood occupied the abandoned castle, found the gold and silver treasures left by the original owner, and controlled a surrounding area.

At the same time, a rumor that a woman who has been passed by Charles ◎◎?? will become stronger begins to spread on the continent.

People can't explain why these girls have become so powerful, they can only come to the answer with their own thinking.

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