< first item: book of alpha's

second item: moon stone

third item: ????

fourth item: ????>

currently Jase is reading a book, that was filled with the knowledge and names of all the alphas that have died in the past, but there are two names that are crossed out on the book. which he presumes to be his-self and his brother.

*SFX; closing book*

And then he began to recall of how he first came into contact with the book.

It was three years ago, Tom and Jase decided to return to beacon hills to face their past demons. so they convinced Zach to take them to Beacon Hills.

After the school term, the twins set out for Beacon Hills along with Zach. At the border of Beacon Hills a wave of nostalgia washes over them, it seemed as though it was just yesterday they were running in those woods, rampaging after the death of their entire family.

they took Zach to the gates of their old place, only to find that it had been barricaded along with a sign saying; do not enter! government property, seeing they weren't able to get in through the front, they decided to go in through the woods.

Whilst making their way through the woods Tom and Jase felt a connection to something, as though it was calling to them, but they ignored the signal as it was a too weak, so they decide to speak to Zach as they made their way to their old home.

After making their way to the Hale house, they felt the same connection again, except it was stronger. and it drew them to particular room in the house, which they identified as their mother's. Then they walk into the room, and then heard whispers, silently calling their name, drawing them to it, as though it had been waiting in anticipation for a specific someone to find it.

After following the voices they found a book, the book had a blood red cover, with the symbol of a wolf in the middle inscribed in black . The feeling they got from the book was welcoming, so they got closer to it and decided to touch it... but when they did the saw a vision of themselves being killed by a golden sword, and drowning in their blood next to each other.

when they came out of the vision of their death, they quickly asked the system what that was.

[ it is a memory from your past life]

what? tom and jase asked confused

[ to put it simply THE ONE thought it would good idea to use you to bring the two world's together with the existence of alpha's i.e you two]

Jase thought about it, and although he doesn't remember the stories of the two series, he knew that they were similar, but different in their world systems, so a change in the past can bring this two together, but that didn't mean that they had to be the one to do that, so he decided to ask but Tom was faster " but we didn't have to be the ones to do this did we?".

[ No you didn't, but THE ONE thought he would give you a quest to make it more interesting]

" what is this quest?" Tom asked

[ quest: find the truth about the werewolves in this world.

find items that open your memory of your last life

first item: book of alpha's -- found

second item: moon stone

third item: ????

fourth item: ????]

the twins looked at the quest and knew they already started it but what they wanted to know if they could stop the quest

" what if we wanted to stop the quest?" the twins asked

[ all you have to do is stop if you don't want it and I will delete the quest for you]

[ but think of what you could miss]

and the boys tought, they wanted to know their past too so they accepted the quest.

[ hidden quest complete: accept the quest made by THE ONE.

Reward: a tip on the book]

Tom and Jase try to calm down from the shocking events that had happened, and decided to use their reward for the hidden quest.

[tip: look at the name of alpha's in the book]

not wasting another second, they both went to names of the dead alpha's, the first names were crossed in the book, which meant they were dead but are are now alive, but that didn't bother them, as they went through each name from the first to the last one which was talia hale,which brought them sadness but they saw another list, a list of alpha's that still lived, it was 13 in number, looking at it they saw the names of Deucalion, Kali, Enis, Ethan, Aiden and others, they also saw their names, but there was a name which brought tears to their eyes, and filled their eyes with happiness.

And in bold letters the name: Laura hale could be seen, after seeing their sister was alive they started to think how and then it hit them Laura was out that night, which mean't she was alive, but another person was also not there with them which was Derek but that was speculation.

So after they left the house with the book, they trained harder, built an information system to track Laura and possibly Derek, and also looking to the moonstone which was ment to break a curse for werewolves, but they knew that was a lie, so the looked for clues which led to the original family and then to katherine who was good at hiding, but was in mystic falls, hundred years ago and lived with the salvatores, and the rest led to this point, with Jase holding the book.


< A/N: I am back people. I hope you like the chapter, and if they are questions live them in the comments thank you>

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