The Hero Who Troubles the Heroes

Vol 3 Chapter 320: raid logistics base

Just as George and the others attacked the murloc training camp, Charles's mission of destroying the logistics base's baggage was going well.

At the beginning of the game, Charles and the Elf Commando rushed towards the gate of the logistics base with a swagger and squeak, for fear that the enemy would not know that they were attacking the battalion.

When they came to more than 100 meters outside the gate of the camp, the murlocs who were awakened were already ready to fight on the fence and behind the gate.

Immediately afterwards, Charles and the others had an exciting one.

By controlling the range and launch time of the rockets, a barrage of Xu Jin, which was shot by the rockets and almost blew up Charles and the others, appeared in front of the commandos.

The gate of the camp, along with the surrounding walls and the murlocs, were blown away by the two rockets that were howling.

When Charles and the others rushed to the ruins of the gate at the fastest speed, the second round of rockets had already exploded in front of them, blasting the assembled murlocs into pieces.

Just as the commandos took this opportunity to dash forward, the third round of rockets came.

Most of the rockets in this round exploded a sea of ​​fire in front of the commandos, blocking the reinforcements from the enemy.

Because the accuracy of the rockets is not high, the distance between the three rounds of barrage is relatively far, and Charles and the others also maintain a sufficient distance.

But in the third round of shooting, a rocket for some unknown reason smashed straight towards Charles and their heads.

Fortunately, the elves have good ears, and they heard the screaming sound of the rocket and others for the first time, otherwise they would have died at the hands of friendly forces.

After crawling out of the hole dug urgently with teleportation, Charles continued to dash forward with the elves.

Perhaps most of the elites in this logistics base were transferred away, and the remaining elites were killed at the gate. The murlocs in the base were not very effective, so Charles and the others did not spend much effort to stop them in front of them. The salted fish was beaten away.

After throwing a few fireballs and igniting a row of wooden carts, Charles and the others came to a baggage storage point.

This should be the warehouse of proper armor, and many fully armed murlocs ran out of the long wooden house wearing brand-new armor.

Then... there was no more. Charles, who was in a hurry, didn't even use the ex curry stick. He made a hole in the wall behind the warehouse, and a Firestorm Scroll pulled the string and threw it in.

The murlocs, who wore two new layers of armor, were killed by headshots by the elves covering Charles.

Charles and the others didn't fight recklessly with the murlocs guarding the place. They ran to wherever there were few enemies. Then they continued to make a hole in the wall. After opening the hole, they would throw the scroll or set fire to it at will.

After burning most of the lap, Charles and the others joined another team in front of a tough bone.

The core of this logistics base is a small stone town with a side length of nearly 100 meters, with a stone fortress in the middle. In the memory of the demons swallowed by Charles, this is an important place for murlocs, and those demons cannot enter without authorization.

The elves speculate that there are valuable magic crystals, magic cores and other important materials stored in it, and it is also the command core of this base.

So Charles didn't dare to use the ex curry stick to directly bomb the fortress. If the materials like magic crystals are stored in it, I am afraid that this cannon will detonate them, and then he can end someone's life. it took.

So he chose a position and shot down a section of the wall with one shot.

The wall without its roots collapsed immediately, and brought down a lot of walls next to it.

Charles was the first to rush into the smoke brought by the collapse of the wall. Having opened "Soul Sight", he could easily find the traces of the enemy in the smoke. The mask on his face made him not worry about being caught by the smoke. Choking.

At this time, a small group of murlocs rushed into the smoke, trying to establish a line of defense in the first place.

Charles didn't give them this chance. He went around behind the group of murlocs, and then slashed at the back of one of the murlocs with a flashing sword.

The blade pierced through the armor on the murloc's back, ripping through his skin and severing his muscles. The electric current was scurrying around in the murloc's body, and immediately his heart stopped beating.

After pulling out the big sword, Charles dodged aside, and took advantage of the opportunity that the smoke and dust still blocked the enemy's line of sight, and repeated the same trick.

When the dust settled, the group of murlocs had all been used by Charles to repay the God of Death.

The fortress was a four-story stone building with a side length of more than 60 meters. There was only one door, and the window above was very small, which could be used as a shooting port.

The door was tightly closed, and Charles could feel that there were already quite a few souls forming a defensive formation in the foyer behind the door, waiting for someone to enter through the door.

As a gold coin player, Charles would not foolishly rush into the hall to face it, so he took out a magic scroll of Ice Edge Storm, pulled the string, and stuffed it into the small window of the hall with the hand of the mage.

Furious wind elements and cold soldier elements flooded the entire hall in an instant, and many murlocs immediately put magic shields on themselves. The murlocs who could not react were smashed to death by debris including ice ridges and weapons in the storm. .

When the subsequent elves attacked the entrance hall, there was only one place where the salted fish was smashed to pieces after the overload of the magic shield failed.

Just as the elves were filling the murlocs in the foyer, Charles had already climbed to the top of the fortress.

There was no one on the rooftop, which surprised Charles a little.

So he went downstairs and strangled the enemies in the room with the instructions of "Soul Sight".

Under this upper and lower attack, the commandos quickly wiped out all the enemies in the fort.

The elves soon found a number of important documents in the office, as well as a safe-like iron box locked by magic.

Without saying a word, Charles directly put the iron cabinet that looked like an important document into the storage The elf also found the entrance to the basement in the foyer on the first floor. Boxes of magic crystals.

Charles continued without saying a word. He emptied 90% of the explosives in the storage ring before taking away all the magic crystals.

He ended up putting a booby trap on the cleared explosives, and they would blow up when the basement door was opened.

Then it was time to retreat. When the elves of the great harvest left the logistics base, they took the girls who were given to the demons to ravage.

The fire from the logistics base attracted the attention of the beachhead in the south, and the murlocs who were ordered to transfer to the base immediately marched towards the base as soon as they landed.

Then they were washed with rockets by the team responsible for the rescue.

When the huge explosion sounded in the logistics base, Charles was sitting on a tricycle, following the elf on the way back to Wutong City.

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