The Hero Who Troubles the Heroes

Vol 4 Chapter 1702: Deepen and optimize the combat plan

After recording Charles' instructions, Khrulev discussed several key points, and finally said: "In this way, the cost of logistics will be large."

Charles said angrily: "It's better than paying pensions and disability assistance."

Khrulev just sighed casually. He didn't invest so much in logistics before the war, so that the station was almost like a resort. As a result, he was so choked by Commander Yi that he was speechless and had to leave immediately. .

Shortly after, the chief of staff, Vasilev, came to the office, and he brought the draft defense tactics formulated by the staff.

Charles carefully looked at the first two pages, then quickly turned back, and when he saw the back, it was no different from counting the pages of a book.

In the end, this defensive tactical plan was crumpled up by him and threw it into the trash can.

Vasilev was instantly stunned, opened his mouth, but found that he didn't know what to say.

"Are you just in charge of eating when you were in the chariot army?" Charles looked at Vasilev coldly. "Or do you... think the treasury has too much money, so you plan to waste some?"

He just wanted to ask Vasilev if he was an undercover agent of the devil, but he changed his tune when he was about to say it, otherwise it would start a fight now.

"No!" Vasilev hurriedly stood at attention, "Please, His Royal Highness, tell the staff what's wrong with the plan."

Charles sighed deeply.

The defense tactics developed by the staff are very good, reaching the level of the Gulf War in his hometown, but on the Iraqi side.

Because the defensive battle is the main focus in the early stage of the next battle, the defense plan of the staff is centered on the three lines of defense.

At the forefront of the first line of defense, barbed wire and deer villages are set up, forcing the demon to fly into the air to disrupt its formation and reduce the magic shield defense force brought about by the synchronization of magic power.

The first line of defense is stationed by infantry and chariots acting as fire points in bunkers. Tanks and regiment-level artillery provide fire support in the bunkers of the second line of defense at the rear. The third line of defense is equipped with large calibers at the division level and above. Artillery and rockets.

In terms of advantages, this arrangement can turn the defense line into an insurmountable wall of firepower, and can also reduce the mechanical loss caused by the movement of tanks and combat vehicles, which is conducive to reducing logistical pressure.

However, this is contrary to Charles's principles of war.

"What do you think," he asked Vasilev, "what is the most precious thing in war?"

Vasilev replied: "It is a living force."

Charles nodded and said, "You are right, then we must destroy the enemy's most precious thing!"

"How many times do you think the enemy will bump into such a line of defense?"

"After one or two major casualties, will they go to the line to die again?"

Vasilev replied: "Devils are very cunning and cherish their lives. They will not die for nothing."

Charles continued his words: "So they will confront us, as they are now, and then both sides can have a leisurely tea."

A certain person has absorbed the memories of two demons, and he still has some understanding of their fighting characteristics.

He suddenly shouted hysterically: "Our steel chariots are not buried in the ground as firepower, their mission is to attack, you know, attack!"

"They must be concentrated and become fists. Even if the width of the battlefield is only a few dozen kilometers, they must rush out and break through the enemy in front of them. Without stopping, they will attack the warehouses, traffic arteries, defense nodes, and command centers behind the enemy!!"

"They have to become an anvil, firmly withstood the fleeing enemies, and destroy all the enemies in the encirclement together with the chasing troops!!!"

"When the enemy's reinforcements arrive, we can sweeten them like a liar fishing for Kaizi, retreat, wait for the enemy to be happy, then attack, and then we will do it again!!!!"

"We're going to use the encirclement again and again to drain the blood of the enemy, let it dry!!!!"

Vasilev understood what Charles meant, thought for a while, and said worriedly: "We will lose a lot in this way."

Charles glared at him coldly, slammed his fist on the table, and said decisively: "As long as we drain the blood of the devil, even if we are exhausted, the other troops will attack the west and regain their homeland!!!"

Vasilev nodded again and again, and then said that the staff would formulate a new plan according to His Highness the Commander.

At noon, Charles dined in his office as usual.

In the restaurant, Khrulev and Vasilev muttered for a while, and then found Suvorov and muttered for a while.

Everyone can see that there is something wrong with someone's spirit recently.

In the afternoon, Suvorov came to the sand table room and saw that Charles was standing in front of the huge sand table.

He and Charles are old acquaintances and veterans, so everyone invites him to talk to His Royal Highness the Commander.

Who knows, Charles said directly after seeing him coming: "I think we should leak the plan of this battle and let the Kingdom of Cuyavia know."

Suvorov, who was pouring tea, almost dropped the cup on the ground, saying: "It goes against the plan of the state."

Charles shook his head and said: "The military can maneuver according to new changes in the situation, but the decisive action we need is positive, not negative."

"Positive decisive action is subject to the general intention of the superior. This intention is to increase victory and reduce failure, which is the highest principle. Negative decisive action is manifested in that he does not proceed from the overall situation, but only from the Local departures are chaotic and chaotic.”

"The general intention of the country is to regain the homeland, and this is a general war between countries."

"In total warfare, the task of the army is to weaken and eliminate the enemy's war power and war potential as much as possible."

"The purpose of our campaign is to obtain a forward base, divide the enemy, disrupt the enemy's strategic deployment, buy time for domestic military reorganization and training, and boost domestic morale."

"If the Kingdom of Cuyavia learns that I am in the army and will make further attacks, and that the heir of my dead Demon King is the descendant of me and Princess Cuyavia, then there is enough reason to put the main force of the domestic army. Sent to this narrow place."

"At that time, we can continuously strike and weaken the enemy's living strength through active and elastic As long as the main force and mobile strength of the enemy army are solved, we will cross the Storm Canyon and the Heartbreak Ridge in the decisive battle in the future. You can make great strides forward!"

For a long time, Charles has never regarded any army as a warlord's idea of ​​​​operating on his own territory. He will not make things like "the friendly army can't move like a mountain", and he will not command the army to disrupt the overall deployment for his own selfish interests.

He didn't think so on a whim, but came to a conclusion after thinking at the height of the entire war.

According to the latest information, the Kingdom of Cuyavia has not been idle over the years. They don't know where they got the mature steam engine and other technologies, and they are going through the first industrial revolution.

Under such circumstances, the war process cannot be delayed.

Suvorov walked to the military deployment map of the Kuyavia Kingdom hanging on the wall and began to seriously consider the feasibility of Charles' plan.

Indeed, as long as he kills the prince of the Rurik Kingdom in front of him, he can make his grandson the heir to the throne of the enemy. This kind of thing is enough to make the current king of the Cuyavia Kingdom, Reyshard II, to join the army desperately.

Suvorov pinched his chin and thought that as long as the main army of the Kingdom of Kuyavia gathered in Storm Canyon, the next question was whether there were enough magic implosions.

What Charles thought of at this time was the war of liberation. After the three major battles? Jiang Gong lost his main and mobile troops, and soon there were only a few islands left.

Suvorov nodded and said, "This plan is feasible, we will discuss it at a meeting, and then report it to the Military Council."

Charles nodded.

After a few days of meeting to reach a consensus, Suvorov personally went back with the plan and reported it.

After almost ten days, the military council finally approved the plan.

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