The Hero Who Troubles the Heroes

Vol 2 Chapter 191: Ambush in the reeds

Sharp arrows and harpoons are intertwined, and magic and magic fly together.

York tilted his head to the side, and a harpoon flew past his ear, the rod of the harpoon scraping the skin of his ear.

The most common weapon used by murlocs who live in the sea all the year round is the harpoon. It can be stabbed from a short distance and can be thrown from a distance. It is the most important production tool and weapon for murlocs. This harpoon is in the hands of the murloc soldiers, and it is as easy to pierce the elves as it is to pierce the fish.

In order to be used for a long time in the sea, the tip of the harpoon is forged with a special metal, which is not only corrosion-resistant, but also very hard.

York raised the shield in his hand and pushed away a harpoon that was flying towards his chest. Then he picked up the harpoon that had fallen on the ground, and threw it hard at a particularly tall murloc.

The murlocs that can withstand the pressure of deep water are very tall and strong, and murlocs with a height of two meters can be seen everywhere. What followed was that their bodies had a high defense, and bows and arrows that could shoot through the flesh of monsters in the past were often caught by their muscles and could not hurt their internal organs.

But that's enough.

The tall murloc knocked off the harpoon that shot at his neck with the weapon in his hand, but he did not expect that an arrow would fly behind the harpoon.

The murloc turned sideways, and the arrow aimed at his neck hit his shoulder.

The murloc reached out his hand to pull out the arrow that only pierced half of the arrow in his shoulder, but he suddenly felt numb, his eyes darkened, and then he didn't know anything.

"It's resolved." York breathed a sigh of relief. The harpoon thrown by the murloc just now pierced through the magic shield and seriously injured two elf militiamen.

If it wasn't for the elves who believe in the **** of life and have a huge advantage in healing, these two seriously wounded people would not be able to see the moon tonight.

York jumped off the stone wall and changed his helmet with the passing militiamen, then looked at the quiver hanging on his right waist and found that there were not many poison arrows in it.

When he reappeared on another section of the stone wall, he found several murloc mages gathered, constantly searching for something on the stone wall.

York knew they were looking for him, and if he hadn't changed his clothes and changed his place every time he shot a poisonous arrow to kill an important target, he would have been smashed to pieces by these murloc mages.

So he, like the villagers next to him, kept shooting arrows at those murlocs who were wielding heavy weapons and preparing to smash the gate.

After being recalled from Avalon late last year, he received a month of training before being sent to the village with his partner Kent to command and train the militia.

This area is an agricultural and pastoral area that has been developed for many years, and the residents used to farm and feed livestock. Because the surrounding monsters were almost wiped out, the residents who had been comfortable for many years could not adapt to the sudden war.

As early as a few days ago, Kent immediately realized that the fish people were planning a conspiracy against his village after receiving the news that patrols in several surrounding villages had been attacked one after another and finally wiped out.

Kent immediately sent a messenger to ask for help. It was unknown whether the messenger had delivered the letter to the city.

The murlocs who raided the gate and the surrounding city walls once again retreated after dropping a few corpses. Kent, who was standing beside the gate, frowned, and the current situation was not optimistic.

This village is not big, there are only fifty adult elves, and there are many children.

At this time, the murloc army outside the village was nearly 300, and they were constantly using wheel warfare to deplete the village's defense force.

Kent couldn't figure it out even if he wanted to break his head. The village was surrounded by mountains and flats, and it was not a place rich in products, nor was it a strategic location. Why did those salted fish come to attack here on a large scale.

Taking advantage of the gap between the murlocs preparing for the next attack, he went through the nearby terrain in his mind. He suddenly shuddered and thought of a place.

A few kilometers north of the village, the road leading from the city passes through a small but reed-covered wetland that is a good place for murlocs to ambush.

The line "Around the point to help" suddenly appeared in Kent's mind.

Now that the two sides have just officially started a war, it is the time when a beautiful battle is needed to boost their own morale and attack the enemy's morale.

For the reinforcements, Kent was helpless, and he could only hope that the reinforcements' scouts would be smarter and detect the enemy's ambush in time.

Kent was right. At this moment, there were nearly a thousand elite soldiers of the Orms Praetorian Guards ambushed in the reed field about the size of six football fields.

They had been lying in ambush here for several days, just waiting for reinforcements from the village ahead to pass by.

In order to fight this ambush well, the murlocs even sent a regular army disguised as a looting team to serve as bait, in order to mislead the elves that there are only so many murlocs here, and they will be gone after they are destroyed.

The sound of horses' hooves came, and one person came to the edge of the reed field.

Charles Lema stopped and carefully observed the terrain ahead.

This is a wetland with hills on all sides. The road winds forward along the southern bank of the wetland. On the south side of the road is a hill with few trees. The wetland is covered with reeds more than three meters high.

In the stories Charles had read in his last life, such places were good battlegrounds for ambushes.

At this time, Henry and the others also came up. Charles and the others began to take out bows and arrows after muttering a few words, and then shot three rounds into the reeds.

There was no special sound coming from the reed field, only the sound of the south wind whirring Charles nodded to Henry, and then rode his horse and ran forward alone.

The murloc commander, who was lying in ambush in the reed field, breathed a sigh of relief, seeing that the elf scout hadn't noticed him, and it was not in vain that his face was black, and he happened to be stabbed with an arrow in his gluteus maximus.

Suddenly, he found that the little scout without long ears seemed to be looking at him. Although he couldn't see the expression under the scout's mask, he could see from the exposed mouth that he seemed to be smiling at himself.

"It was discovered!" The commander was shocked.

He wanted to command his subordinates to kill these scouts first, but he found that he couldn't control his body.

He could only watch helplessly as the little scout raised a long sword, and then galloped on his horse while igniting the reeds in the upper wind with the pillar of fire from the long sword.

Charles didn't expect this fire to burn to death the murlocs who were proficient in water magic in the reed field. He only needed to force the murlocs out of the reeds. .

Without the cover of Reed, Charles didn't think they could cause too much trouble for the elite team of soldiers currently under Elizabeth.

The murloc guards in ambush saw the fire ahead and thought it was a routine arson investigation by the scouts. Anyway, these fires didn't have much impact on him, and the thick smoke from the fire could cover him.

They didn't know yet that Charles, who was riding wildly while setting fire, had just been reflecting on why he hadn't found an ambush in the previous battle. Later, he tried to enhance his hearing, and finally heard a large sound of breathing in the reed field.

Charles, who ran after setting the fire, did not look back to see how the fire was. He left the murlocs in the reeds to the large army, and then rode alone to the besieged village ahead.

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