Hearing this news, Ye Chen immediately thought about whether his past performance was too amazing, and he didn’t want to be discovered by the identity of the person who crossed and the existence of the system.

Fortunately, he recalled it carefully, and there seemed to be nothing too amazing.

Even the existence of the system has only recently appeared, and Ye Chen has always hidden it well.

But even so, he was extremely shocked by Uzumaki Mito’s ability.

In this way, this hidden woman is the one who knows everything about the entire Konoha.

From the time she married Senjukuma before Konoha was founded, to the 28 years since Konoha was founded, she can be said to be a living fossil of Konoha’s history!

Uzumaki Mito seemed to know that Ye Chen was difficult to understand for a while, so he deliberately waited for a while before continuing

“Combined with what I said earlier, in this war, each family will try their best to weaken their opponents to achieve their goal of running for Hokage, and you are naturally their competitor, so each family will show you favor next, such as Uchiha Kagami is the first to do so.”

When Ye Chen heard this, he immediately thought of something

“So approaching me to show favor is just the appearance, and then they will sell my information to other villages from all angles, and let me die accidentally in the war outside the village?!”

Seeing that his words were halfway through, Ye Chen came to a conclusion, and Uzumaki Mito was even more satisfied.

“You’re right, this is exactly what they mean by the first layer, as for the second layer, anyway, they have already shown friendship with you, even if you don’t die by luck in the end, you can’t think of their hands, they have nothing to lose!” Still your ally! ”

Ye Chen really said this when he heard this, according to the current scene, if he was really secretly calculated, I am afraid that he would only throw the pot on Tuan Zang and Ape Fei.

“It’s really some beasts that eat people and don’t spit out bones…”

He now understood that the resistance he and Tsunade would face in marrying was not only the Sarutobi duo, but also the vast majority of Konoha’s family.

However, he will not be afraid of this, after all, he has a system here, and it is possible for his future achievements to catch up with the six immortals, how can he care about the calculations of some shadow-level and elites.

Uzumaki Mito immediately chuckled when he heard Ye Chen’s description of these families

“What you describe is very graphic! In fact, if the pillars are still there, Konoha is the strongest ninja village in the world, and the whole world is invincible, and the unified ninja world is just around the corner. However, after the death of Pillar Ma, the village became a mess of scattered sand, and when no one obeyed anyone, the infighting continued for more than ten years, and I am afraid that Konoha will really decline in the future…”

When Ye Chen heard this, he sighed that the Thousand Hand Pillar died young, if he died a few years later, he might not have as many things as later.

Then remembered the dirty methods of the ape flying sun slash and Tuan Zang, and said with a little contempt

“It’s still to blame for the three generations and Tuanzang, these two old guys patronize their own power, but they don’t manage the various families well, and everyone is engaged in intrigue!”

This time, Uzumaki Mito actually did not agree with Ye Chen’s point of view, but said with a look of emotion

“The two of them are indeed hateful, but the culprit is actually the Thousand Hands clan.”

Ye Chen also had a question mark on his face when he heard this, but fortunately Uzumaki Mito answered it in time

“Before the first Ninja World War, there were fluctuations within Konoha because of the death of the pillars, and the most fierce of them was the Kiki clan second only to Senju and Uchiha in strength, and the Hokage at that time was Karuma, and in the end, the end of the Kiki clan, you should have seen it, right?”

Ye Chen heard that it was really this thing, how the Qimu clan looked at the talent is not bad, even if there are legends about the Qimu tribe dominating the side during the Warring States period, but it was quietly extinguished, and now only the Qimu Shuomao clan is left.

“In addition to the Qimu clan, there are many small and medium-sized families that completely disappeared in the First World War, and not even a single clan remained, although what Konoha did have an effect, Konoha has indeed stabilized for a few years, but it has also damaged the atmosphere of Konoha…”

Having said all this, Uzumaki Mito finally wanted to express her original intention at this time

“Hearing this, do you still want to marry Tsunade?”

Faced with Uzumaki Mito’s question, Ye Chen answered immediately without any hesitation

“No matter how hard it is, I will marry Tsunade!”

Uzumaki Mito looked at Ye Chen without hesitation, nodded with satisfaction, and then asked

“In that case, then answer my last question, are you willing to take on the responsibilities that belong to Tsunade?” Sit in Hokage’s position and bring Konoha back to the top? ”

As soon as Uzumaki Mito’s voice fell, the system’s prompt sounded

【Ding! To detect the current situation of the host, the system gives three options

[Option one, promise Uzumaki Mito and become Hokage. ] Reward: Friend or Foe attribute view (system function)].

[Option two, refuse Uzumaki Mito and continue to make a salted fish.] Reward, kaleidoscope writing wheel eye].

[Option three, plot against Uzumaki Mito and take her and Tsunade to defect to Konoha. ] Reward, Betenjin Improved Version (No Cooldown)].

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