The Highest Bounty

Chapter 40: Dangerous journey

One night, Liliat's mood was very low, and Guding also chose to remain silent, afraid that he would say anything wrong.

The long night ended in a silent atmosphere, and the sky finally lighted up.

Gooding awakened Liliat, and after eating compressed food, the two finally set off.

"How is your physical strength?" Gooding doesn't like Liliat's physical strength very much. She is young and small, and generally speaking, her physical strength is not very strong.

"You don't have to worry about her. She is a second-order gene. Yesterday, the giant sniper rifle weighed at least 20 kilograms. She used it like a play. You still have to worry about yourself." The sea emperor saw it all at a glance. Liliat's reality.

"You don't have to worry about my physical strength. I have received professional training in this area since I was a child." After the recovery, Liliat's originally depressed mood was finally better. She summoned the guns into two silver pistols, pressed the silencer and bullets, and hung them around her waist.

"You have a limited number of bullets, I will try my best." Guding also summoned the armed.

Looking at Guding's armament, Liliat was stunned for a moment. She did not expect that Guding was armed. When she heard Gooding say this, she nodded, "Okay."

The two of them came one after the other, rushed down from the volcano, and ran in the direction of the shipyard.

Guding used only 50% of the speed at the beginning, Liliat pouted, "You still use full speed, this is too slow."

Hearing the other person saying that, Guding had to increase the speed, but Liliat followed easily. When Gu Dingxiao came over, she explained, "For family reasons, I have received various survivability training since I was a child. Physical training is just the simplest of them."

Seeing that Liliat still had the power to speak, and he was not breathing at all, Guding finally believed that the little girl said everything was true. He finally felt relieved and focused all his attention on the road ahead. "Follow me, call me if you can't keep up."

Lilyat also knew that Gooding did n’t want to be distracted in this dangerous place, so he said that. But for her, keeping up with Guding is not difficult, so far, she has only used her 70% speed.

The two quickly encountered a block of animals infected by the virus, and three of them appeared at once. Liliat pressed her hands to the two guns around her waist. If Guding could not beat one enemy to three, then the rest must be solved by himself.

Saw that Guding's speed was not reduced, and he rushed past. He punched out with two punches and one foot, and the heads of the three monsters burst at almost the same time. Liliat was surprised.

"What a horrible body technique!" Liliat finally saw the strength of Guding for the first time, and saw Guding leave without looking back. She also slowed down and accelerated to follow.

For five hours, Gu Ding's speed has never slowed down. Even the monsters who encountered the road, they resolved the battle in an instant, and never delayed one minute and one second. The nervous Liliat has never had the opportunity to shoot. Seeing that Guding's speed has gradually slowed down, she knows that the opponent's physical strength has reached the limit and needs to rest for a while.

Under a big tree, Guding finally stopped.

Liliat climbed up the tree directly, shouting at Guding, "Come up, the tree is safer than below."

"She's right, there are trees and leaves blocking the eyes of those monsters, and this tree is so high, it will also have a certain impact on the monster's sense of smell. There is also an important point, those non-cat monsters Most of them do n’t climb trees. ”The sea emperor explained.

Guding actually learned these things when he was in the military academy, and they were all content of survival training. I heard Liliat and the sea emperor mentioned it.

Climbed the tree three or two times, and Gu Ding sat on a branch, leaning back against the trunk to recover his strength. And Liliat took up the task of vigilance, and she didn't make much effort along the way, but just running behind Guding was also embarrassed.

"In a short time, we should not be found. And there are many monster corpses left along the road, and other monsters must be finished before they can follow up." Guding already has some knowledge of these viral infections.

"Your physical skills are good." Liliat said, in fact, it is already a kind of praise.

"Thank you, I saw your marksmanship yesterday is also very powerful." Guding smiled.

"How far is that shipyard?"

"Probably about 400 kilometers." Guding silently calculated that he only walked 200 kilometers for the distance of 600 kilometers.

"At this rate, you should be able to arrive in about twenty-two hours, and thirty-four hours before it gets dark. Without any surprise, you should be able to get there before dark." Liliat stayed on this planet After so many days, I also know the duration of day and night on this planet. Her calculations included Guding's rest time, which was fairly accurate.

Guding's physical strength is constantly recovering, and half an hour's time is almost going to pass. Suddenly, a beast roar came from not far away.

Liliat's heart tightened. She saw through a gap in the leaves, and from afar she saw a giant behemoth over ten meters high coming in this direction. She turned her head to make a silent gesture to Guding, and then whispered, "A big one, close to the trunk, don't be found by it."

Guding nodded, stood up, put his body on the trunk, and turned his back to the direction of the monster. The sturdy tree trunk completely blocked the figure of the two.

But the voice of the giant was getting closer and closer. Both Guding and Liliat even felt that every step forward it made ~ ~ caused the branches underneath to tremble slightly.

"This is a guy comparable to the third-order genome. You two are not likely to win. Beware of it!" The sea emperor reminded Guding.

On the back of the trunk, neither of them dared to let out the atmosphere, and waited patiently for the giant monster to leave. A few minutes later, listening to the giant's footsteps, he walked away, and the two finally breathed a sigh of relief.

But at this moment, a monster passed by not far from the giant beast. The beast looked at it and immediately chased it. The monster ran towards Guding and Liliat in a reluctant way, and the giant beast followed him all the time.

Liliat looked at the approaching monster, a flash of fierce eyes flashed in her eyes, and the arms in her hand turned back to the heavy sniper of the previous night. The silencer was quickly installed and the magazine was installed. She pointed at the monster. Pulled the trigger.

On hearing a slight "burst", Guding saw the monster suddenly fall to the ground, and the corpse was less than two hundred meters away from the big tree.

Saw the monster suddenly fell to the ground, the beast was stunned for a moment, but immediately rushed up to pick up the monster's body and tore it, and stuffed it into his mouth three or two times. After hiccuping, it shrugged its nose and seemed to be sniffing something.

"Found?" Gu Ding frowned, withdrawing his gaze. Such hunted monsters are very alert, and even just a simple sight may attract their attention.

Aside, Liliat's palm was also sweaty, leaning against the tree trunk and daring not to look in the direction of the behemoth.

Both were hiding there anxiously, hoping to escape the disaster.

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