Chapter 120

"I want to buy underwear, you go shopping alone, it's not appropriate for the three of us to buy underwear and you go along." "

Qi Lin was very witty to cover up for Ling Ye, but she didn't know that Yan actually knew that Ling Ye wanted to act alone.

"Ah, don't show me such a good benefit, it's really ruthless. "

Ling Ye pursed his lips and said his lines very cooperatively, and his eyes did not forget to scratch Yan Ting's chest.

The latter looked at him with a smile and an expression that he didn't care about being eaten tofu.

"Okay, then you go pick out underwear, if you feel unsure, you can wear it on your body and take a picture to show me, I might be able to help you come up with an idea." "

He said in a very solemn tone, as if he didn't know how much sacrifice he had made.

"Go, go, color!"

Claire and Hiko both looked smiling, and Kirin glared at her boyfriend angrily.

"There's a bar nearby, I'm going to have a drink and remember to call me when I'm done. "

Ling Ye sent them to the door of the store, and he waved his hand and turned to leave in style.

When his back completely disappeared around the corner where no one was around, Lingye's footsteps gradually stopped.

He leaned against the wall and pulled out a cigarette and put it in his mouth.


The lighter emitted a bright flame in the dimly lit alley, and red cigarette butts loomed.

His figure faded and vanished

A homeless man hurried through the alley, leaving a cigarette on the ground that had not yet burned out.

By the time Lingye's figure reappeared, he had already reached the top of a building.

He lit another cigarette and leaned against the railing of the rooftop.

The cold wind blew across his cheeks, and Ling Ye yawned a little lazily.

After looking left and right, and making sure that there was no one around, he pulled out a coin from his bosom.

The pale golden coin floated silently in Lingye's palm.

The obverse of the coin is constructed of simple lines to form an inverted triangle, with a crucifix in the center.




Behind the coin is a huge pentagram with a hideous demon sheep's head in the center.

In the West, the ram has always been a symbol of Satan, and the obverse of this coin corresponds to the English inscription on the interval of the inverted pentagram.



The floor on which Lingye now stands is the location of Lucifer's Bar in his world, the LUX Bar of Light.

It's also an entertainment venue in this world, but without the LUX sign, it's one of the landmarks of Los Angeles.

Leaning against the railing, he gently flicked the coin floating in his palm, with each flick of his thumb.

The coins all make a crisp buzz, and this is one of the gifts that Luci (Abeh) gave him that year, the Pentecostal coin.

At that time, Lingye saw that he was holding one in his hand, and felt that it was interesting to play, and then Lucifer gave him one, and said with a smile that this was only commemorative and had no practical value.

However, the aura of the demon king on the coin is unusually strong, and faintly Lingye can feel that there is a strong correlation between the coin and Lucifer.

So, that's why he's standing on this iconic landmark today, and he's trying to communicate with Lucifer.

Standing on the rooftop where LUX is located in another world, holding a Pentecostal coin that is deeply associated with Lucifer in his hand.

Lingye exhaled softly, and he poured demonic power into the coin, which buzzed and trembled, but that was all there was to it.

As if that weren't enough, he poured wisps of angelic power into the coins until the speed and quantity of the injected were equal to those of demonic power.

The coin suspended in mid-air trembled, wisps of energy rippled across the roof, and it began to spin at high speed in mid-air.

At such a high speed of rotation, for a moment the fierce head of Satan and the crucifix seemed to merge into one.

It gives the impression that the crucifix, which originally looked normal, has become a hideous demon head, from holy to weird to evil.

"Bright Star, son of the morning, why hast thou been struck down from that high heaven to the earth of ruined dust?"

"Thou hast said in thy heart, I will ascend to heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars, and I will sit on the mountain where I meet, in the uttermost part of the north. "

"I will ascend above the clouds, and I will be equal to the Most High. "

A whispering voice sounded, from a biblical account of Lucifer.

At the same time, Lucifer, who was resting in the throne of the palace, stopped the delicate goblet that was shaking slightly.

The next moment, he suddenly opened his eyes, and the vast brilliance like the stars flashed away.

"This is..." (read the violent novel, just go to the Feilu novel network!)

He felt a strong aura fluctuation in the other world, which seemed to be calling him, and the source was quite familiar.

The sound of the coin was incessant, and the strange black gold streaks gradually spread on it, and an extremely powerful spatial fluctuation suddenly dispersed.

Immediately afterward, Ling Ye faintly felt that the space around him seemed to make a crunching sound, as if it was like the cracking sound of a mirror gradually shattering.


The space shattered, and a fair-skinned and slender hand suddenly shattered the space, and that hand wore gorgeous and brilliant rings on its index finger and thumb.

I saw that the Pentecostal coin was firmly held in the hand of that hand, and then the sound of more spatial shattering reappeared, and the cracks in the broken space gradually intensified.

Howls, curses, and the familiar smell of sulfur filled the rooftop.

Pieces of black feathers fluttered out, and countless demonic hands grabbed the edge of the spatial rift, as if intending to break the uneven edge to perfection.

The wails and screams and the smell of brimstone came from the hands of these demons.

The next moment, the hand was withdrawn, but the spatial crack did not disappear, and then there was the sound of crisp footsteps.

A slender figure gradually appeared at the edge of the spatial rift, and what was remarkable was that the person had long silver hair that fell like stars.

The corners of his mouth were slightly upturned, and he seemed to feel warm and kind, and his pale golden eyes were as deep as the bright stars that carried all things in the universe.

The person who came was none other than Lucifer Morningstar.

He held a goblet in his hand and shook it gently, the pale red wine crystal in it was crystal clear, and with the shaking motion, the wine gently patted the rim of the glass.

"I knew it was you, Pentecostal coins and the breath of the blood of the Sons of Sparta, well... And the power of the Light, you have awakened your mother's angelic bloodline?"

As he said this, a faint sense of relief flashed in Lucifer's eyes, and he turned his head to survey his surroundings.

"LUX, this is my bar? No, no, this is another plane of Earth. "

As he spoke, his spiritual fluctuations spread instantly, and at this moment, what all the people on the earth were doing was clearly perceived by Lucifer.

He retracted his mental fluctuations, and now he is in a projection state, and if the frequency is too large to perceive this universe, it is very likely that he will be directly sent back to the original world.

"Little Sparta, it looks like you're doing well, although your strength has dropped a lot, but you have awakened the blood of angels, and you must have mastered your mother's thunder power"

Lucifer's tone was smiling, and he was still so gentle and kind.

"Sit down. "

As they spoke, two ornate chairs appeared behind them, and between them appeared a tea table with gold patterns.

There is also a delicate silver-white flask on top, as well as a beautifully crafted goblet, this one for Lingye.

didn't be polite to the other party, Lingye sat down, he poured a glass of wine and took a sip, the taste was mellow and sweet, this is Lucifer's handiwork.

"Eh, thanks to you, at least I'm not dead. "

Lingye didn't complain about anything, in fact, he was very grateful to Lucifer, if it wasn't for the other party's help, he might have died a long time ago, it was the power of the source.

"Which three bastards did it? "

Hearing the other party's inquiry, Lucifer just smiled and said, "Mammon leads the way, jealousy and anger do the game together." "

Then he seemed to think of something, found it amusing, and then added with a smile:

"They are really willing to spend their blood and consume the power of the origin that represents their own duties to pit you, in my opinion, you are most likely to be cheated by your father. "

Ling Ye pursed his lips, he had actually thought that it was very likely that he was cheated by his father, everyone else was a cheat father, and his own father was a pit son.

"Tracey and Letty, how are they?"

"Well, it's a bit embarrassing, but it's not a big problem, I was saved by your other old friend Beyone Rita, you think about how to explain it later. "

Ling Ye felt a headache when she heard this, damn, these three women will definitely be able to tear down their houses when they get together.

"I also feel a few other feminine breaths in you, Xiao Lingye, it's not good for you to be so careful. "

Lucifer showed an interested look, Lingye actually wanted to explain that it was all innocent relationship, but after thinking about it, the other party definitely didn't believe it.

"Although Sparta had a bunch of lovers back then, he broke off these relationships after meeting your mother, why are you so bothered?".

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