The Hero Who Troubles the Heroes

Vol 2 Chapter 233: Durian Forest Hey Durian Forest, there are 00,000 soldiers in ambush

In the season of May, there are huge durians hanging on the tall and straight durian trees, and the durians here will be harvested after a while.

Durian City got its name from the fact that the surrounding area of ​​the city is basically filled with durian-based orchards.

The durian pulp in this world contains a large amount of nutrients and a small amount of fire elements. It has the functions of killing parasites in the human body, removing the wind elements that invade the body, and promoting the absorption of other medicines. It is the main raw material for many medicines. .

The most important thing is that the pulp of durian is sweet and delicate, especially after the pulp is directly frozen, it is a good product to cool off in summer.

In the shade below the durian forest, where the canopy almost covers the sky, various perennial medicinal herbs that love yin and hate yang are interplanted.

Long-lived elves are less interested in annual cash crops, preferring perennial crops that don't require constant management.

Walking on the road among the durian forests, there is a feeling of walking in the deep mountains and old forests. If it wasn't for the elves who often patrol the forest, I'm afraid the monsters in the forest sea in the west would come here to settle down soon.

The fish people, who were divided into five groups and marched side by side two or three kilometers apart, were talking and laughing and headed to the north. They had not encountered any decent resistance in the past few days, which made them no longer nervous at the beginning.

Eugene didn't pay much attention to this, the elves retreated north, indicating that there would be a fierce battle under the Durian City. Now let the soldiers relax before the battle, so that they can recharge their energy for the next battle.

A few murlocs joked about a young murloc who was trying to pick durians just now. Although the smell of unripe durians was not as strong, it was enough to dissuade all murlocs.

Charles, covered with branches, was lying behind a clump of unknown medicinal herbs, waiting for the murloc team of nearly 10,000 people to pass by.

Beside Charles, in addition to the members of the assault team, there are reinforcements from Durian City.

A team of 500 people in the rear entered the ambush circle, and a chirping of birds wafting over the durian forest, representing the start of the action.

Several priests of the Temple of Life quietly knelt on the ground on one leg and prayed to the God of Life in a low voice to perform magic.

After a while, several divine powers exuding green rays of light flowed out of the priests like water, and submerged into the durian trees on both sides of the road.

These durian trees trembled for a moment, and then they seemed to have turned into animals, with roots as legs, trunks as trunks, and branches as arms, and rushed towards the murloc team.

For the first time, Charles, who saw the "tree man technique", was stunned. This magic technique should be called "tree touch operation", right? He didn't know that this was actually because the priests weakened certain effects in order to be able to control more trees into treemen with limited divine power.

Tucao returns to Tucao, but the power of this "durian tentacle monster" cannot be underestimated.

The harpoon used by murlocs can only pierce a hole in the body of these durian tentacles, and the harpoon cannot be pulled out with a little force. These small holes had no effect on these tree trunks, which had grown for many years and were thicker than Churchill's waist at all.

The branches of the durian tree swept across the murloc team like tentacles, and the durian fruit on the branches smashed the murloc's head like a meteor hammer.

Sometimes several murlocs work together to stop a branch, and then another branch is smashed down on the head.

Many murlocs use magic to bombard these durian tentacles, but water magic does not have much effect on these trees that have been strengthened by magic. Even if they were smashed into two pieces, they were only broken but not stiff, and they would still wave branches and roots to kill the murlocs.

If you use fire magic, you are simply enchanting them. Those murlocs are even smashed and burned by the burning branches. These durian tentacles will not stop attacking until they are completely burned.

Sadly, very few fish people practice fire magic, and as soon as they use fire magic, they are killed by arrows shot from a distance.

At this time, the team behind the hall was already in chaos, unable to organize an effective battle. Some murlocs want to escape into the durian forest, but are afraid that there will be more durian tentacles inside. And the murlocs who were trying to come back in front were also stopped, and they won't be able to come for a while.

Seeing that the time was right, Charles and the others immediately rushed out of the hiding place and strangled the murlocs in small units.

In addition to the assault detachment of the 168th Brigade and the priests of the Temple of Life, many militiamen from Durian City participated in the ambush.

Since there is Linhai to the west of Durian City, although the monsters in Linhai are weaker than the core area, they are relatively weak.

The militia, mainly adventurers who use Durian City as the base to go to the forest to destroy the monsters and protect the railway all the year round, is easy and pleasant to kill the enemy in such an environment. These panicky murlocs are much easier to deal with than monsters.

At the same time, the murloc team within a few kilometers was attacked almost simultaneously.

The redesigned and adjusted directional mine and jump mine after the feedback from the battlefield trial gave the murloc striker a fatal blow.

The directional mine named "Charles Broadsword" added a little more charge and selected a slightly larger steel ball, so that the steel ball that swept the murloc team had enough kinetic energy to penetrate the murloc's armor and then destroy its body tissue.

Even if a murloc is put on a magic shield in time, those steel **** can blast it to overload and shatter in an instant.

So today's roadside "broad sword" is divided into two explosions to ensure the killing effect.

When Eugene arrived with the people, he saw briquettes-like corpses all over the floor, and a few dying murlocs laying on the ground and wailing.

Before he could react, a series of explosions sounded behind him again.

"Disperse!" Eugene immediately ordered, "rush forward! If we don't rush, we will all die here!"

Finally, after a series of durian tentacles, explosions, explosions, and explosions, Eugene's team finally broke out of the durian forest and saw the Durian City Wall in the distance.

Although the loss of personnel along the way was not very large, the sudden attack caused a huge psychological gap among the fish people, and morale began to drop for a while.

After gathering the troops and starting to build up the fortifications, Eugene began to count the numbers.

Eugene, who was waiting for his subordinates to report the results, had a gloomy expression on his face. Before he set off, he asked the messengers to notify the "reconnaissance team" that had been sent out earlier to go north. I'm afraid that it would be difficult for the 100-strong team to pass through the durian forest.

But he was obviously worried for nothing, because those teams didn't wait for the messenger at all.

The number of people will be counted soon. Today's marching team has all been smashed, and the front and rear teams are basically crippled. In addition to the losses from being attacked on the way and the "reconnaissance team" who have not yet returned to the team, the original departure time was five. After the 10,000-strong team arrived here, there were only 40,000 people.

The most serious thing was that the part of the team where the magic communication system was located was blown up by something that exploded after jumping from the ground, and the transmitter and receiver were all blown to pieces.

Eugene sighed, this time he was careless.

He cheered up quickly, and as long as he took the Durian City in the next siege, he would be able to make a comeback.

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