The Hero Who Troubles the Heroes

Vol 4 Chapter 778: strange fireball

The whale was quickly divided up. After leaving enough for Arturia and the others to eat for three days, Charles gave each of the farmer a portion of whale meat. You can do whatever you want, and no one dares to stop you.

Then the remaining whale meat was distributed to several colleges that Charles knew in the name of Nanhai Farm, and finally two ribs were sent to the cafeteria of Niudu College to make soup according to the principal's instructions.

The rest day was over, and Charles came to the principal's office early in the morning on the first day of classes in late March to take time off.

Professor Erbach asked him while doing the formalities in person: "Is everything settled?"

Charles replied: "The matter on my side is resolved, and the others don't know."

He was too lazy to inquire about the agreements of the bigwigs. At present, it seems that there are no stupid people among these bigwigs. He doesn't want to post it and be sold.

In this way, Charles returned to the quiet campus life.

Soon, Charles ushered in his first class of magic casting.

The location of the magic casting class is a special magic training ground. This is a playground surrounded by a stone wall more than three meters high, and there are many teaching facilities in it.

Today was the first time Charles saw Professor Filius. If Langsha had not mentioned it to him before, he would have regarded the professor as a tall, thin dwarf with a beard loss.

Although many students are more or less able to cast magic, if there is no qualified teacher to teach them, they will more or less have some mistakes due to their own factors or learned from the teacher, which is similar to martial arts. place.

These mistakes can't be seen when releasing low-level magic, but when releasing higher-level magic in the future, a small mistake will kill oneself first.

So the meaning of this magic casting class is to teach you how to prevent yourself from casting magic to kill yourself.

Just like a little girl in Florence, she can cast spells but can't protect herself. There is no problem with the small fireball technique. When the fireball gets bigger, an accident happens. It almost hurts herself and blows up the sewer of Florence .

Charles' knowledge of spellcasting is actually very complicated. First, he learned from Elizabeth's orthodox elf magic, and then he learned a lot of non-textbook-style spellcasting tips on the battlefield with his comrades in the 168th brigade. At the same time, his space magic is from the demons Luzi, after the girls came to the island, they taught him a lot of tricks, and now he is like a stew.

The spellcasting methods of the elves are not suitable for humans, and the same is true for the demons. What the academy teaches is the method of spellcasting suitable for human beings that countless smart people have spent thousands of years summarizing and improving. It is most suitable for Charles to straighten himself out. It was one of the reasons why Elizabeth let him go to school.

Charles didn't attend last week's class, but of course Professor Filius wouldn't wait for him.

On the magic training ground, Professor Filius took the student list and said, "Last week I taught you how to release magic to the maximum strength. Let's practice today, and in the next ten days, I will start teaching you how to output specific magic. Powerful magic."

Before Charles flipped through the textbook, the focus of the two months of teaching was how to mobilize a certain intensity of magic.

For casting magic, it is important to control the output power of magic.

First of all, in the face of a target that can be destroyed with a 2-point magic, if you only put a 1- or 1.5-point magic, the energy will not be enough to destroy the target. If you use 3-point magic to cast a magic, it will be a waste. During the war, the blue will be finished early.

As for how to judge how much magic power the target should use, that is the content of the next school year's magic combat class.

Secondly, when casting compound magic, if you get the wrong ratio of two or more magic elements, you will be lucky if you blow yourself up into three pieces or less.

Professor Filius started to call out the students in the order on the list. He called five people out at a time, and then asked them to cast magic towards a concrete wall protected by a magic shield on the edge of the training ground.

According to the general routine, the ultimate fate of this wall is to be smashed to pieces by the "protagonist" during class.

Therefore, the college has issued special regulations, no matter who it is, the damage to the public property will be compensated according to the price.

However, this "price" is quite black in Charles' view.

The magic that everyone is good at is different, so the magic that is released is also different.

For a time, lightning and fireballs flew together, and the waterfalls were the same color as ice spears. The sound of the magic shield rang out on the side of the playground; the concrete walls trembled, and the sound broke the walls of the paddock.

The magic shield on the concrete wall is strong, and the magic that the students unleashes can only let it walk around politely.

If Professor Filius didn't want to hit these new students, he lowered the power of the magic shield, and it didn't even shake.

Charles gathered with everyone with the magic wand he received before class, and commented on the magic level of other students from time to time.

Because they are going all out to cast magic, the level of everyone is clearly reflected.

It is also a wind ball technique. The wind ball that Alvin casts with all his strength is similar in size to a basketball, but the diameter of the wind ball that Langsha casts slightly exceeds the pot used by Arturia and the others when they eat hot pot.

When the wind balloon explodes on the concrete wall, the power of the two is even more different.

However, Alvin also has a lead. His output speed is faster, and the speed of converging into a wind ball of the same size is almost double that of Langsha.

After the group of students released the magic, Professor Filius wrote a comment after the list.

Next it was Charles' turn.

The magic wands provided by the academy are of average quality, allowing students to control their mental power more gently to manipulate the surrounding magic elements.

The magic elements on the training ground are particularly rich, and all departments have them. It can be seen that this training ground has obviously set up a magic circle that gathers magic elements.

Charles pretended to wave his magic wand, and a fireball the size of a ping-pong ball appeared four meters above his head, and then the fireball gradually became larger.

The simplest fireball configuration is very simple, just let the fire element circle around a center and not spread out.

At the same time, the volume of the fireball and the density and speed of the fire element are proportional to the mental power consumed.

When the diameter of the fireball was enough to allow Yao Ming to stand Professor Filius came to stand behind Charles and said to Charles in a low voice, "Do what you can, don't try to do it."

Charles nodded slightly, then continued to make the fireball bigger.

When the diameter of the fireball reached four meters, Charles waved the magic wand in his hand, and the huge fireball flew towards the concrete wall.

Charles lowered his output speed, and those students who had already finished casting spells and the students behind were all paying attention to his big fireball.

Everyone looked at the big fireball. It was not slow, and it quickly hit the wall.

Without the violent explosion and deafening sound that everyone expected, the big fireball hit the magic shield with a "pia" sound, and then spread on it like mud.

The onlookers immediately burst into laughter. Flame magic is known for its explosiveness. This is the first time they have seen this kind of muddy fireball.

It's just that Professor Filius looked at the fire element on the magic shield with a serious look, and the more he looked at the fire element, the more solemn his expression became.

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