The Hero Who Troubles the Heroes

Vol 4 Chapter 1760: Pirates are here

The latest website: There is a large port city on the tip of each "tentacle" of this "squid continent".

Because the sea conditions in the open sea are much worse than the inland sea between the peninsulas, the ships are different, which makes the cities on the tip of these peninsulas become the connection points between the inland sea and the outer sea route.

It's just that the top of this peninsula is surrounded by a large reef area, and there are only a few small waterways for fishing boats to travel, so cargo ships don't need to think about it, so the big port is moved nearby.

However, this reef area is a paradise for fish growth. When the tide goes out, many children and adults come here to look for trapped fish and crabs, etc., and women use knives to pry oysters. .

At this time, the nun and Marda from the village church will also come here to treat the wounds of the villagers who were accidentally injured.

The sea is at high tide tonight, and the waves brought by the sea breeze keep lapping the reefs out of the sea.

A small raft is constantly heaving in the sea, looking like it will be overturned at any time.

Yaerlin, the grandson of the local master, was standing barefoot on the slippery raft, meticulously practicing the basic skills of swordsmanship.

The child's talent is good. He can stand firmly on a slippery raft, and his movements are fairly standard.

It's a pity that he was not calm enough. When he saw Charles walking on the sea to the reef in the distance, he thought it was a ghost, and he didn't stand firm and fell into the water with a "thump".

Charles looked back and saw that Yaerlin was swimming towards the shore and continued to his fishing position.

Yaerlin was a bit unlucky, and his leg was scratched by a sharp reef while swimming.

After he landed, he limped across the beach and walked in the quiet village, walking towards the church alone under the moonlight, and the nun and mother-in-law could heal such a small wound.

The door of the church is unlocked, just pull the rope next to the altar and the bell in the nun's mother-in-law's bedroom will ring.

There was someone praying in front of the altar tonight, and there were white lights floating around Marda, which looked very holy.

Yaerlin listened carefully, and Marda prayed devoutly: "Supreme goddess, you are the Lord of all things, you are omnipotent, please grant me the strength, when he embarks on the journey of crusade against the demon king, I can donate a power."

The sound of his walking alarmed the apprentice nun, and Marda knew that she was a wounded person when she saw the way she was walking, and immediately went over to help him sit on the bench.

Martha took from the altar an ever-bright candlestick like a glass beer mug, filled with wax, which could burn for a long time after being lit.

Under the candlelight, she carefully checked the wound on Yaerlin's leg. The wound was not very deep, but it was quite long, and there was still a little sand in it.

So she brought a bottle of distilled wine, opened the wound and poured it on it.

It was the first time that Yaerlin had been alone with a girl of a similar age in his twelve years of life. He wanted to show his brave side, but the stimulation of the wound caused by the alcohol almost made him jump.

Yaerlin wanted to find a topic to chat, and said subconsciously, "It's so fragrant."

Marda checked the washed wound and said at the same time, "This is a candle donated by Charles. It is really fragrant."

Yaerlin opened his mouth, he originally wanted to say that her body smells fragrant.

Marda was as fragrant as ever tonight, and the reason is very simple. Charles pointed out the technique of essential oil soap again.

The reason he did this was even simpler. It would cost a lot of money for Marda to eat more meat to restore her body in the future, so she taught such a way to make money.

Gu Kai

And this is the church's own property, and the elephant will kick its head before it hits its mind.

Yaerlin wanted to say something else, but suddenly felt the wound was warm, like soaking in a hot spring, and at the same time itchy like a lot of ants crawling on it.

"Okay." Marda wiped the sweat on her forehead. She used the most advanced healing technique, and the burden was not small.

"Thank you!" Yaerlin was very happy to see that there was no scar left in the wound.

Marda smiled and said, "This is a gift from the goddess, and you should thank the goddess."

Yaerlin scratched his head and asked a little shyly, "I'm going to buy something in the city tomorrow, do you want to go with me?"

Marda shook her head and replied, "Yesterday, my mother-in-law went to buy back what she was going to buy."

Yaerlin could only thank Marda again and left with a bit of disappointment.

Behind a wooden door, the nun and mother-in-law quietly listened to the conversation between the two, and accidentally spilled the oil bottle in the kitchen the next morning.

"Marda," the mother-in-law felt, "I spilled the oil, go buy some in the city!"

Marda had just returned from breakfast with Charles, and then ran back to get a bottle of olive oil, saying that she would buy it again next time she went to town.

This morning, Charles was teaching Donna and Dora about new paints for oil painting. There were colorful renderings on the wall in the living room. When Marda came, he just let the little girl go to the kitchen to get it.

During the class, Donna and Dora were very serious, recording the formula and effect of each new paint.

Many mineral pigments used in oil paintings can only be bought in the market, and how to remove impurities and grind them is also a knowledge.

Suddenly, Charles frowned and looked up to the east.

Before the two students could ask what was going on, the watchtower in the village sounded the alarm.

The whole fishing village was instantly chaotic, and many people shouted "Pirates are here!"

As the saying goes, relying on the mountain to eat the mountain, and relying on the sea to eat the sea, there are many pirates entrenched on the overseas islands to the east, among which four groups of pirates are the strongest in scale and strength.

The group of pirates who came today is one of the four big pirates. The logo of UU Kanshu is a swordfish.

The pirates came at the right time. Today, the lord and his grandson went to the city to buy things. At this time, most of the young and middle-aged fishermen had already gone to sea. In the village, there were only old and weak women and children and a few young and middle-aged people who maintained the fishing boats.

Forty or fifty large boats were lined up in the far sea, and they dared not approach the reef area, so the pirates put down their boats and crossed the reef to prepare to land on the beach outside the village.

Now the most respected person in the village is the nun and mother-in-law of the church.

The wall of the village is three or four meters high, and there is a circle of wooden shelves behind it for people to stand on, so as to defend against wild animals.

Some people piled various bulky items behind the gates leading to the beach and the port, while others took their children and left the other side of the gate before the pirates surrounded the village.

The person standing on the wall now has only one thought to support. Just like the nun and mother-in-law said, everyone should pretend to hold back the pirates and let the escaped children run as far as possible, preferably into the woods.

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