The Holy Lord Of Tennis, Starting From Seriously Injuring Amadeus!

0286 An Unexpected Victory! Swiss U-17'S Desperate Situation!

0286 Unsurprising victory! Swiss U-17’s desperate situation!


The 10-minute game break is over!

Amid the cheers of Swiss U-17 supporters, Randy and Albert returned to the court with a responsible mind.

For them, they originally wanted to take advantage of the 10-minute break to discuss with Peter and Amadeus how they should complete the next game.


After getting the answers from Peter and Amadeus, the two of them felt even heavier.

No solution..

The two have shown their full strength.

To be unable to contend is to be unable to contend.

Even if there is a way, it is not something Randy and Albert can accomplish at this stage.

So in this game, the two of them could only try their best to strive for the miracle that was almost impossible to see!

When the game starts.

Randy and Albert had no intention of giving up, and once again used their "explosive clothes" with all their strength.

Berti and Schneider also immediately exerted their strength.

The synchronic atmosphere appears in the court again!!

And it seems that during the 10-minute break in the middle, Sirti made new analysis results in the analysis of the hitting point.

He didn’t just communicate his stats to Schneider through synchronization, either.

He also started to work hard on offense and defense!!

Although it was still very difficult to hit back every ball, it also put more pressure on Randy and Albert.




The one-sided game situation made the entire audience look at each other in shock.

for them.

The second set was much clearer than the first.

If Randy and Albert were both beaten in the first set, they could still fight back and even take advantage.

So in the second set, the two of them were forced to defend from beginning to end, almost extending the "disadvantage" in the tenth set to the second set.

15 minutes!!

The match between professional doubles and professional doubles was decided in just 15 minutes!!

The big screen in the court was even more eye-catching than the 6-3 score in the first set. The score in the second set was astonishingly 6-0!!

Zero seal!!

So much so that when the referee announced the result of the second set, there was a slight hint of disbelief in his tone.

After all, they are both professional doubles!!

6-3 in the first game is fair enough!

The second game was a 6-0 zero seal...

In the professional doubles league, the possibility of a tiebreak is much greater than the chance of a clean sheet!!

"The total score of the knockout round! 2-0! The German U-17 team is in the lead!"

"Next game! singles number three!"

"Players from both sides please get ready!"

In the auditorium.

Amidst the lamentations of almost all Swiss U-17 supporters, Akutsu Jin, who was sitting in the American U-17 team, raised the corners of his mouth.

"It ended like this! The professional doubles situation changes really quickly!"

"Strengths and disadvantages...are completely changed in just one game!"

Hopkins nodded noncommittally: "This is what makes doubles different from singles! In the singles game, after all, it is the power of one person!"

"But doubles are different! Once doubles starts to counterattack, it is not something that a single player can do! Therefore, the original effect is 1+1 greater than 2. Once a counterattack is formed, it will be even more difficult for the opponent to deal with it in a short time!"

"However! In this game...there is indeed a clear gap in strength! Winning is normal!"

Echizen Nanjiro crossed his legs again and said lightly: "There is a gap in strength, but these two little guys from the German U-17 are indeed good prospects for playing doubles!

"Tacit understanding and complementarity! If you really meet them, you little guys will probably have a headache too!"

"You have to think of a solution before you meet them yet!"

Echizen Ryoma's eyes twitched: "Old man! You are the coach, shouldn't you be the one to figure it out?"

In response, Echizen Nanjiro spread his hands: "I am a coach, not your nanny! If you have any ideas, I can guide you! I will not teach you how to play tennis step by step!"

"You are the one standing in court, not me!"

Echizen Ryoma was about to say something after hearing this, but Reinhard stopped him: "Okay! Ryoma! Coach Nanjiro is right! We really need to think about this issue ourselves!"

Seeing what the other party said, Echizen Ryoma curled his lips, pulled his hat and turned his head.

Echizen Ryoga didn't say a word from beginning to end, as if the U.S. U-17 team had nothing to do with him.

He just looked quietly at the direction of the game court, waiting for the singles game No. 3 to start in 10 minutes!

In the Japan U-17 team.

Byōdōin Hōō's eyes flashed: "〃This pair of professional doubles is indeed the first doubles in the U-17 World least from now on! They have no real weaknesses!"

The three of them, Kurobe Yukio, nodded.

"That's right! Berti's data collection and analysis, Schneider's strong personal strength and defensive power!"

"Coupled with the fact that they easily enter the synchronic state, the sharing of information is completed!"

"It can be said that... they are not only a complementary pair, but also a perfect partner!"

"It was outrageous to think that Bei Xiao was a junior high school student. Now Berti's status as a junior high school student is equivalent to the quota of an elite high school student!"

San Mifūne Nyudō clearly didn't want to hear what they had to say.

"If they meet the German U-17 group, doubles will definitely be an important scoring point for them!"

"Your most important task now is to find their weaknesses! Then before the competition, train a group of doubles that can target their weaknesses!"

(Haohao Zhao) "Otherwise... we haven't even started playing yet! We will be one point behind in the score!"

After hearing what Mifūne Nyudō San said, Yukio Kurobe and the other three nodded heavily to express their understanding.

Inside the Swiss U-17 players' box.

The audience’s doubts about Swiss U-17 are ringing in their ears.

Randy and Albert, who lost the game, lowered their heads with frustration on their faces.

And Pete’s expression is not pretty either!

After losing two doubles games, I want to chase three consecutive points in the singles game...

Reason told him that it was already impossible!!

Among the three remaining players of Germany U-17, even Tezuka Kunimitsu, the weakest junior high school student.

The other party is not comparable to ordinary high school students! Machine!

Not to mention.………

And Bei Xiao and Polk, two world-class players!!

[1.5W words per day! Please order all!].

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