The Holy Lord Of Tennis, Starting From Seriously Injuring Amadeus!

0342 Defeat The Legend! ! The Spells All Move Together!

0342 Defeat the legend!! The spells all move together!


Bei Xiao's serve directly brought the tiebreak game to the match point again.

Echizen Nanjiro serve!!

Echizen Ryoga and Reinhardt watched each other regain their strength, and Bei Xiao scored with an ace shot while trying their best.

At this time, they all had serious expressions.

"Old man...are you really going to lose..."

Although Echizen Ryoga already has the answer in his heart, the game is not over yet, and he still has some luck.


Maybe there will be a turning point?!

And when Echizen Nanjiro wiped the sweat from his cheeks, he hit "Unparalleled in Ancient and Modern Times" with his bat again.

Although the physical strength is indeed close to the limit, the quality of this ball is still there!!

Since Bei Xiao already has the idea that he must win the game, he will naturally not "let go" at the critical moment.

This game drags on……………….

On the contrary, it was the "torture" of Echizen Nanjiro!

"Feng Conghu——"


The figure suddenly appeared in front of the ball and at the same time, he held the racket with both hands and waved it with all his strength.

The crackling sound of the ball was like thunder bursting from the sky, roaring in the court.


It can be said that this is the strongest ball Bei Xiao has played since he came to this world, 510!!

The different-dimensional beast "bited" the tennis ball that was hit by Bei Xiao, and rushed towards Echizen Nanjiro holding the racquet with thunderous momentum.

The battle between mythical beasts and samurai swords...

This moment has come to the final battle!!

Echizen Nanjiro closed his eyes.

All of a sudden.

The power condensed by the three reserved lights on his body suddenly burst out from him at this moment.

Closed Eye helped him completely eliminate the last uncertainty in his heart!!

With the katana in his hand, he didn't flinch at all, and it was impossible for him to think about flinching!!


The legendary roar resounded throughout the audience at this time.

Under the gazes of Bei Xiao and Echizen Ryoga, he also held the racquet with both hands and waved it down from top to bottom at the extra-dimensional beast in front of him!!

The sharp edge of the katana is clearly demonstrated at this time!!


The racquet hit the ball, and the terrifying air wave made Echizen Ryoga and others outside the court couldn't help but narrow their eyes.

But no matter how sore their eyes were, they still endured the discomfort and stared at the result of the goal.

The stalemate lasted for less than a second, but at this moment it seemed like a glance of ten thousand years (cfag).




The different-dimensional beast forcefully bit into pieces the samurai sword in front of him that tried to block him.

The sound of the cracking racquet and the roar of the beasts hovered above the entire competition court.

Echizen Nanjiro was thrown out of the competition court and went straight into the wall behind the court.


"Old man!!"

"Coach Nanjiro!!"

Echizen Ryoma, Echizen Ryoga, and Reinhardt saw this scene, although they already knew the outcome of this game.

But when they saw Echizen Nanjiro flying to the ground, they couldn't help but run over.

Outside the court, only Akutsuji and Q.P were left.

The expressions of both of them were also filled with astonishment.

However, the reaction of the two was still very quick.

Q.P ran into the court immediately and came to Bei Xiao.

Although he wanted to congratulate Bei Xiao for winning this set against the legendary Echizen Nanjiro.

But he still subconsciously glanced at Echizen Nanjiro, who was surrounded by the U.S. U-17 crowd: "Bei Xiao, Mr. Nanjiro, he..."

Bei Xiao also calmed down his emotions after finishing the game.


That wasn't the only thing he had to put to rest.

In his body, all the talismans that had not yet transformed to the fourth stage began to "act strangely" at this moment.

This feeling almost made his head explode.

"He'll be fine! He blocked the main impact in the end!"

Q...Send me...send me back!"

Bei Xiao originally endured the discomfort, thinking that he would be fine soon if he persisted.


As the "changes" in the spell became more and more obvious, he couldn't hold it anymore after competing with Echizen Nanjiro!

After saying that, he fainted directly.

Fortunately, Q.P was nearby and quickly picked up the opponent.

"Bei Xiao!! Bei Xiao!!"

Q.P Isn’t this really a bit urgent?

After all, Bei Xiao was clearly the winner of this game, so why did he suddenly faint?

It’s not like she fainted due to lack of energy!!

"Minister!! Minister!!"

At this time Akutsu Jin also rushed over. When he saw Bei Xiao fainting, he couldn't help but exclaimed in worry!

His and Q.P's voices also attracted Reinhardt and others who helped Echizen Nanjiro up.

"This kid actually fainted...send him to the hospital first!" Echizen Nanjiro was just a little weak at this time, and he spoke to Akutsu Jin and Q.P.

Although he lost to Bei Xiao, he and Bei Xiao have never been enemies.

After hearing this, Reinhard also asked Dudu and Chico to help. There was nothing serious about Echizen Nanjiro.

Immediately, Bei Xiao was picked up by Akutsu Jin and Q.P and ran out of the hotel.

Watch their backs as they leave.

Echizen Ryoga indicated that he could just take Echizen Nanjiro to rest.

Reinhardt and Hopkins knew that the father and son wanted to talk alone, so they did not interfere much.

Even took Echizen Ryoma away.

Inside the hotel room.

Echizen Nanjiro was lying on his bed, his eyes shining with a strange look, as if he was still thinking about the scenes of the game just now.

"The game is over...Old man, are you still determined to give up?"

Echizen Ryoga handed him a glass of water and spoke softly.

Upon hearing this, Echizen Nanjiro stood up, poured a glass of water into his stomach, and looked at the other party.

"I am not someone who cannot afford to lose! Even...I am very happy to be able to play this match at the end of my tennis career..."

"Each generation is getting stronger than the last!"

"Besides...the person who refuses to give up...I'm afraid it's not me!"

Echizen Ryoga heard this and took a deep breath: "I admit, I really don't want to give up the game with Bei Xiao, even if he is better than you! But...I am not necessarily weaker than you now, am I?"

Echizen Nanjiro nodded noncommittally: "That's true! Your talent may not be able to help you defeat me! But if you want to defeat that kid..."

"I'm afraid you still think too simply!".

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