The Hero Who Troubles the Heroes

Vol 2 Chapter 278: military intelligence

In the headquarters of Durian City, Bernard, who is in charge of commanding the military operations in the area, is studying the sand table in front of him. There are many flags on the sand table, which indicate the size and time of the murloc army found in various places.

This time the murlocs behaved very strangely. They stalked around the western part of the Durian City area by day and night, sometimes appearing around villages and towns during the day.

But when they appeared, they did not attack the villages and towns, but grabbed everything they could eat and destroyed the local farmland and pastures.

The most important thing is that every time they appear, the number is less than half of the missing army.

As a result, officers everywhere feared that they were luring the enemy into ambush, so they rarely launched large-scale counterattacks.

And it seems that there are masters among the enemies this time. Bernard arranged several ambushes, but they were not fooled. They avoided the ambush circle and appeared in other places.

Judging from the sand table, the trend of this murloc army is to move northward.

Bernard glanced at the location where the Murloc army had recently appeared. They were already very close to the railway line.

So he decided to rely on the railway line and the corresponding road network, overwhelm most of the mobile troops, and weave a huge encirclement network.

The military information was issued soon. In the command room of the 168th Brigade, Munch called the sub-captains and Charles to study the latest military information.

The last time Charles was injured and Elizabeth came over, she told Munch that starting this year, Charles could be allowed to attend various meetings of the brigade.

So Charles came to the command room with eyes and ears, where he just listened quietly every time there was a meeting.

There is no sand table in the Durian City area in the command room, only a map made of silk hangs. On the map shelf, silk threads are tied horizontally and vertically and attached to the map, and various labels are clipped on the silk thread to avoid harming the precious map.

"The scout battle was fierce," Churchill said worriedly. "The enemy sent a large number of 50 to 100 teams to deal with our scouts."

"Didn't aerial reconnaissance find them?" asked Slim, one of the three infantry squad leaders.

Smoke, the sub-commander of the archer detachment, shook his head, "It has been rainy weather recently, and the effect of aerial reconnaissance is not good. There is no wind and the clouds are low. There is no difference between flying and suicide in such weather."

Because of his good eyesight and high archery skills, Smok participated in the selection of the Royal Court Special Air Service Corps, but he was not selected because he was eliminated in the last place. During this period, he learned how to use the hang glider.

Nat, the leader of the magician team, rarely speaks, and every time he speaks, he tries to be as concise as possible.

"Sabotage the economy," Nutt said.

Churchill shook his head, "Not so much. If we go to the enemy's control area to carry out production and destruction, we will choose to do it at night under the cover of night, so that there will be time to destroy more thoroughly. Now the enemy's actions are more like Demonstration."

"Luring the enemy?" Nat frowned.

Slim also shook his head, "Having lured the enemy so many times and failed to take the bait, should they change their minds?"

At this time, Munch, who had been silent for a while, suddenly said: "What if they are the bait themselves?"

"Hi..." Everyone in the command room took a deep breath and used 4,000 troops as the bait, which was no less than using Charles as the bait.

Charles' target is small and strong enough to escape, and everyone is used to using him as a bait, and if these 4,000 troops are targeted, it will hurt to escape.

Munch asked Churchill, "Has there been any movement in the camp to the south recently?"

"No," Churchill said. "We've been eyeing that place, and there hasn't been a particularly noteworthy change there recently."

"Take advantage of the logistics and transportation to change people." Nat said.

If the enemy takes the opportunity of transportation and the elites enter after the rookie leaves, it will make the strength of the garrison in the large camp change qualitatively when the number of troops remains unchanged.

Churchill apparently considered this too, saying: "We've harassed the opposing convoys a few times, and they've been the same as ever."

At this time, Munch saw Charles frowning, and he said, "His Royal Highness, what do you think?"

Charles said at this time: "Will their target be us?"

Munch nodded and said, "Tell me what you think."

Charles pointed to the map and said: "Now the enemies fleeing from the north are moving all the way to the north regardless of the way back, and our mobile forces have been pinned to the north to form an encirclement network. In this way, once our southern front line is attacked, it is bound to be difficult to obtain. Effective reinforcement."

"And..." Charles thought for a while, "Don't you think our bastion is very attractive to the enemy?"

"Makes sense." Munch rubbed his chin and thought.

The position where their brigade is currently stationed is indeed a key point for this area to go north and south. If the enemy can capture it in one fell swoop, it will surely open the most important door to the north in this area.

Then thoughtfully, Nat pointed to the map and said: "If our enemy in the south attacks us, the enemy in the north launches a strong attack in the direction of Durian City at the same time. The current mobile force is very thin on the long encirclement. It is not difficult to break through.”

"What if the enemy in the north attacked Durian City before we were attacked, and there was also an enemy attack on the southern front of Durian City?"

Slim said in surprise: "They don't have to make such a big move for our small place, do they?"

Nat didn't speak, but pointed to Charles.

Everyone present was taken aback for a moment, and found that Nat's idea was not unreasonable.

Last year, both Charles and Prince Xianyu were wounded, and Charles almost died. It is estimated that Prince Xianyu would not be much better after being shot by a musket at close range.

The dignified crown prince, who was almost beaten to death, naturally had to find the place back, otherwise he would lose face.

On the premise of aiming at the revenge of the salted fish prince, it is necessary to capture the bastion in a short period of time to prevent Charles from escaping, so it is not surprising that they will make a big move. .

At this time, Smoke said to Munch eagerly: "Sir, in this case, how about we take the initiative to engage them?"

Munch didn't make a just said: "Tell me what you think."

Smoke pointed to a few places on the map and said, "Assuming the enemy is going to attack us, and there is no movement in the southern camp, then they must have a new staging area."

"In their control area, there are only a few places that can gather forces to attack our bastions. The places are too small to put down so many troops and materials."

"It's better to let Churchill and the others go to these places to scout." If the enemy is moving here, it means that His Royal Highness and Nat's speculation are correct. "

Munch looked at the map and thought for a while, then asked, "Do you have anything else to add?"

Slim raised a question, "If the enemy really gathers to attack us, then their strength is not something we can easily deal with after we break away from the city defense."

"This question is not a problem." A smile appeared on Munch's face. "It just so happens that we can equip some good things in advance."

Use Charles to ask the superiors for extra equipment, and I am happy to think about it.

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