The Hero Who Troubles the Heroes

Vol 2 Chapter 254: War phase 1 ends

Karen opened her eyes again, and this time she saw the roof of a tent, where she was still immobile.

The light of the bonfire barely penetrated the tent cloth, so that it was not darkness before her eyes.

Except for the crackling sound of the bonfire burning and the crawling of insects, there was no movement around.

The pungent smell of potions and the smell of burning campfires crept in from the tent's vents and filled every space in the tent.

She didn't know how long she had slept, but she only remembered that after Charles set up the tent last night, he dragged herself in and closed the curtain.

As time passed, Karen felt that several hours had passed, but the movement outside the tent had not changed at all, especially Charles' movement, which had not sounded.

"He left by himself..." Karen murmured in a low voice.

After a while, a wry smile appeared on her face. She occasionally thought about how she would die, but she never thought that she would starve to death at the bottom of an unknown canyon.

"It would be nice to have a tent to make a coffin for me," she said to herself.

Just as she was about to close her eyes, a few dark shadows under the light of the bonfire were projected on the tent, and then a group of elves pulled the tent open.

In this regard, Karen became the first prisoner in this battle.

At this time, Charles was sitting at a table snoring and eating noodles. It was not easy to climb up from the bottom of the canyon, especially the stairs that were built in the year and month were wet and slippery, and the outside There were no railings yet, and the climb up was exhausting.

His current location is in Elizabeth's tent, because the enemy in the encirclement here wants to persuade rather than destroy, so she needs to come here to sit.

Now she was looking at a letter. After reading it, she handed the letter to Charles, who had just filled his stomach, and said at the same time, "Nicholas is not good. Is the restaurant owner afraid of the big belly?"

Charles took the letter and said at the same time: "I'm really afraid, now Arturia has bullied the restaurant owners and cried in the business district of Knowledge City, and the cafeteria has disappeared on the island."

"That's right." Elizabeth smiled.

Charles picked up the letter and looked at it. It was sent by Nicholas II. He said that the exchange of resources between the prisoners of war between the two countries had a good start a while ago. They can't digest it if they send it too much.

In this regard, Charles and Elizabeth can only give a shoulder, what can they do if the other party insists on giving the head.

After a while, Elizabeth said to Charles: "We suffered a big loss over Reed City."

"Huh?" Charles frowned, "What's the situation?"

Elizabeth said a little depressedly: "Just as you were showing them the way, our negotiator in the east questioned the representative of Osm why they attacked Durian City during the peace talks. The representative of Osm said he didn't know about it, so he went back and asked. "

"That night, a group of Osm's murlocs first sneaked into Hefeis's territory, and then attacked the port of Reed City from underwater."

"Although those murlocs didn't run away, the port of Reed City was completely destroyed, many ships were sunk, and there were many casualties. The losses were huge."

Hearing this, Charles can only sigh, and the other party is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

The next battle situation developed as Elizabeth expected. At the same time as the sneak attack on Reed City, a large number of murlocs landed on the eastern sea, and then a large number of murlocs came to the landing battle from east to west.

Then, according to the plans that have been made, the coastal front lines will retreat as soon as they meet the enemy, leaving the competition area within a few kilometers of the coastline to the murlocs, and then use the fortifications on the second line of defense to withstand the murlocs. attack.

This time, the murlocs also learned their lesson. They no longer go deep into the land, but first consolidate the occupied areas along the coast.

The area along the coast is like a chicken rib to the elves, and it cannot develop at all, and now it is simply left to the murlocs.

According to the staff, defending murlocs from land is much easier than defending murlocs from invisible seas.

It is foreseeable that after the murlocs occupy the land that is similar to the white land, they will be bound by those land for a short time, and will lose the suddenness of the next battle.

"I didn't expect this war to enter the second stage so soon." Charles sighed.

Elizabeth nodded there. Her plan was to play a few big wins in the first stage to build confidence, and then move on to the second stage, which was dominated by "stalemate-round battles".

According to her plan, the first stage will take one to one and a half years to complete, and even two years if the battle situation is not ideal.

This is also the reason why she let Charles use a plug-in to brush people's heads in the first place. A good start is really important.

But what she didn't expect was that due to the factional struggle within the enemy just as soon as the war started, the bosses of the two factions of the enemy would personally lead the team to sneak behind the enemy to gain reputation.

As a result, the two bosses were completely defeated in a short period of time. Among them, Marshal Sheldon, who was in charge of the military power of the Osm Kingdom, was blown into two pieces.

Then a wave of ferocious operations by the enemy finally sent more than 200,000 heads.

In her postwar summary, Elizabeth admitted that she had underestimated the energy and military mobilization that would emerge from the explosion of domestic capacity.

Now that another 50,000 enemies are surrounded here, it will be a matter of time before they will be eaten.

Seven months after the start of the war, there was a record of 300,000 rounded up, and in history, it was only when humans and demons fought an all-out war.

Now not only is the morale of the elves high, but even the human society has begun to pay attention to this elf princess who has only dealt with business in the past few decades.

However, such a record will be difficult to repeat for a long time in the future. After losing so many elites, the Osm Kingdom is already broken. Now the report from the front line shows that Osm's army is fighting because of the new recruits. Weakened for too many reasons.

In this way, as long as the Osm side is not an idiot, it will slow down the pace of the attack and focus on training and reorganizing the new army.

The task of the elves is also to take this opportunity to form new troops and sharpen the army.

In the foreseeable future, it will be difficult for the two sides to have a large-scale war, and instead a small-scale conflict on a long front.

Taking this opportunity, Elizabeth taught Charles military knowledge in a staged summary.

However, Elizabeth also revealed some questions during the period, that is, what a strong army should be like.


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