The Hero Who Troubles the Heroes

: "Spirit Daily" editorial

"Our patience is limited"

Recently, the provocation of the Elf Royal Court by the Ormes authorities has become more and more rampant. The armed forces of Ormus continue to invade the territory of the Elf Royal Court, beating and killing our coastal residents at will. The Ormus authorities have bullied the Elf Royal Court so recklessly, to the point that the elves can't tolerate it.

Thousands of years ago, the southern sea area has always been a friendly sea area, and the two ethnic border residents have always communicated frequently and lived in harmony. When the Ormus murlocs first arrived in this sea area, the two tribes of frontier people started friendly cooperation. The vast number of residents along the coast of the Elf Royal Court did not hesitate to sacrifice, and provided huge and powerful support to the Ormus murlocs. However, since 1974 BC, especially after Ormus achieved the unification of the southern seas, the Ormes authorities, in order to cater to the greed of some murlocs in the country, went madly against elves, and were ungrateful, organized and planned in the coastal areas. Many areas provoked disputes and created friction. They often cross the border to the shore to harass our villages, interfere with the production of the residents of the Elf Royal Court, destroy production facilities along the coast, and even kidnap our personnel, cast magic to threaten our people, and cause many bloodshed incidents. It is precisely because of the provocation by Omes that the situation on the coastal border has become increasingly tense. The issue of border security has become a prominent issue in bilateral relations in recent millennia. According to incomplete statistics, since more than 100 incidents of coastal border disputes occurred in 1974 BC, there have been more than 300 incidents per year in the past 3890 years. Since the escalation of Ormus' anti-Elves last year, the provocative activities of Ormus on the border and coastal areas have continued to increase. From February to December 1919 alone, Ormes invaded nearly 2,000 locations in our territory, eroding a large amount of our territory; dispatched armed personnel over 10,000 times, provoked a large number of border incidents, and caused hundreds of casualties among the people on the border. More than 600 houses were burnt down, more than a thousand heads of livestock such as cattle and pigs were taken away, and a large number of villages were looted of food.

At the same time, the Ormes authorities strengthened war preparations, stepped up conscription, expanded the army, frequently conducted military gatherings targeting the Elf Royal Court, stepped up invasion and reconnaissance activities in the border areas, and sent more troops. Recently, the Ormes authorities have launched a "big movement" to mobilize the whole people, openly clamoring that "anything within 100 kilometers on both sides of the river leading to the sea is murloc territory", and they want to "fight a large-scale war". The arrogance of arrogance has reached the extreme.

What is especially infuriating is that the Ormes authorities have bullied the elf royal court so much, but they have snotted their noses and tears, and pretended to be pitifully bullied by the elf royal court in an attempt to deceive the gods and the various races of the continent. The Ormus propaganda machine kept saying that Ormus was a small country and could not afford to offend the elf royal court and so on. The rogue tactics of the Ormes authorities are disgusting and despicable. The Ormes authorities thought that as long as Ormes was a small country, no matter what bad things it did, people would naturally sympathize with it. However, whether a country bullies other countries does not depend on whether the country is a big country or a small country, but depends on its national line and foreign policy. The royal court of elves is a country that loves peace, and the elves are a nation that loves peace. We have always advocated that all countries, big or small, should be equal, and firmly oppose the bullying of the small by the big and the weak by the strong. Since the establishment of the Elf Royal Court, it has never invaded an inch of the territory of other countries, and has never bullied anyone. Whatever the ambitions of the Ormes authorities, it will always bully big or small countries. Isn't Ormus the most powerful refutation of its fallacy of slandering the elf royal court in the north, and the eastward invasion of the same clan in the East China Sea?

The Ormus authorities violated the territorial sovereignty of the elven royal court, and they were encouraged and supported by the powerful ambitions in the country. The elf royal court is stable, united and vigorous, and all the countries in the continent are sincerely happy about it. The stability and wealth of the elf royal court have aroused the covetousness of careerists. However, their conspiracy will never succeed.

The Ormes authorities have gone far enough in their anti-Elves. Don't say anything.

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