The Hero Who Troubles the Heroes

Vol 4 Chapter 1705: prewar cadre meeting

In early April, all troops arrived on the western plateau, and the Western Front held a plenary meeting of cadres above the regiment level.

Although the records of wars in history books often begin with the war, a large part of the factors that determine the outcome of a war are decided before the war.

The most important of these is the ideological unity of the entire army.

During this time, Charles discovered an ideological problem with the Rurik army.

In the battles of the past few hundred years, the Rurik Kingdom has always been pressed and beaten by the mobile and flexible demons that the Kuyavia Kingdom can fly, so they are good at defense but not offensive enough. This is also the tactic formulated by the staff at the beginning. Same reason as playing tower defense.

In order to unify his thinking and put his own tactics into place, Charles made "Talking about the Current Situation", "The Fundamental Method for Winning a War", and "The Changes in the Form of War for the Army Groups, Armies, Divisions, Important speeches such as "Instructions of Each Regiment", "Tactical Instructions on Concentrating Absolutely Superior Forces to Destroy the Enemy Division", "One Point Two Sides Tactics", "The Philosophy of Dialectical Materialism in War".

On the last day of the meeting, Charles spoke on the rostrum: "The meeting lasted for ten days, and it went very well. The purpose of this meeting is to unify everyone's thoughts before the battle, so as to obtain a unified action during the battle. ."

"During the ten-day meeting, we discussed the following issues."

"First of all, we agreed that this battle must be fought."

"The significance of the current battle is that this battle must be fought at the moment, and we must prepare to fight this battle at a great price, prepare to fight him for a month or two, or even a year or two, and then stop when the weather, enemy conditions and other circumstances do not permit it. ."

"Secondly, we figured out how to fight."

"Generally speaking, tactically, pay attention to attack preparations, and do not conduct unprepared attacks. The most important thing in attack preparation is to understand the situation, that is, to understand the enemy's situation and terrain."

"Commanders must develop a style of looking at the terrain, otherwise everything will be empty. One point and two sides tactics, hard hitting, rushing, and chasing tactics can't be used, because where is one point? How about attacking from which two sides? How to fight hard What about dashing and chasing? You can’t use these tactics without understanding the terrain.”

"If you are not ready, don't fight. Don't be afraid of new difficulties arising from preparations, that is, the increase of the enemy's strength, the increase of fortifications and the retreat of the enemy. If you are not clear about the situation, you will fight. It is better not to fight."

"So when you encounter an enemy, don't just hit it ignorantly, first use firepower to contain the enemy, make it a passive stance, find out the enemy's situation and terrain, and then attack. systematic attack."

"There are many tactical clauses, but in today's real life, it must be emphasized to understand the situation."

"We have a name for it, don't fight recklessly."

"Anyway, we must understand the situation before we fight. This is the iron rule, and this is the secret of victory."

"But it is different for the retreating enemy. For the retreating enemy, no matter whether the situation is clear or not, you should pursue it fiercely."

"Secondly, when we have arranged, prepared, equipped with firepower, outflanked, and attacked, then we will continue to work hard according to the original plan. The most important tactic of all tactics is to fight to the death and sacrifice resolutely. In exchange for fewer sacrifices.”

"The 211 regiment is very good. During the actual combat assessment, it was honored to charge seven times in a row. Even if it couldn't be defeated, it also trained the troops."

"This can make the enemy unable to support spiritually. Don't think that the first time I can't break through, and the second and third time I can't break through. In fact, every time I charge, the enemy's interior changes, weakening every time. "

"The Marine Corps' Deathwings are notoriously not afraid of death, but they bluntly said they were too."

"In terms of tactical actions, there must be this kind of reckless spirit."

"The desperate fight we proposed refers to this kind of deadly fight after preparation."

"The general combat policy is: don't fight recklessly, fight hard, don't be reckless in the first stage, and fight recklessly in the second stage. This is the general spirit of this meeting."

"The third is the issue of fighting style."

"Some teams, called 'playable' teams, have such a style. Once recruits leave, they will learn this style. The style of work cannot be seen, heard, or touched, but it is objective and there are Once the style is established, many problems are solved. The army has established a style, which is the most valuable. The style is the school, the teacher, and the commander, and the style will also give orders."

"Cultivation of work style is an important issue for the army, especially for newly formed troops. You are the backbone of the future army, and your style is the future style of the army."

"First of all, don't complain, but report the specific difficulties, so that the above can understand, if you just scream, it will make people feel very uncomfortable. Don't be afraid of difficulties, fatigue, and emptiness. Don't think about going back to win the battle, and don't be afraid of suffering setbacks, defeating and retreating. Come down and Don’t be discouraged, don’t cry, so that you can train the troops.”

"Secondly, resolutely implement the order and obey the attack time, otherwise the whole situation will be messed up. In the past, this problem was rarely encountered when relying on official defense operations, but when the large corps cooperated in combat, it was completely different."

"However, when the situation changes temporarily, when it does not interfere with the intention of the whole superior, we should act decisively and decisively. There are two types of decisive action, positive and negative. What we want is positive and decisive action, standing on the side of annihilating the enemy. The general intention is to handle the situation flexibly without hindering the coordinated action of the entire force.”

"Several units, units with different organizational structures, and friendly neighbors, if they find a situation, they should cooperate with each other. There are gunshots and cannons. If they don't interfere with their tasks, they should move in the direction of the gunshots and cannons. , Friends and neighbors must be well coordinated and united well.”

"Finally a note on some issues."

"On the issue of concentrating troops, small battles should be fought in big battles. Concentrating troops will cause many difficulties, such as food, marching, camping, and so on. These difficulties can only be endured, and it is impossible not to concentrate troops because of these difficulties."

"Tactics of one point and two sides cannot be understood mechanically in isolation, but should be viewed in conjunction. One point should not be understood as an isolated point, and two sides should not be understood as an equal division of forces. Tactics are not dogmas, but applied according to actual conditions."

"The troops should advocate saving ammunition, pay attention to checking bullet casings, pay attention to saving front forces, save money, do not waste food, do not send minor injuries to the rear, and do not bring guns to the rear of wounded soldiers."

"Secrets must be strictly guarded in the military."

"Cultural entertainment work and ideological education for cadres must be carried out."


The meeting ended in mid-April, and when the officers returned to the unit, the mobilization meeting and final preparations began.

A little bit of time passed, and the pace of war was getting closer and closer.

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