The Hero Who Troubles the Heroes

Vol 2 Chapter 193: Sky Cannon


Run away, run away!

I don't know which direction is ahead, but as long as you can escape from that place!

It doesn't matter if the thorns cut through the skin, it doesn't matter if you roll down the hillside, as long as you can escape as far as possible.

Halle Belle, who couldn't remember how far she ran between the mountains and the farmland, stepped on a mouse hole and fell to the ground, rolling down the hillside.

The murloc following her hurriedly ran down the hillside.

After hitting a big tree and stopping, Halle Belle hurriedly got up from the ground, ignoring the pain on her body. After judging the direction, she led a few murlocs to the south.

Not long ago, when she was about to order the capture of those elf children, a golden magic light suddenly struck from the side.

In an instant, whether it was a tree or a murloc warrior, everything that was half a meter to three meters above the ground passed by the golden magic light turned into nothingness.

I don't know how many years the tree has grown, and only a half-meter-high stump remains, and the part above three meters keeps falling down.

Most of the murloc recruits who had just joined the army not long after the golden light disappeared were left with only a few legs on the ground.

Halle Belle, who narrowly escaped, along with the other surviving murlocs, threw down the York in their hands when the tree fell in chaos, and immediately turned and ran away.

That is not a power they can contend with, they can only follow the instructions of His Royal Highness the Prince and keep a useful body for the future.

As the sun gradually turned west, Halle Belle and the others climbed another hill and finally returned to the forward base of the operation.

Thinking that it would be safe to go back to the base, Halle Belle and the others had a bit of strength in their already exhausted bodies.

Charles poured a bottle of unpleasant-smelling liquid on the stone. This thing is said to be the urine of a special monster in the northern mountains. The smell is very special, so it was used as a road sign.

After making this mark, Charles ran to a towering tree upwind, hid himself in the canopy, and carefully observed the murloc base in the mountain.

A few days ago, Elizabeth led a team to visit here. When the inspection team first arrived in Holland, the messengers sent by Kent and the others also came here.

Unlike the commoners who have been comfortable for hundreds of years, if Elizabeth's staff can't see the trick of the murlocs, they will wipe their necks collectively.

When several middle-aged elves in the staff patted Charles on the shoulder and said, "I've seen Philip," he felt that as long as there were no waves, the war would basically be stable.

In the age of no technological revolution, a group of calm, objective and experienced staff is terrifying.

After pointing and muttering on topographic maps of the area for an hour, they went to report their analysis to Elizabeth.

A few hundred years ago, Empress Ekaterina played a lot of fun, and the staff members glanced at the map and pointed out several places suitable for ambush.

The crux of the problem this time is that the place lacks a wide enough river to allow a large number of murlocs to go deep into it, so there is a high chance that these murlocs have built a base somewhere for small groups of murlocs to sneak in here. The murlocs gather.

The goal of this operation is to eliminate the ambush or something, and the most important thing is to find and destroy the hidden base of this murloc.

There are no shortage of trees in the surrounding mountains. After the murlocs cut down the trees, they built simple wooden huts, and there is a decent wall outside.

Ignoring the murlocs patrolling under the tree, Charles kept his eyes on Halle Belle until she entered a wooden hut outside the base.

In the wooden house, Halle Belle reported what happened today to a male murloc sitting on a wooden board on the ground.

"A golden magic beam of light?" The murloc sitting on the ground mused.

Due to regional problems, the Osm fish people did not know much about what happened on the mainland, and it was only with the help of their allies in recent years that they could obtain relevant information in a relatively timely manner.

"Since it is such a powerful magic, it must not be used continuously for a short period of time." He made his own judgment.

He looked up and saw Halle Bailey still standing there uneasy.

So he stood up, and a small water polo appeared in his hand, helping Halle Belle wash the dirt off her face.

"His Royal Highness, I'm very sorry that the task was not completed." Halle Belle said with her head lowered and a crying voice.

The murloc prince stretched out his arms and hugged Halle Belle, and said softly, "It's okay, you have completed the most difficult task in the world to bring your surviving subordinates back safely, so you don't have to blame yourself. Please hold your chest up, You are my most cherished subordinate."

"His Royal Highness..." Halle Belle's favorability and loyalty, who had been encouraged by the murloc prince, soared.

When Halle Belle came out of the wooden house, her mental outlook had taken on a new look, and she couldn't see the appearance of being chased by Charles and running for her life in a hurry.

Halle Belle returned to her wooden house, lying on a wooden plank made of stones as a bed, staring blankly at the branches used as a roof.

For the first time, I had the opportunity to lead the leader alone and achieved the predetermined goal. The two joys overlapped each other. This double joy brought more and more joy. I should have gotten a dreamlike happy time. However, why does it become like this?

When she thought of the golden light that appeared behind her, her heart tightened, and then her whole body curled up.

She is not afraid of death. In her life in the sea, occasionally huge monsters will break into their homes and wreak havoc.

If it wasn't for His Royal Highness, who happened to be passing by, and arrived at, she would have been eaten by the hordes of monsters.

What she is afraid of is that after death, only two legs are left in the world, just like the family and friends who were eaten by monsters in front of her.

"You must get a safe land." Halle Bailey said to herself, "even if it's just to give the children a safe living environment."

It is much easier to defend against monsters on the ground than in the sea. The monsters on the ground will only run on the ground. The monsters in the sea are fighting a three-dimensional war, and it is impossible to prevent them.

"One hundred kilometers of lifeline along the coast", Halle Belle recalled the slogan put forward by the prince, which was the continuation and embodiment of his "interest line theory".

"We only need 100 kilometers. You have so much land, why can't you give us a little?" Halle Bailey, who was lying on the wooden board, murmured in a low voice.

After a while, the aroma of the food drifted into the wooden house. Although Halle Bailey is not used to meals on the ground, energy intake must be ensured during the war.

She got up from the board and walked towards the cooking place.

Eating in the army is not as chaotic as a restaurant and tavern. The murloc soldiers left behind in the camp are in the center of the base, lined up in the open space, ready to receive today's dinner in order.

Today's dinner is a large pot of thick porridge cooked with rice, meat and wild vegetables. When fighting outside, I don't pay much attention to it. Basically, what I have to eat is cooked in one pot.

The murloc prince stood by the cauldron with a long spoon as usual, preparing to cook for his subordinates.

It's just that today's action failed, and more than a thousand people were lost, making the fish people in the queue listless.

Just as the murloc prince was about to say a few words to encourage everyone, a huge golden beam of light fell from the sky.


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